Author Topic: Regional Lords/Ladies in prison  (Read 2771 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 2
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Re: Regional Lords/Ladies in prison
« Topic Start: May 28, 2012, 03:09:28 AM »
I've played for sometime but I'm not a forumite. Apparently I need to be now to understand the new changes implemented.

Thanks for the reply.
I can't say I like this idea much as it runs far afield from the medieval atmosphere intended in the game. "Oops- Lord Tyrian was captured by Lady Frost. Well, there go the Lannister holdings... Let's hold a vote- How about you, John Snow? Feel up to taking a swing at it?"

My understanding of the Margrave title was that it was additional to the title duke if said duke ruled a city. Not vice versa. My point was the ducal seat could reasonably have the option to boot the titular lord if he or she is imprisoned and the region urgently requires a lord. Kicking a lord from their position because they are holed up somewhere for a week or until they shell out 100 gold give or take is a bit much to swallow. We're shooting for realism as well as balance, no?

My compliments to you and your family,