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Seeking Active Players interested in Military Dominance

Started by Dante Silverfire, April 11, 2012, 11:14:35 PM

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Quote from: Broose on April 14, 2012, 08:02:07 AM
If I'm understanding your post right, the difference is this group won't be a random assortment of players, it will be a bunch of coordinated players capable of following orders perfectly and as late into the turn as they can, which gives them a pretty big advantage.

I guess you guys can go ahead with it and prove whatever point it is you're trying to prove, but it doesn't sound like it's going to be fun for anyone else.

Lies! Can't expect Foundation to follow orders. He is a member of the inactive clan!


Quote from: Broose on April 14, 2012, 08:02:07 AM
If I'm understanding your post right, the difference is this group won't be a random assortment of players, it will be a bunch of coordinated players capable of following orders perfectly and as late into the turn as they can, which gives them a pretty big advantage.

I am unsure how any realm in BM is in capable of any of things if they want them.

Also, I have no dog in the "clan" fight. I'm not involved in any of those realms nor have I entered the discussion in any way to argue either side. I was merely making on observation about this group. I just don't see the advantage unless they are using OOC means to coordinate stuff.

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Quote from: Perth on April 14, 2012, 08:25:33 AM
I am unsure how any realm in BM is in capable of any of things if they want them.

Also, I have no dog in the "clan" fight. I'm not involved in any of those realms nor have I entered the discussion in any way to argue either side. I was merely making on observation about this group. I just don't see the advantage unless they are using OOC means to coordinate stuff.
I wasn't referring to the clan case either. I don't know enough about it anyways.

They have an advantage because they're gathering up into a group that will be much more active than the average realm. Losing to the other realm because your army isn't logging in as much as them is lame.


Quote from: Broose on April 14, 2012, 08:38:33 AM
They have an advantage because they're gathering up into a group that will be much more active than the average realm. Losing to the other realm because your army isn't logging in as much as them is lame.

I understand; it is just that my point is that they aren't doing anything that any other average realm cannot choose to do as well. This group of players may choose to be more active but the players fighting them can equally choose to be more active as well.

This already happens. By and large, the players in the Cagilan Empire's armies choose to be more active than a lot of other realm's players on Atamara, resulting in the Cagilans have a very effective army. Does this mean they are also playing "unfairly"? I don't see the difference here really is all.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


So, for FEI:

I am ruler of Zonasa.  I have also wanted to try something like this with one of our armies for a while, having people who volunteer to be more active and responsive than normal and are given extra funding because of it.  So if you came to Zonasa you would be welcomed.  The fact that I am ruler of Zonasa (and have another character there) also means that's the only realm I can participate in with something like this on FEI.

A basic overview of things:  Arcaea just killed one realm and is now at peace.  They are colonizing the area of the realm they destroyed, and may be busy with that, I don't know if they will be taking part in the upcoming war.  There are . . . conflicting rumors.

Toupellon is at war with Ohnar West, and massively beating them.  Toupellon is about three or four times the size of Ohnar West, so this is not even a contest.  Ohnar West has been trying to find allies.  They are about to get them.

It's a fairly open secret that other realms, including Zonasa, are preparing to go to war with Toupellon.  The assertion earlier in the thread that Zonasa was about to make a thinly veiled land grab against Toupellon is 100% correct.  Unless the political situation massively changes in the next few days, we will be at war in about a week (needless to say, don't use this info IC if you don't know IC, but I know the cat was pretty much out of the bag already with most of the major players).  We are not the only ones about to go to war, but I either do not want to disclose information that is not already relatively public, or don't know for certain what other realms are going to do.  But suffice to say, there is about to be war in a major way on FEI.  Finally.

The political and military situation in general is thus:
Arcaea and Toupellon are the biggest and most powerful realms.  They are allied, but it is uncertain exactly how strong this alliance is.  No one else really likes either realm a ton, though some are friendlier with them than others.
Kindara and Zonasa are the next biggest and powerful realms.  They are both allied with each other.  Zonasa has historically not had good relations with Arcaea.  Zonasa has problems with food supply (guess why we're going to war).
Ohnar West and Greater Aenilia are the smallest and least powerful realms.  Ohnar West is getting beaten up by Toupellon.  Greater Aenilia is allied to Zonasa, the generally feeling in Zonasa is that they are like an inept sidekick, we've had to bail them out a few times and they've never been very useful.  Hopefully this will change.

Well, that's a basic overview.  I'm sure other people can fill in a little more.


What are the political systems like? Any Republics on FEI?

If this experiment is done on FEI, I can chip in a diplomat/priest character with 80%+ oratory skill.
qui audet vincit


The main idea for this test seems good, but it will be greater if you manage to found a new realm, it doesn't matter if you gather 15 active player(called the Templars for educational purpose), you still have to adapt to the Orders and politics of the realm you Join.

I have some doubts on this, since of course, no ruler will step aside to let you do as you wish, even if we have agreement on the forums, in game the Templars will be treated as a group of mercenaries so i have some worries.

Do you have any intention of creating your own army?, playing on your own and disobey orders?. Only playing the 15 selected characters separate of the rest would result on internal conflicts within the realm, if that happens will you protest the current government?. Remember, that will go against what is fun in the game, since is a test to prove the military efficiency of active player vs casual players, not to take over the world.

Is not useful if you just bring 15 more nobles to a realm saying, "HI WE ARE THE TEMPLAR, AT YOU ORDERS!" i am more interested to see, 15 active players starting from scratch, since i have my doubts on the success of this, reasons:

  • Many active players like power so they will want to rule, and if they act as a soldier they will hate to be pointed out when ordered

  • The Templars will need to participate on the politic involvement of the continent, active players love this part of the game the most

  • If the Templars decided that they should take the leadership of the realm, who you determine the leader?, will you have chain of command within the group?

  • Once a member of the Templar disagrees with the others (which of course will happens). How will you solve things, within the group?, or the ruler of your realm will decide?

  • Communication is essential, will you use in game mechanism, or outside methods like Mirc, forums or facebook? on this last one you can like some one's commentary  ;D.

You all have to understand that once this test create conflicts with those things that makes the game fun, the test will be a failure, as simple as that.

Because just throwing 15 new nobles to a realm not saying anything, just moving around as dummies have the same purpose as those multi-accounters.



Quote from: Broose on April 14, 2012, 08:38:33 AMLosing to the other realm because your army isn't logging in as much as them is lame.
So what you're saying is that if you somehow know that the other side of the war doesn't log in as often as your side does, that you should pull your punches, and pretend to be incompetent? You think you should fight down to your enemy's level? Wow... what fun for *both* sides.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: GoldPanda on April 14, 2012, 11:52:14 AMWhat are the political systems like? Any Republics on FEI?
Ohnar West. Everyone else is a Monarchy.

Which is the way it should be. :D
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on April 14, 2012, 06:24:07 PM
So what you're saying is that if you somehow know that the other side of the war doesn't log in as often as your side does, that you should pull your punches, and pretend to be incompetent? You think you should fight down to your enemy's level? Wow... what fun for *both* sides.

Are you saying my inactive clan won't be able to win wars?


Here's a way I would see this being executed

First you need a region lord to found the organization. The lord should have very high leadership and swordfighting scores or else they have no credibility.

Second create a guild tied to the army, membership in this guild is for members of the army only. Have the lower ranks designed for newbies and higher ranks for founders. The newbies should have to pay a fee while the founders receive a grant. It should be strongly recommended that these grants be used to train in sword fighting and leadership.

Third Establish a tradition in the guild by which people can ascend to higher ranks through besting higher ranking nobles in single combat. In order to not kill everyone off i suggest training matches or duels to surrender. It could be graduated so early levels require only beating another in a training match, then a duel to surrender, then a duel to the death for people who want to become leader of the guild and marshal of the army. Promotions might also be gained through impressive feats at tournament. Defeated players don't lose their ranking but whoever beats them is now at least their equal. However if they suffer a set number of defeats they may be demoted.  New ranks can also be gained at the guild leader/marshal's discretion based on distinguished service in battle. It might be in the marshal's best intrest to keep a vice marshal who has high leadership but not necessarily high swordsmanship thus filling a sort of beta male position.

This should create a strong tradition of combat prowess and military leadership skills which should perpetuate itself through the intrest of newer players wishing to gain the benefits of long term guild membership.


Quote from: pcw27 on April 15, 2012, 06:18:12 AM
Here's a way I would see this being executed

First you need a region lord to found the organization. The lord should have very high leadership and swordfighting scores or else they have no credibility.

Second create a guild tied to the army, membership in this guild is for members of the army only. Have the lower ranks designed for newbies and higher ranks for founders. The newbies should have to pay a fee while the founders receive a grant. It should be strongly recommended that these grants be used to train in sword fighting and leadership.

Third Establish a tradition in the guild by which people can ascend to higher ranks through besting higher ranking nobles in single combat. In order to not kill everyone off i suggest training matches or duels to surrender. It could be graduated so early levels require only beating another in a training match, then a duel to surrender, then a duel to the death for people who want to become leader of the guild and marshal of the army. Promotions might also be gained through impressive feats at tournament. Defeated players don't lose their ranking but whoever beats them is now at least their equal. However if they suffer a set number of defeats they may be demoted.  New ranks can also be gained at the guild leader/marshal's discretion based on distinguished service in battle. It might be in the marshal's best intrest to keep a vice marshal who has high leadership but not necessarily high swordsmanship thus filling a sort of beta male position.

This should create a strong tradition of combat prowess and military leadership skills which should perpetuate itself through the intrest of newer players wishing to gain the benefits of long term guild membership.
Honestly I don't see the need for ranking by dueling, and just base it purely on military if you were to make the guild which even then I don't see as neccassary for this to work as they pretty much want to make an army in a realm that is really good.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton

Dante Silverfire

So for those who stated interest:

How does joining Zonosa sound? If a war is begun within a week as expected, I'd believe that would fit the bill of what was requested. That gives enough time for us to get organized in realm, etc...

"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.
