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how do you join a different duchy (to be made lord) without taking up an estate?

Started by fodder, April 30, 2012, 07:43:56 PM

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stems from reading:

nevermind how they got to that situation... but let's say for a similar case, the previous lord, being a bit of a prat, decided to make that region 100% wildlands, before dumping it.

how would you go about appoint someone specific, who isn't from that duchy? make them pick up an estate somewhere else in the duchy, then appoint?

i mean.. if there's a vacant estate in the region, it'll be dead easy. (appoint someone already in duchy makes too much sense... but not the point of the question)

or imagine.. you are the duke of 1 region (100% wildlands), but not the lord. there's no one else in your duchy and you don't want to be lord (some ooc thing about spreading titles around... let's say). are you stuck with.... appointing yourself.. make some estates for someone else to pick up, step down (lose h/p), appoint them?


think it's a bug that there isn't a loss. either way.. it is a bit silly to appoint yourself then step down.

unless.. you are supposed to be able to appoint any odd duck who doesn't belong to any duchy (as is implied by tim's followup post) thus bypassing the whole lot.


The Duke can appoint anyone that doesn't currently have an estate.
Edit: Besides other Lords, Dukes or the Ruler.
Edit2: If it cannot, then it's a bug.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).