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Netherworld Prison

Started by Tom, April 13, 2012, 07:55:09 PM

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Quote from: Foundation on April 14, 2012, 02:09:02 AM
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent infiltrator afraid to duel
Five percent escape, fifty percent torture
And a hundred percent reason to remember Tom's name!
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


Quote from: Geronus on April 14, 2012, 02:26:34 AM
Personally I think that all of this might be a bit of an overreaction, Tom. I get that you are trying to foster a certain thematic mood here, but to some extent you have to let the players react to it in their own way. You cannot force them to RP desperation, despair and fear, and if you try you're going to generate *actual* despair and also outright anger in the player base.

I disagree, I'd really like to see people openly defying Overlord now. It brings out consequences. I for one would think twice before doing it.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Personally, I think that if the hard limit of 7 days is removed, the odds of escape should increase the longer you're in.

Just my personal opinion at this time, though.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Daycryn on April 14, 2012, 01:58:52 AM
I think bribery could still work in Netherworld prisons, if you assume that while Daimons might not care about money, the human guards they employ might. Unless the idea (and I admittedly am clueless on this issue) is that the Daimons themselves are always doing the guarding. Including the feeding and letter sending and stuff, which seems a bit off: "I'm a fiendish otherworldly demonic beast... here's your supper!" And I like the idea that not everyone who works for or supports the Netherworld is a Daimon. But again I have no idea what the intent or reality of the situation is, being a newcomer to the island myself.

No, the idea is that the Netherworld prison isn't really much like the other prisons. As a thought, you would probably be put into some kind of cage and shoved off towards the soulforges.


Quote from: Geronus on April 14, 2012, 02:26:34 AM
Personally I think that all of this might be a bit of an overreaction, Tom.

Personally, I think it is an underreaction. I've set infiltrators free who had tried to assassinate Overlord - twice. Most human judges would have executed them. I have not accepted death duels because I didn't want to kill any characters, but a common reaction was to call Overlord a pussy. I have people who were seriously wounded in combat trash-talk me in a way that no matter how hard I try I can not imagine a real human being facing a creature three times his size who already struck you down once would.

These are outliers, certainly. I totally dig most of the roleplaying, including the attempts to provoke me, or to display courage and strength. But most of you don't see what I see and some of that is just out of line, and would not happen if there were actual consequences. Real people would fear for their lives. Why not have the players fear for their characters? Contrary to real humans, you get several and can continue playing even if one of them bites the dust.

Seriously. I have a guy in the Netherworld prison right now, who after I tortured almost 10 prisoners composed and posted via "yell to everyone" a song to ridicule Overlord - the guy who just made everyone in the other cells wish they were dead instead. You would have to be insane to do something like that in real life, and even a human judge would probably have you tortured to death slowly over the next three days.

And those extremes are what I'm pissed about, because it turns everything into a comic. And I'm sick and tired of sitting there and having to take it. Because the invasion is a bit of fun for me as well, but mostly work. Frankly, if you the players don't like it, then we can do away with the whole invasion thing. It really isn't worth all the effort if all it brings is crap like that.

So either you respect me - and that includes knocking some sense into your fellow players when they don't - or this is the last invasion because neither am I willing to do so much work for negative feedback again, nor am I willing to submit any volunteers to that treatment.

This is not about dictating roleplays. I don't care how you do it. But damn you, I have a 6 m (that's 20 feet for you americans) creature from another plane, wearing armour made out of the pure suffering of hundreds of humans, whose souls are still somewhat alive and you can hear and feel their agony. I don't think that it's too much to ask when I say that a roleplay of jumping up and down yelling "Overlord's a pussy, Overlord's a pussy" is inadequate. That's not even brave hero stuff, that's just stilly and stupid and ruins the atmosphere. There are many ways to roleplay a hero-in-the-face-of-overwhelming-odds in such a way that your opponent doesn't feel ridiculed.

End Rant.


I don't see why you refused the death duels, personally. Everyone knows there's a chance you'll die. And against daimons, they ought to know that chance is pretty good.

I know when Jean-Olivier challenged Arcane to a death duel, he did mean to die. It was part of his plan, really. I was kinda sad it got rejected. :P
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 05:00:03 AM
That's not even brave hero stuff, that's just stilly and stupid and ruins the atmosphere. There are many ways to roleplay a hero-in-the-face-of-overwhelming-odds in such a way that your opponent doesn't feel ridiculed.

I hate this too, but what do you expect on a non-sma continent?
"it was never wise for a ruler to eschew the trappings of power, for power itself flows in no small measure from such trappings."
- George R.R. Martin ; Melisandre


I, as a player of the human forces, am a bit unhappy about the fact that there are no serious consequences to Netherworld characters being thrown in human prisons. I would like to rework the prison system for Netherworld prisoners (and other invasion forces, eventually). Right now, it works like every other prison, including bounties and being set free after a week. I don't think that captures the spirit of it at all.

Here is my idea for this:

  • remove bounties - Daimons don't have families to pay them. For rogues in prison, replace bounties by overpowering the guards, with a lower value, but success not being automatic, i.e. you threaten the guards and maybe they let you go, but maybe not.
  • no time limit - you are not automatically let go after some days.
  • escape option for everyone - not just infiltrators, everyone can attempt to escape. After all they have wings.
  • No time limit for execution - certainly the judge should not be expected to respect human customs when Daimons are captured. They should be executable the minute after the battle.

After all it's a roleplaying game.



Just think of it this way. They are so frightened of Overlord they are becoming delusional.  ;)


I wish Overlord could talk to his prisinors, instead of just using game mechanics.


Quote from: vonGenf on April 14, 2012, 09:27:01 AM
I, as a player of the human forces, am a bit unhappy about the fact that there are no serious consequences to Netherworld characters being thrown in human prisons. I would like to rework the prison system for Netherworld prisoners (and other invasion forces, eventually). Right now, it works like every other prison, including bounties and being set free after a week. I don't think that captures the spirit of it at all.

I don't know if you're trying to make a joke or if you are trying to be an ass. So I will withhold comment and merely inform you of the facts:

To the best of my memory, no captured Daimon has ever paid the bounty. Certainly not from family gold. No imprisoned Daimon has ever been set free because the seven days were up, they were all either executed or fled before that. Oh yes, and did I mention that prison already works differently for them in so far as every Netherworld prisoner can always be executed, with no prior ban or anything? That option has been used at least 30 times already, including 11 sons of Overlord and at least two generals.

So, please get your facts straight and then post something meaningful.


Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 11:29:02 AM
I don't know if you're trying to make a joke or if you are trying to be an ass. So I will withhold comment and merely inform you of the facts:

I'm trying to make a point. I'm not actually trying to be an ass, but I did get your attention.

Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 11:29:02 AM
To the best of my memory, no captured Daimon has ever paid the bounty. Certainly not from family gold. No imprisoned Daimon has ever been set free because the seven days were up, they were all either executed or fled before that. Oh yes, and did I mention that prison already works differently for them in so far as every Netherworld prisoner can always be executed, with no prior ban or anything? That option has been used at least 30 times already, including 11 sons of Overlord and at least two generals.

No, you did not mention that. Now I know. That's good.

My point is that changing the rules because you don't like how other people play is not fun. When players do it, you refuse it. You are a player in this invasion, Tom. It just doesn't look fair to change the rules along the way because you dislike other people's RP.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: vonGenf on April 14, 2012, 11:54:55 AM
My point is that changing the rules because you don't like how other people play is not fun. When players do it, you refuse it. You are a player in this invasion, Tom. It just doesn't look fair to change the rules along the way because you dislike other people's RP.

You could have made that point without the biting irony, you know. It's a good point. I should probably make those changes after the invasion is over, not while it is going on.


Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 12:41:59 PM
You could have made that point without the biting irony, you know.

Sorry about that, then. I'll try to reduce the bite next time.

Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 12:41:59 PM
It's a good point. I should probably make those changes after the invasion is over, not while it is going on.

That would be good, thanks.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Tom on April 14, 2012, 05:00:03 AM
Personally, I think it is an underreaction. I've set infiltrators free who had tried to assassinate Overlord - twice. Most human judges would have executed them. I have not accepted death duels because I didn't want to kill any characters, but a common reaction was to call Overlord a pussy. I have people who were seriously wounded in combat trash-talk me in a way that no matter how hard I try I can not imagine a real human being facing a creature three times his size who already struck you down once would.

These are outliers, certainly. I totally dig most of the roleplaying, including the attempts to provoke me, or to display courage and strength. But most of you don't see what I see and some of that is just out of line, and would not happen if there were actual consequences. Real people would fear for their lives. Why not have the players fear for their characters? Contrary to real humans, you get several and can continue playing even if one of them bites the dust.

Seriously. I have a guy in the Netherworld prison right now, who after I tortured almost 10 prisoners composed and posted via "yell to everyone" a song to ridicule Overlord - the guy who just made everyone in the other cells wish they were dead instead. You would have to be insane to do something like that in real life, and even a human judge would probably have you tortured to death slowly over the next three days.

And those extremes are what I'm pissed about, because it turns everything into a comic. And I'm sick and tired of sitting there and having to take it. Because the invasion is a bit of fun for me as well, but mostly work. Frankly, if you the players don't like it, then we can do away with the whole invasion thing. It really isn't worth all the effort if all it brings is crap like that.

So either you respect me - and that includes knocking some sense into your fellow players when they don't - or this is the last invasion because neither am I willing to do so much work for negative feedback again, nor am I willing to submit any volunteers to that treatment.

This is not about dictating roleplays. I don't care how you do it. But damn you, I have a 6 m (that's 20 feet for you americans) creature from another plane, wearing armour made out of the pure suffering of hundreds of humans, whose souls are still somewhat alive and you can hear and feel their agony. I don't think that it's too much to ask when I say that a roleplay of jumping up and down yelling "Overlord's a pussy, Overlord's a pussy" is inadequate. That's not even brave hero stuff, that's just stilly and stupid and ruins the atmosphere. There are many ways to roleplay a hero-in-the-face-of-overwhelming-odds in such a way that your opponent doesn't feel ridiculed.

End Rant.

Then execute the impertinent little bastards and start accepting death duels (which you already announced you are going to do)! That you can do without changing any mechanics at all. I'd actually say you may have been going too easy on people all along. I respect your restraint, because I'm certain the purpose was to try to keep it fun for everyone by not abusing your ability to kill people's characters, but if they're asking for it, well, they're asking for it. You have my 100% support for executing people who break the mood by trash talking Overlord, and also for torturing them as much as humanly possible. You are right, that should create some fear for people's characters, enough to put a damper on the worst of it, other than the wingnuts with a death wish. As for those ones who taunt you on the battlefield, how's about you have Overlord start issuing death duel challenges? "Why don't you come over here and say that, human?"