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Colonies and "Enough" Nobles

Started by Indirik, March 08, 2011, 04:09:37 PM

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Quote from: Sacha on March 09, 2011, 06:42:22 PM
SoA pretty much /was/ a strategic secession. Having been in the core group that launched the realm, I was privy to most of the discussion regarding the formation of the new realm, and from all I heard I could only conclude that they needed a new realm in ORs back yard to be able to crush them more easily.

As I recall it was for the MoD to get a realm of their own as a monarchy.  Gregor made a huge stink about it not being a democracy as you'll recall.

We had some referendum I think about what it would be. Fontan was so much cooler back then...


There was eventually a Referendum regarding SoA after the whole thing became public, but the whole thing was already organized by then. My character wasn't too happy with SoA either.

Ah, the good old times. If, from that other topic, new Nobles would see a statistic for the amount of correspondence back then for Fontan, they would run away screaming. How Fontan always kept everything together is quite a feat, but I guess we just had even more issues with Sirion then with ourselves ;)

Oh yeah, I remember those days when I eventually decided to click immediately to the filters to find orders and get out of there as soon as possible. Back then we were even holding off against Sirion, and every turn was interesting.

Meh really, as now Fontan seems to be dying and SoA is not in the best spot either it seems.


All the cool people are in Ibladesh and the Diocese of Aix now ;)

johnny Hammarberg

I find this discussion funny as I know of at least 2 different groups of nobles in Atamara who wants to start a colony and are just waiting for the opportunity to do so, one group have more then 20+ members while I am not sure how big the other one is but on top of that I also know that several colony attempts have been stooped in their tracks before they even got the chance due to some realms big brother politics.

As for not having enough nobles in a realm to maintain regions I can only say that if you look at the realms of Atamara and compare the numbers of nobles they have for each region you will see that there are more then enough to go around for a few colonies. Some realms has around 2 nobles per region while other have 4, those with 2 have managed to keep their realm in shape even if they like more nobles to join them they still manage.

The biggest problems when it comes to colonies are not enough men but politics.
In war, truth is the first casualty.  ~Aeschylus


That is true in most places, actually. Even if you have the manpower political permission is probably the single biggest obstacle.

Draco Tanos

Which makes sense when it is, in theory, a colony of the starter kingdom/nation.


Quote from: Geronus on March 17, 2011, 09:53:56 PM
That is true in most places, actually. Even if you have the manpower political permission is probably the single biggest obstacle.

<grins> Give me those nobles and agree to live under the imperial charter (coming soon) and I will gladly give you political permission and find a suitable target.  Won't be immediately because of other issues, but yeah, I'll find a spot.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Draco Tanos on March 17, 2011, 10:07:13 PM
Which makes sense when it is, in theory, a colony of the starter kingdom/nation.

Which it almost always is. Certainly on any settled island, there has to be a willing sponsor realm to run the TO. Even on Dwilight there aren't many colony sites left and most of them have claims on them even if they are currently rogue. Not only that, but the presence of so many monsters almost ensures that you will need support from some established realm somewhere in order to succeed.