Author Topic: Help me choose continent(s) to join [veteran thinking about returning to BM]  (Read 20725 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Or you could join Ohnar (FEI). It's the underdog in the region (surrounded by haters), which adds to the challenge. A new religion is just taking off, and there is internal conflict, and a promise of future wars that should be epic and lead to FEI shattering events  8)

Its funny how you think Ohnar is that important :P. If it was, those FEI shattering events would have happened already, silly.

Anyways, I'll offer my most sincere advice. My preferred continents are FEI and Dwilight due to the overall seriousness of the players. On Dwilight, the 'power blocks' are actually a representation of their game style; political, cultural, or religious. (Unlike FEI, where the power blocks are merely geographical.) Since you seem to be leaning towards Dwilight, I will give you my impression of the continent.

As it was mentioned several times, the northern half of both islands are claimed by Sanguis Astroism. (Morek Empire, Corsanctum, Astrum, Iashular, Kabrinskia, Summerdale, and Libero Empire.) These realms all offer a very good religious game, mixed with a lot of intrigue and political conflicts. Right now, Kabrinskia, Sanguis Astroism's colonization attempt in the west, is in a large conflict with the western republics. On the very northern tip, Summerdale just ended their conflict with Libero Empire, and are now being taken apart by the hungry wolves at their dinner of sheeps. Out of those realms, I would suggest either Morek Empire or Iashular. Morek Empire will soon meet its borders with the Lurias, (eastern power block), and create a colony in the only city that has yet to be conquered. Fun should be in incredible abundance soon. Iashular because its still a 'young child' of a realm, and has yet to establish its identity. They've only recently conquered Darfix, the largest city on the continent, and have many more regions to take. If you want a lordship or position of power quickly, giving you the opportunity to be a contributing member to its identity, then I would suggest going there.

The western republics (D'hara, Terran, Barca.... Asylon?), known as the Moot, are exactly what they sound like: republics - making politics their unifying quality. I don't know too much about them, but what I do know is that they border the Zuma, the passive-aggressive Daimons. From the RP's that I've seen, Asylon seems to be the realm of choice for me, though I don't fully understand their place in the western power-block (being a Monarchy and the odd one out, yet supporting their war against Kabrinskia.) Someone else would have to correct me and expand on this, should they wish, if you want to learn more.

The Lurias (Solaria, Luria Nova, Luria Vesperi, and the City State of Pian en Luries) are very intriguing places. It was the first and only places I've played on Dwilight, having its memorable moments and its not so memorable moments. Here, I would say that the unifying trait is culture, since 'being Lurian' and part of the land outlines the principal theme. Essentially, 'being Lurian' really means being a backstabber, as civil wars and plots are so frequent, you could cut the political tension with your quill. Right now, and I hope my Lurian friends can forgive me, I would put these realms in second place next to one of the Sanguis Astroism realms. There are a lot of players that are so heavily entrenched, it makes it difficult to get anywhere past the position of lord. However, with Sanguis Astroism making a big push in Solaria - after the fall of Pian en Luries and the Manifest Path - and Aetheris Pyrism - the second largest religion on Dwilight, which originates in southern Luria - solidifying its position across the Giaskan Bay, there's bound to be conflict. The Lurian Empire is also in the process of being formed, with an Emperor soon to be chosen.

The south is not a powerblock, or at least the way I see it. Aurvandil, which used (?) to be a friendly monarchy to the Moot, recently took over Madina (the realm) and is now consuming Barca through broken oaths (Lords altering their allegiances.) I would consider them their own entity, as they don't really have any allies. The Grand Duchy of Fissoa is the other realm. They border Luria Nova and Luria Vesperi primarily, and border Aurvandil through their control of Madina (the city). The Lurians see Fissoa as 'Lurian' in essence, as they have been vassalized in the past by Pian en Luries, but the Fissoans see themselves differently. Most of their interactions are, however, with the Lurias, making them a political/culture split game. Regardless of some OOC concerns around Aurvandil, I would still chose Fissoa due to their inherent rights given to nobles (referendums on wars and such), while managing to survive the wrath of Luria for so long.

I have tried to keep this as general as possible. The choice is ultimately yours, unless you have already made it :P
« Last Edit: June 10, 2012, 07:29:29 AM by Arundel »
The adherents of different religions in a realm should compete for power, influence, and fresh converts. They don't even have to be killing each other to do so. I wish people promoted the prosperity of their religions the same way they promoted the growth and prosperity of their realms. - Geronus