Author Topic: Help me choose continent(s) to join [veteran thinking about returning to BM]  (Read 20709 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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  • Posts: 671
  • Voidwalker~
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A noble & Adventurer on Dwilight guarantees a ton of fun. Of all the continents I play (I've tried them all), Dwilight is by FAR my favorite. SA seriously pisses me off but to be honest, that makes the RP more interesting. Belluaterra is QUICKLY becoming my second-favorite although its annoying to have everything all burned down and destroyed by daimonhordes :-P About to start a dissenting poly-panentheistic religion of the neo-pagan variety in Bellua for a bit of intrigue as soon as this Blight is over. Tempting to make my future-priest a Hero just so I can tell epic stories as an aging Warrior-priest in the future. :-P

If you're up for it, I'd love a good Knight in my realm in Terran, plus you have a good chance of becoming a Lord. :-) Very nice and understanding folks, very supportive and respectful, plenty of room for growth and ascension based on your effort, skill, and RP, RPs happen when they may (often at my hands these days :P Lord Perth, I won't forgive you for beating me in that duel :-| I will have revenge!), and the overall mood is very very pleasant despite wars going this way and that, political intrigue that never ends, religious friction due to SA to the north and the anti-religious whats-their-name to the south, and so much more.

I was originally bent on joining Astrom when I started playing with 6-7 friends. One went to Astrom, one went to Morek, one or two went to Summerdale, one went to Aurvandil, and I forget the rest. Every one of them hated their nations, except for the three who later joined Terran, rofl. Not that there's anything wrong with those nations, I just think the internal politics didn't go well with their playing styles. (This particular group are intensive, experienced roleplayers from my old RP website, half of them GM/DMs, and their previous RP with me were as dissenting religious fanatics from the long-lost Cult of Draolus in Hazordhu II - With the help of one of the games admins who gave the green-light to most of my unorthodox but highly-rewarding RP ideas that always brought in new players. Oh, how we enjoyed shackling up folks who'd come near our fortress, torturing them for information, and then have a courier bring back the severed head to their leaders, bahaha... Great RP moments, man, some of my favorite.)

Put simply, Summerdale got roflstomped by a Morek-Libero slaughter, Astrom twiddled their thumbs and watched Summerdale burn because of previous engagements, Aurvandil is raping and pillaging as usual, Barca just got nailed by Aurvandil, Asylon's in-and-out of war with Kabrinskia, and Terran is bobbing in the middle of an ocean of chaos along with their allies - an island of ever-changing borders and shifting politics on account of our dead-center position between multiple opposing factions. I think I picked very well when I decided to choose the one friggin' non-theocracy I could find at the time :-P I was actually IN SA for a while, but left because I didn't agree with some serious issues going on internally - its not my style to discuss the secrets of others even if I think they're totally out of line.

Regardless of your decision and our pushing for either nation, I know you'll have a guaranteed blast joining Dwilight. :-)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.