Author Topic: The war against the lack of wars, may we all win.  (Read 9151 times)


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Personally, I don't think that Morek and Astrum will fight over it. Not unless Morek, for some reason, *really* wants the Valkyrja duchy. Which just doesn't make any sense. Morek never wanted to kill Summerdale. They just wanted a new ruler there.
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  • Noble Lord
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Morek wanted to fight anyone I think. LE or Summerdale, it didn't matter. Summerdale, unfortunately for them, threw the first rock and got squashed. After achieving this I would be really surprised to see Summerdale survive in any form. Either Morek or LE will snatch Nifelheim while Valkyra remains within Astrum.
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  • Noble Lord
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Well, Morek's intervention kinda ensured that, didn't it?
Morek's intervention pretty much sealed a win for us, but it didn't by any stretch make things easy or short . . . while the eventual outcome wasn't in doubt once they joined, it still ensured several months of war.

Arguments could be made that their entrance increased the fun potential, even if it made the end result a forgone conclusion (really, without them, I think it would have mostly devolved into a staring match within a month or two).


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Summerdale breaking from inside didn't exactly increase the fun potential either, at least not for me. Yeah, there can be well-played rebellions that would actually be interesting and fun for everyone involved, but what happened in Summerdale just... wasn't.

And OOCly, I didn't even really mind losing battles. That can be fun to RP.


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I think the breaking from the inside is what was being referred to when Darksun said we all lose.  IC, I'm happy, mostly.  OOC, it's very unfortunate.

Both IC and OOC I'm not entirely sure what happened, though we have gotten some limited reports.


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Oh, I thought Darksun simply meant the fact that the war in the north will be over, bringing stagnation to the northern regions again, even if fighting is going on in the south. Or maybe the fact that by having Summerdale join Astrum, neither Morek/Libero could actually win the war, nor could Summerdale. Your interpretation could be right, too, of course, only Darksun himself could tell for sure. Though since he's part of Libero Empire, not of Summerdale, I'm not sure how much he knows about internal Summerdale stuff.


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Andria - we've been passed  some reports on what was going on internally, a bit too late to take action of course. Could have turned out very Game of Throne-sy by using some of those rebellious Knights and Lords to make a claim on Nifelheim. Also would have thrown a serious wrench into some other longer term plans.

However, now we finally get to see what a border between Morek and Astrum looks like... ZZZzzzzz.

Jhaelen Irsei

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I don't understand why you complain about boredom, I found Dwilight funny sometimes even more in peace times, there are lots of things to do in several communication channels....if you declare war  out of boredom it can be expected that the RP basis could lack and the outcome not so great

anyway the war is not ended yet and reviving the North East is up to our imagination

(the title of this topic says all....personally it's more fun to imagine a plot, set an objective then move war..if you declare war because of boredom it's not so funny to fight against, no background story, no flavor)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2012, 11:33:38 PM by Jhaelen Irsei »


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Which communication channels would that be? Just ones related to Sanguis Astroism? Really, I had no clue at all what to do with my character before this war started. There were barely any letters sent inside Summerdale at all before the war, unless some monsters spawned. We had only a handful of characters, too. And my Summerdale character was my only character for the longest time, too, and apart from the whole Thulsoma/Averoth thing, this war was the first war that I have been part of in BM.

And I never complained about the RP in this war, I actually enjoyed it, though it sounds as if you didn't. I never complained about Summerdale having bad chances either, we were aware of that from the beginning. It seems people just misunderstand me all the time. :( All that I complained about was the way Summerdale broke apart from inside in the end, which had nothing at all to do with our enemies.


  • Noble Lord
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Jhaelen - I hope so! I'm still pushing for some good battles with Charlotte's loyalists in Nifelheim.