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Great Battles and Campaigns

Started by Grayford, June 03, 2012, 06:04:18 PM

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The sacking of Suville was epic. We got at least two cities on that trip. The escape from Suville was classic, with us swapping regions with Abington's army, and then running like hell.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Revan on June 05, 2012, 11:15:16 PM
I have fond memories of how General Herumor(?) led an army across the continent to sack the city of Suville around that time, emphasising Darkan ability, slating everything about Abington and advertising Darka's services as mercenaries to the General's channel all the while. Couldn't really fault all the pompous bombast either. He delivered everything he said he would :-P

Yup. I think this was part of the same attack (maybe a follow up attack?). One lot of us went to Wayburg and the others went to Suville. It was so long ago I've forgotten the exact details of it, all I remember is that we really upset some people :P


Quote from: Revan on June 05, 2012, 11:15:16 PM
Xuanye was a really impressive opponent. Though I do think that Abington was lucky in some respects. If not for server issues playing havoc with movements just outside Wayburg, I think the allied relief force come to save Kybcyell would have arrived in time to halt Abington's takeover. Kybcyell would still have been on very dangerous ground even so, but instead Kybcyell was all too easily snuffed out and as soon as that happened, no-one was quite as interested any more. There were easier pickings to be had elsewhere. The loss of Kybcyell so early on changed the whole dynamic very quickly.

Server issues?  I don't recall any server issues.  What I do recall is the allied relief force showing up right at the same time as Abington's army...But Kybcyell's Ruler hadn't managed to set up the right diplomacy, so all the allied forces put themselves under the command of Marshal Grand Poopah of Abington and joined the assault on the city, and were then slaughtered in the next turn's battle after Abington was inside the walls.

I have fond memories of how General Herumor(?) led an army across the continent to sack the city of Suville around that time, emphasising Darkan ability, slating everything about Abington and advertising Darka's services as mercenaries to the General's channel all the while. Couldn't really fault all the pompous bombast either. He delivered everything he said he would :-P

Heh.  I got someone (can't remember who for the life of me) kicked off the Abington Military Council for that fiasco.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"