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Last words

Started by pcw27, April 23, 2012, 07:13:21 AM

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Concept: When a character is being executed, the judge can grant them the right to say any last words. They then are allowed to put in a short message of their character's last words. This message then appears in the execution announcement.


It could make executions more memorable adds more roleplay potential.

Possible Exploits:
Players might post things in violation of SMA knowing their character can't suffere a honor penalty. Might be a good idea to let the judge's player reject it on grounds of SMA violation.


It might also be interesting to allow people to do that when killed in battle. It would mean keeping them alive for 1 turn after the battle.  A message after the battle that they recieved a mortal wound and would not survive the day.  Include a short message stating that they are allowed to say a few last words, all actions/orders/commands would be removed so the only option is to send one final message.


Quote from: Charles on April 23, 2012, 03:09:29 PM
It might also be interesting to allow people to do that when killed in battle. It would mean keeping them alive for 1 turn after the battle.  A message after the battle that they recieved a mortal wound and would not survive the day.  Include a short message stating that they are allowed to say a few last words, all actions/orders/commands would be removed so the only option is to send one final message.

"It..... was..... Silverfire!", said the random Dwilight character with his last breath.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


I have always been opposed to any kind of heroic last words. Dead is dead, and dead people don't get to talk.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Why would you be opposed? This might be some character with a long, distinguished and storied history, and it's only right that he should get a few last words before shuffling off the mortal coil.


Because he's dead. Dead men tell no tales.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Let dead people go gracefully!


What, every fatal wound just kills instantly? He never bleeds to death over a few minutes, allowing for a few last words?


Some people died immediately in battle, but I believe they were mostly the common soldiers.  When nobles were fataly injured I believe they were carted off to relative safety and medics.  Dying shortly there after but probably had some time to talk. 
I am not saying give people two days to finish up busness, but a turn to make a short statement seems harmless.  Limit it to 140 characters if you like.
As for concern of non-SMA comments, I would say allow posthumous honour removal for serious violations.


Quote from: Charles on April 23, 2012, 07:52:25 PM
As for concern of non-SMA comments, I would say allow posthumous honour removal for serious violations.



Quote from: Charles on April 23, 2012, 07:52:25 PM
As for concern of non-SMA comments, I would say allow posthumous honour removal for serious violations.

"I can't't butter..."


I actually like this idea a lot. It isn't much more than a final RP opportunity, and as long as it isn't required, I think it could add a lot to the "death experience."
The Finsternis family welcomes you.


Seems like most of the worry is that someone will take the opportunity to say something nasty or stupid. I think we need to have more faith in each other rather than taking the side of caution at the expense of fun.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: Indirik on April 23, 2012, 05:10:42 PM
Because he's dead. Dead men tell no tales.

That may be true for someone who instantly was struck down in battle. But characters who were wounded and languishing for days should have the opportunity to say something.


To be perfectly honest, a few stupid last statements really wont hurt anyone.  There was clearly not enough blood going to the man's brain, he kept talking about a bat-man and butter. 
As for the nasty ones...don't know.  I suppose that is where the honour/prestige fine could come in.  I have not heard that many nasty statements from players in the game right now, I doubt that would increase much with final words.
The final words would be sent to the player's realm for a death in battle, and would also be sent to the captor's realm when executed?