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Showing some code

Started by Shizzle, June 10, 2012, 11:29:41 AM

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This is a request to the Devs.

Often when people ask for features for the game, we get the reply 'it is too much work/too difficult to code'. That is usually the point where I back down, because I don't know anything about coding. Would it be possible to show us a tiny fraction of the code Battlemaster is built upon, with some generic explanation and an estimation of the time invested to write it?

This might help me and others to appreciate what you people do for this game, and make the whole 'code' concept less abstract :)

EDIT: in no way does this have to be anything 'classified'. I'm sure you have plenty of boring/obsolete coding lying around? Also, perhaps elaborate on that elusive 'transition to doctrine'?


The problem with "showing code" is that a fragment of code without the models, libraries, database structure and so on is really meaningless. It tells you nothing whatsoever.


Quote from: Tom on June 10, 2012, 06:16:59 PM
The problem with "showing code" is that a fragment of code without the models, libraries, database structure and so on is really meaningless. It tells you nothing whatsoever.

I wouldn't know, really - sorry for my ignorance :)


Ah! programming! ... what memories!...  ::) ...Programming is like... I don't know... like to make a (enormous) 3-D crossword puzzle connected by many words to another 10 or 20 3-D crosswords ... and trying to make the less possible errors... because to find and mend them is usually a nightmare.  (Often you feel like you are doing it in a strange language and without half word's definitions)  :P

And when you end all of this, you can say "Hey, one program down! Only 47 left to end the application!"  ;D

To show a piece of one of the crosswords can't explain the enormous complexity of all the program.


My inner programmer would love to see some of the code, but then I'll only want to join the Dev team and help out and that'd be a very bad idea  ::)


Quote from: feyeleanor on June 11, 2012, 12:31:35 AM
My inner programmer would love to see some of the code, but then I'll only want to join the Dev team and help out and that'd be a very bad idea  ::)

I can't see how. Help is good! ALL YOUR FREE TIME IS BELONG TO US!  :D


Quote from: Geronus on June 12, 2012, 03:27:01 PM
I can't see how. Help is good! ALL YOUR FREE TIME IS BELONG TO US!  :D


Anyway, I'd have to overcome my distaste for php ::)


google php, now you know what code looks like. Tom has in the past told us how many lines of code there were in total and how many man hours that it equated to.


Quote from: Eithad on June 13, 2012, 03:09:33 AM
google php, now you know what code looks like. Tom has in the past told us how many lines of code there were in total and how many man hours that it equated to.

Can you remember how much? :)


Quote from: Shizzle on June 13, 2012, 08:43:23 AM
Can you remember how much? :)

though that is way, way outdated and I should probably update it.


I just updated it. Interestingly, it is very stable now, which is mostly because more code is being refactored than added. The count only considers existing files, so the development history is lost on it. If someone knows a similar tool that analysis a subversion repository, I'd be very interested in learning about it.



Its funny I started playing this game before I even knew what programming was, through learning about it in university and now my casual job is all programming. I think probably the gayest "piece" of code would be the turn update. I'd sure like to see that.


* Foundation objects to the low salary. :P

I demand a raise to $57,000!
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Quote from: Kai on June 13, 2012, 07:02:59 PM
I think probably the gayest "piece" of code would be the turn update. I'd sure like to see that.

Autocorrect FTW!