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Mocking the Magistrate decision

Started by BattleMaster Server, April 29, 2012, 01:31:35 PM

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Quote from: Morton on April 30, 2012, 04:05:16 AM
Dear Players, 
     I do not feel i am "mocking" the magistrate's decision.  Those words are rather harsh.  I did disband some of the militia, but ran out of funds. 

Quote from: Morton on April 30, 2012, 04:05:16 AM
      I recieved some gold from another player in order to rebuild my forces so i could continue disbanding militia. But the pending attack by our enemies. has left me with the feeling that disbanding them now would be a betrayal of my fellow realmmates.

Did you run out of funds, or did you choose to ignore the Magistrate verdict as it wasn't convenient? Darksun noted you were supplied with the gold to get rid of them. It seems plain from your post, that you ignored the verdict, despite having the gold and the time to disband the militia. The comment about "betrayal of my realmmates" just tells me that you were further taking advantage of militia you should never have had.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell


I'm not entirely certain I agree with the decision of the magistrates, and I think that if Summerdale was playing this as a board game with friends themselves they'd've sent some of the new players our way, but -- the magistrates made a decision, and it should be followed.

What's done is done, and things can't be undone, but I'm very disappointed that players in LE have not behaved in the best way.  I thought things were being fixed.  Obviously I was mistaken.

For what it's worth, I don't think the player of Orris has ever intended to hurt anyone with this.  If I understand things right, he views Battlemaster as a game that people shouldn't get worked up about, and that therefore people shouldn't get upset about anything in it (at least, that's my best read on what he's expressed to me).

Draco Tanos

Quote from: Penchant on April 30, 2012, 03:19:17 AM
Good job at completely ignoring Dante's post. You say it is a slap on the wrist but 3 days can be a lot. And honestly the whole a public warning thing doesn't work doesn't matter as Summerdale went on SA and trash talked Orris and the queen of LE too I believe. The queen's reputation didn't really get hurt but Orris's reputation has been trashed in game and the family ooc for his other characters which I am sure Summerdale players will treat differently in their realm with all their characters.  Also if I was told that my account would be locked continously if I wasn't able to disband the militia in the deadline I would just quit BM. Sure, I could get it done eventually though I might not be available for a couple days and then I would lose all my titles of which Orris has for his other characters that aren't easy to get. Right now some players of Summerdale seem trying to make Orris have to quit or at the very least wreck the rest of the time he plays.
It is easy to ignore Dante's post.  He views 3 days as a horrible punishment that will surely teach a person their lesson.  I do not.  It only shows that you can ignore the magistrates and then not have to do what you were punished for in the first place. 

From his own words he has decided, willingly, to not disband the militia to maintain an IC advantage where he should have none.

He's played for awhile.  He knowingly abused a bug for IC gain.  He has ignored the set punishments.  You act like he's innocent when he is most certainly not.  Has he been called a cheater?  Yes.  And it is justified in this case.

Be glad I'm not a magistrate.  I'd be a hanging judge.  Which is maybe what the magistrates need.


Quote from: BardicNerd on April 30, 2012, 06:44:41 AM
I'm not entirely certain I agree with the decision of the magistrates, and I think that if Summerdale was playing this as a board game with friends themselves they'd've sent some of the new players our way, but -- the magistrates made a decision, and it should be followed.

Very few people from Summerdale were actually involved in inviting new players. They were also encouraged to go to different realms, but most of them decided to come to us.

The players from Libero are just as capable of writing a few posts on forums they frequent to promote the game. It's not an advantage exclusive to us, and it helps out the game either way.


Yeah let's string this guy up over 2700 immobile CS. That's enough strength to literally change the course of any war.

Let's start ten new topics on the boards and keep re-trying him in public until we get the verdict we want. Let's act like little kids over this minor advantage our enemy got.

I realize that the magistrates have a job to do, I guess I just don't understand the lynch mob mentality of everyone else. The player of Orris is a human being and if I got pissed on like this I'd take my goddamn time disbanding the militia too.

Edit: This thread should be renamed, too. It's incendiary and misleading.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: BardicNerd on April 30, 2012, 06:44:41 AM
I'm not entirely certain I agree with the decision of the magistrates, and I think that if Summerdale was playing this as a board game with friends themselves they'd've sent some of the new players our way

...what? Libero gained a pivotal Summerdale region and thousands of CS of militia they shouldn't have got, tore down the recruitment centres, stocked the region full of their own militia, failed to disband the Summerdale militia as they were told to and brought in Morek troops to make sure the region was completely impregnable...and Summerdale should send Libero some of their players? What planet are you playing on?


Quote from: Marlboro on April 30, 2012, 09:40:35 AM
Yeah let's string this guy up over 2700 immobile CS. That's enough strength to literally change the course of any war.

Actually it's 5400 CS, as one side lost 2700 and the other side gained it. And if you think a change of 5400 CS in a pivotal region can't be enough to swing the course of a war, you haven't fought in many wars. Particularly when that CS was meant to be disbanded, Summerdale specifically waited for it to be disbanded, and in the meantime Libero brought in Morek troops. So yeah. That certainly can change the course of a war.


Quote from: Velax on April 30, 2012, 09:55:29 AM
and in the meantime Libero brought in Morek troops.

Please stop bringing this as somehow being wrong. Or, if you want to keep doing it, feel free to lodge a magistrate case against Libero and Morek as a whole and see how it's received.

The magistrate decision was about the player of Orris and only him. Everyone else is supposed to play through the bug, that's just how it works in BM. The show must go on.
After all it's a roleplaying game.


Quote from: Marlboro on April 30, 2012, 09:40:35 AM
Yeah let's string this guy up over 2700 immobile CS. That's enough strength to literally change the course of any war.
I thought this was more about the fact that he ignored a ruling than anything else.

Let's start ten new topics on the boards and keep re-trying him in public until we get the verdict we want. Let's act like little kids over this minor advantage our enemy got.
I don't think the person you're replying to, or most of the people in this thread, are even in Summerdale, so you can't really dismiss their arguments as whining. Also, nobody is trying to change the verdict, they're trying to get the verdict that was already decided enforced. A few of us (including me) didn't even support the idea of having them disband the militia in the first place, much less expect it to be the ruling. But that's what was decided, so we kind of expected it to be over with and done two weeks later.


Quote from: Velax on April 30, 2012, 09:55:29 AM
Actually it's 5400 CS, as one side lost 2700 and the other side gained it. And if you think a change of 5400 CS in a pivotal region can't be enough to swing the course of a war, you haven't fought in many wars. Particularly when that CS was meant to be disbanded, Summerdale specifically waited for it to be disbanded, and in the meantime Libero brought in Morek troops. So yeah. That certainly can change the course of a war.

Their loss of 2700 static CS is not equivalent to a 5400 CS change in the region, as they were never going to play any part in a further invasion of LE. LE gained 2700 static CS, this played into the further invasion of LE by giving them a defensive edge that is half of the figure you're pushing with your overly simplified math. Which is not a lot. The invasion ended when Morek was forced to join the fight, which is an interesting event IC from a diplomatic standpoint and it's getting lost in all this bickering.

IC, how do you justify waiting two weeks to continue the invasion? I realize the players were aware that the militia was to be disbanded, but there was really no reason for their characters to have that assurance. If the chief complaint is that MBN wasn't handed back to Summerdale, the Magistrates said up front during the first trial that that wasn't going to happen. This whole second trial seems like just another attempt to force that conclusion again, which in turn seems like a stain on this experimental system IMHO.

Quote from: Broose on April 30, 2012, 10:12:33 AM
I don't think the person you're replying to, or most of the people in this thread, are even in Summerdale, so you can't really dismiss their arguments as whining.

I'm not even replying to anyone in particular, that's the sad part. My chief complaint is the rhetoric you're all using, the accusations and the veiled (and not-so-veiled) insults. He did not kill your father, so please stop acting like it's the end of the world.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


I don't really care about Orris, he's just some dude playing a supposedly lightweight game. I care about his realm trying to win by bug exploitation while blaming everything on Orris and washing their hands in true Pontius Pilate style.


Quote from: Marlboro on April 30, 2012, 10:47:09 AM
I'm not even replying to anyone in particular, that's the sad part. My chief complaint is the rhetoric you're all using, the accusations and the veiled (and not-so-veiled) insults. He did not kill your father, so please stop acting like it's the end of the world.

I don't think anyone's getting as worked up about this as you think. And really, telling a bunch of people they're acting like little kids is just as insulting.


It doesn't matter how much militia there is or where it is or how this affects the war in any way. This is simply about a Magistrate verdict apparently being willingly ignored.


Quote from: Sacha on April 30, 2012, 12:11:16 PM
It doesn't matter how much militia there is or where it is or how this affects the war in any way. This is simply about a Magistrate verdict apparently being willingly ignored.

"This is simply about a Magistrate verdict apparently being willingly deliberately ignored."

This is the sum of the matter. The rest is all fluff.

-The Question-

What is going to happen about it.


That's not true. He did not entirely ignore it. He did, however, not go the whole nine yards.

But he's being made out like someone who stood up in the marketplace, lowered his pants and pointed his behind in the general direction of the magistrates, which is not what he did. His messages seem respectful, though I agree he doesn't seem to understand some things about what was expected from him.

As the formulation in the verdict was fairly soft ("we expect [...] insofar as he is able [...]") I can in part sympathise with him. However, he does seem to take things lightly, which is something the game invites you to do, being casual-friendly and all. Most people here seem to take things way, way too seriously. And play to win more than to have fun.