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Great Battles and Campaigns

Started by Grayford, June 03, 2012, 06:04:18 PM

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I am interested to hear about some of the greatest battles and military campaigns in the history of Battlemaster. Post stories involving epic battles, clever strategies, and daring maneuvers. Include important leaders and heroes who had a hand in claiming victory (or defeat).


Years ago Soliferum and several of the northern realms, such as Lasanar, came together to attack Masahakon, then the capital of Nighthelm. I was a Soliferum noble back then. We had been told we were going to assault the city next turn, but I was only able to be online for the first five minutes of that turn (and then unavailable for the rest of the turn), so I told my men to march on Masahakon before the actual order had been given. About ten minutes after I logged off, our ruler ordered everyone to remain where they were as the attack had been put on hold.

My 700-odd CS Infantry unit attacked Masahakon alone, defended by level 5 walls and some 15,000-20,000 CS of Nighthelm troops. As my men marched at the walls, two Nighthelm units left the walls to attack me. My unit wiped them both out, wounding one noble and capturing the other. My unit was then obliterated by archers, but I escaped scott-free, despite several dozen enemy nobles trying to hunt me down. My noble made it back completely unharmed and with my captured Nighthelm noble in tow.


Crusade against the Saxons on Dwilight. It is pretty recent event compared to other campaigns. Sieging level7 or 8 walls was pretty awesome.


My character was lucky enough to be part of both of those epic sieges. The battle that finally broke Storm's Keep lasted three turns.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I was captured after the first battle. But escaped during the second and participated in the third. What an epic escape ;)

Jhaelen Irsei

Quote from: Zakilevo on June 03, 2012, 06:47:43 PM
I was captured after the first battle. But escaped during the second and participated in the third. What an epic escape ;)

Great moment indeed, I was the General of Morek at that time and the tension those days was quite real. I almost got insomnia during the siege!


The second to last war Abington was in, where Carelia was fairly quickly forced out, RedSpan was destroyed, and Abington barely managed to not lose more than the islands against most of the rest of Atamara.  Armitage the War Queen led, with Xuanye the Great as the most amazing General I have had the privilege to serve under in the game.  We once had a two month streak of new orders every turn, with new settings and movement, with 100% cohesion in the main battle army of ~90-100 nobles.  That was glorious.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on June 04, 2012, 03:21:42 AM
The second to last war Abington was in, where Carelia was fairly quickly forced out, RedSpan was destroyed, and Abington barely managed to not lose more than the islands against most of the rest of Atamara.  Armitage the War Queen led, with Xuanye the Great as the most amazing General I have had the privilege to serve under in the game.  We once had a two month streak of new orders every turn, with new settings and movement, with 100% cohesion in the main battle army of ~90-100 nobles.  That was glorious.

Abington was truly an awesome realm. My first realm as well :). Too bad Abington was outnumbered pretty badly at the end. Became the most hated realm on the continent of Atamara :-/.

Dante Silverfire

Quote from: Bedwyr on June 04, 2012, 03:21:42 AM
The second to last war Abington was in, where Carelia was fairly quickly forced out, RedSpan was destroyed, and Abington barely managed to not lose more than the islands against most of the rest of Atamara.  Armitage the War Queen led, with Xuanye the Great as the most amazing General I have had the privilege to serve under in the game.  We once had a two month streak of new orders every turn, with new settings and movement, with 100% cohesion in the main battle army of ~90-100 nobles.  That was glorious.

I find it sad that we can't have such cohesion in movements anymore.
"This is the face of the man who has worked long and hard for the good of the people without caring much for any of them."


Fifth Invasion has been lots of fun. The War of the Nine Realms was what really got me into BM.

But my personal favourite though was OG/Sint/Thalmarkin's opening campaign against Fronen in 2011. A handful of us spent two or three months carefully planning and negotiating everything. Even though there was a leak to Fronen shortly before the assault began, it went off flawlessly; we overran four regions including a city (Vore) and a townsland (Yipinalke) in the first week or so. The battles themselves weren't all that impressive, but it was beautiful to just see everything we'd worked on fall into place.
[Solari] it's generally understood that OG survives by some compact with the devil

Askarn - Maedros - Savra - Faed - Vanimus


The many sieges of Anacan when it took the enemies of the Antoza Commonwealth three attempts and the combined host of eight or nine realms, which was basically everyone else on FEI at the time. One of the sieges of Anacan (the second one I think) still ranks as the second biggest battle ever in BM history.

The sack of Giask during the First Lurian Civil War. Not a particularly big battle, but it was epic in the sense that it was a complete surprise attack on an enemy capital, basically ending the war in one blow.

The Viking raid in Eston during the Viking Wars. Norland and BoM combined forces to launch a devastating raid on Eston's lands, forcing Eston to sue for peace.

And a personal moment I'm proud of: the Mansbridge Massacre.


Someone with a better memory will need to fill in the details, but I remember being present for a few battles on the walls of Isadril where 60K met 40K with glorious frequency. Would've been 2003-2004. Also, any battle in Ubent or Oligarch's prime. We were unstoppable.


I find some of the most epic battles are the smaller ones.

In Niselur a single unit of 13 archers was able to defeat something like 2,000 cs of monsters thanks to motte and Bailly defenses.

In Astrum my character once ended up in battle with a vastly superior group of monsters. First the monsters were all forced to retreat. Then in the subsequent turn I set my men out hunting and called for backup. The next turn my report indicated that all of the monsters were caught by hunting parties and surrendered. I told the reinforcements that they were no longer needed and role-played that it was a herd of Unicorns I'd caught. As far as I know there's still a unicorn in a Gastonian Zoo.


Quote from: Bedwyr on June 04, 2012, 03:21:42 AM
The second to last war Abington was in, where Carelia was fairly quickly forced out, RedSpan was destroyed, and Abington barely managed to not lose more than the islands against most of the rest of Atamara. 

This. I was part of Darka at the time and remember leading a small army down to sack Wayburg, before returning and meeting up with the rest of the army to attack RedSpan - damn goat lovers.


Quote from: Bedwyr on June 04, 2012, 03:21:42 AM
The second to last war Abington was in, where Carelia was fairly quickly forced out, RedSpan was destroyed, and Abington barely managed to not lose more than the islands against most of the rest of Atamara.  Armitage the War Queen led, with Xuanye the Great as the most amazing General I have had the privilege to serve under in the game.  We once had a two month streak of new orders every turn, with new settings and movement, with 100% cohesion in the main battle army of ~90-100 nobles.  That was glorious.

Xuanye was a really impressive opponent. Though I do think that Abington was lucky in some respects. If not for server issues playing havoc with movements just outside Wayburg, I think the allied relief force come to save Kybcyell would have arrived in time to halt Abington's takeover. Kybcyell would still have been on very dangerous ground even so, but instead Kybcyell was all too easily snuffed out and as soon as that happened, no-one was quite as interested any more. There were easier pickings to be had elsewhere. The loss of Kybcyell so early on changed the whole dynamic very quickly.

Quote from: Nathan on June 05, 2012, 11:46:45 AM
I was part of Darka at the time and remember leading a small army down to sack Wayburg.

I have fond memories of how General Herumor(?) led an army across the continent to sack the city of Suville around that time, emphasising Darkan ability, slating everything about Abington and advertising Darka's services as mercenaries to the General's channel all the while. Couldn't really fault all the pompous bombast either. He delivered everything he said he would :-P