Author Topic: Luria Nova vs Fissoa  (Read 52096 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Luria Nova vs Fissoa
« Reply #135: May 13, 2012, 04:48:45 PM »
Was that really a confederation though? If you are looking at the same wikipedia list as I am, it clearly says it includes personal unions.

There's that element we don't have, but others are similar.  A shared cultural bond, autonomy as it pertains to sets of laws and taxation policies, et cetera.  The Confederacy document isn't the last stop, though.  We're doing the other stuff now.  If we can make all of it work (and a lot of work has gone into striking a balance between stability and autonomy) we might pull off something unique in BM.  It could also come crashing down.  This is Luria, after all.  Everyone that's been deeply involved seems to be in agreement that the whole thing needs to have as little overhead and be as inclusive as possible (for Federated partners only, of course) for it to survive.