Author Topic: Family Specialization  (Read 3018 times)


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Family Specialization
« Topic Start: April 13, 2012, 08:37:54 PM »
Family Specialization

Actually your family is nothing more than a place to put your gold. Something without personality or real benefit. This feature would allow you to give a characteristic to your family. Something that your family know how to do and have tradition in. Also show what the gold of your family may bought. Offering many RP opportunities and enrichment of the family history.

You would be able to train a specific type of retainer in your family home. This retainer would give you bonuses to a specific aspect of the game. The aspects are: Production, Population, Authority and Recruitment Centers. The last would be divided to every type of simple RC (Cavalry, Archer, Infantry).
You would have a limited number of retainers. Something like 1 at every 2500 gold family with the limit of 3 at 7500.
The trainment must be something slow and expensive to reflect a tradition and a true effort of the family in being the best in something, but can’t be something so expensive, or slow, that became unworthy the cost. The trainment would be something like what happens in the Academy today. The difference is that each retainer will be able to learn only one kind of skill.
A noble of the family could use a retainer of the family to assign him to his region and receive the benefits. Only lords would be able to do this. Only one retainer is allowed per region.
The bonuses would be: a better harvest (for any kind of product the region offer) to a Production retainer, More population and with this, more gold, to a Population retainer, more control over the land to a Authority retainer and bonus to the stats of the units recruited from RCs of the region.
All bonuses would be percentages going from 1 to 25%. This would give a family, that traditionally dedicate themselves protect and control the masses, the chance to call a skilled captain to administrate the guard of the city. Even if you have only 8 of the 9 points needed in authority, you could still be able to cover it fully. (8 +25%=10)

To me this allow the players to give more personality to their families. Allowing them to have more important role in the game. Also it will give a opportunity to the players to give some strategy to the game. Without mentioning the fact that the family gold will have an use.
With cooperative and hard work we may have a realm acknowledge by its great surplus of food granted by the skill of some lords.

Possible Exploits:
I think that it have few chances of being abused but, a realm as  a whole may focus their families gold to militaristic purposes making the entire realm a much powerful military nation. It would need a cooperation of ALL lords in the realm, will take lots of  time, but its possible. To me its not even a abuse, but a really hard and cooperative work. I really don’t know how to stop this. You could set a limit to the number of this kind of retainer in the realm.