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SM History

Started by James, May 16, 2012, 01:54:29 PM

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If people haven't already found it, there is still some historical information scattered around the Internet. Found this one earlier when I did a search for one of my character names. Various links to stories that have been put together from interactions in the old mailing lists...

Did I really start playing it that long ago? Jago had been around before any of that history started (I think)
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


That has all the old rules, characters, councils, etc. Click on Game - Councils, and go to the bottom of the page. You can visit all the old council sites. Some of them have certamen archives and the like.



I have been looking for these links for a while now!!! woot!  I find them every couple of years it seems... then loose  them again  :-\

When I first started playing BM I found them.  Used them to loosely base my characters in the colonies from them... 

In fact even before the Lich King came to "play" in the colonies that one brief time, Valast was known to have a raven named Fallen (reference cult of the fallen) that traveled with him.  It was a reference back to SM (which I had never heard of and stumbled upon accidentally)
The west islands... chaos... OuterTilog... The Underworld...

Every sense religion has been in BM I have wanted to start the cult of the fallen... but Valast was already insane at that point, the raven was dead, no hope of more then a blood hungry barbarian left in the development of that character.  BUT now that his son is in OT and has the ashes of his father with him...hmm...seems the time is ripe!

but I guess this is a SM messege here and not a BM one.  Yet I cant go tossing this about over in the BM forum area...not and give up all my secrets!