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Reworking Family Gold

Started by Tom, March 01, 2012, 10:20:39 AM

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one of your characters die/get deported, the home would still be there?

Forbes Family

I would say yes. and if your character who was deported was in that region the realm would not be able to see him there. It would be great for infiltrators trying to hide from a realm that is trying to capture them especially after being banned.
Forbes Family


If you have a family home to this ends, unless its hided in any fashion, your enemies could simply go to your family house and kill everyone until find you.
In another words, the game would need a mechanic that says "attack a family home".

Blue Star

Tom this sounds great family gold needs more worth.

*Coughs* Heirloom idea would be a good investment bring up good rp. I've got a few ideas on that.

Family homes hmm. Never really considered the region the family home is important. However, allowing more than the hero char to move it would be interesting. Designate in each family a family head in such who could only then move the house. Head of family is till death or deletion. Best would be moving family house a one time thing until new head of the family.

How high on the priority list is this? haha i'd assume not that high
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)