Author Topic: Re: Topic: Trading Hints  (Read 13444 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Topic: Trading Hints
« Reply #15: April 14, 2012, 12:19:36 AM »
You have 5 granaries with a capacity of 2500 bushels.
You have 8511 bushels of food stored.
This store will last you about 43 more days.

It's not like I have a need for food or real problem besides the rotting but it would simply cost too much at this moment to build more granaries.

Fodder, if a lord wants to fight he is part of the army and follows orders of the marshal, in times of war you can't afford half your army wandering at times to post up a sale order. So most food matters will come down to refits. If you have a refit once every 3 weeks then it would require decent build ups of food which might not always be possible and there has to be enough food available to buy it.

And in enemy lands it's the big question if you will find a market place to deal from, so you can't assume you can trade there.

So if the lords could have automated sell orders, then a lord could set up large buy orders before he leaves and then trust on traders. This would make it all easier.

1) why are you fighting so far away from home

2) so you leave no nobles at home to fight off monsters or undeads