Author Topic: Remove Scout Report Popup  (Read 6846 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Remove Scout Report Popup
« Reply #15: May 31, 2012, 08:38:48 PM »
well... however many scribe notes sections there are... they should simply split into type.

misc (ie.. anything else)

it sort of doesn't matter who scouted what... and the only reason why currently the own scout report section is useful... is simply because you can go there and copy/paste it and spam it realmwide...  that said, people might still want to do that unless there's a share with realm option (as opposed to share with army only) because people basically will just share it with realm again anyway.

... for me, a non-coder, the only reason for the popup that i can think of... is basically you don't move away from the scout report page when you click the link. is that correct? would a fix mess that up?