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New roads

Started by T Strike, May 25, 2012, 05:06:11 PM

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T Strike

New road creation!

Ability to create new roads or better roads. Under tab of the lord command section.

In the command section it would be like a fort with damage %. Once the roads have been neglected they break down. Levels will be possible, for example there is level 1 which would be dirt road. To make it go up a level you would need blocks just like a fort.

Benefits: Make travel times get cut making it easier for you to travel around.

Possible exploits: None that I can figure out, AT THE MOMENT.
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


I think many of us are restricted only by Medieval technologies not by roads. Doesn't matter how good our roads are when our method of transportation is so limited.

T Strike

Well, going through a road is easier than going through a steep hill with jagged rocks and rain falling on you.
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


I'm no expert in the middle ages, but there were not a lot of roads constructed during this time period - mostly due to the level of civil engineering and bureaucracy that roads entail. Who builds them, who maintains them, who can put tolls on them, etc.

I consider "roads" in BM to be more of routes or trails more or less caused by human wagons, horses and feet and not formal roads.

I've also heard of some research showing the advent of new, purpose built roads, lifting Europe into the industrial revolution. I think that's a little bit late in the period.


Medieval Europeans pretty much used the same roads Romans built.

T Strike

Quote from: Zakilevo on May 25, 2012, 05:54:48 PM
Medieval Europeans pretty much used the same roads Romans built.

Yeah, they used stones and placed them in position, creating the road. If we can create a huge palace that reaches to the heavens, then I'm pretty sure we can build a simple road! Let's do it!!!
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


Absolutely no.  I think there should be ways of speeding up the process of repairing roads.  But not by simply paying for it.  It should still take time.

T Strike

That is kind of my idea, it is the same as the fort process except with roads. Costs money and time.
Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt


Roads already naturally repair over time.


Quote from: Eithad on May 27, 2012, 01:16:55 AM
Roads already naturally repair over time.

he wants a faster option.


Tie repairs into civil work.  Helps keep armies moving quickly, but at a temporary loss in strength due to morale.  It also takes time, so in the end it balances out.


I would suggest a remedy for this would be to rework civil work.  Make it like looting, but benefiting the region.
Under the civil work tab you have the following options:

Repair roads - speed up road repair
Repair fortification - non lords have the ability to repair some of the damage
Assist plowing - increase future harvests
Assist harvesting - increase current harvest, decrease next few harvests.   
(An  overall increase in food, but very minimal.  The idea is that the food is ready to harvest, if it is harvested right away, less rots on the field)
Assist repairs - increase production
Irrigate - decreases effect of drought
General work - does a bit of everything

Any other ideas?

Draco Tanos

Which would improve the mindsets of the peasants?  Or would all of them do so somehow?


The roads do naturally heal up. But travel to a region ravaged by looting, destruction, abominations, etc can be a real pain in the rear. Can't we get an option, something available only to the region lord, to speed up the repair process by paying some gold (speed 1.5x) and lots of gold (speed 2x)? Its perfectly reasonable, you pay more gold, get more labourers from neighbouring regions, buy more raw materials. Ideas?
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Could there be a building at an estate that focuses on road maintenance? Or individual buildings for road maintenance to each of the neighboring regions?