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Aetheris Pyrism

Started by JPierreD, September 17, 2011, 09:19:14 AM

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Quote from: Anaris on June 08, 2012, 11:13:53 PM
Religious schisms have been on the TODO list for a few years now, and there is at least an informal plan to accomplish this by creating sects within a religion, which can then essentially secede from the parent religion and form their own.

Not going to happen immediately, though.

Take your time. Quality of quantity, I say.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on June 08, 2012, 04:57:48 PM
This thread just makes me want to incorporate my old Arkhan'a religion into BM even more. :P Based off of Greek, Norse, Sumerian and Egyptian mythology with a few interesting twists, the religion itself is rife with rivalry. Every follower respects each of the pantheon's deities, yet like in many ancient polytheistic nations, individual nations, regions, and city-states tend to favor one god or goddess over another.

This is basically AP. Admittedly I did focus more on Slavic, Germanic, Uralic  and Greco-Roman mythologies, plus some Shintoist influence, but it is also intended to be open ended, so that anyone that wants to add into the mix is able to. Each noble has its own deities with which he has a "blood" relationship (from whose's essence his soul was made of), and naturally favors. Besides those whose relationship with the divine goes through more shamanistic traditions.

Quote from: Ehndras on June 08, 2012, 04:57:48 PM
Hell, my entire proposed 3-part Fantasy novel series was effectively the war of the gods utterly f*cking the world to the point where mortal kind had to choose sides, which others went so far as to aspire to destroy the gods themselves. (With the help of certain ambitious and devious gods willing to trick mortals into becoming their champions, effectively recruiting living weapons with which to fell their own kind in their covetous desires. ;) )

That is interesting, and I had envisioned something quite alike: each god in AP serves its own purposes, which usually conflict with each other, but they were (and are) sort of forced to cooperate to create and maintain our world (for more info on why see our creation myth). While aspiring to destroy the gods would be madness (like an ant aspiring to destroy the sun), the presence of other kinds of spirits (not necessarily benign to us) dwelling both in the spiritual and mortal worlds sort of matches your last phrase.

Of course there is a lot unsaid, and that is completely intended, for no god or priest who serves him would likely spill out the whole truth when it might work against him.

That said if you decide to create such kind of religion it would be awesome. The interaction between our two cults and characters would probably render very fun RPs.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


Indeed! :) I just made a new noble in Arcaea, but they're at peace after a long war campaign. I might just emigrate this new character to Bellua and start my life as a polypantheistic priest. ;)

Someone remind me where you said I'd be welcome to start up my religion? >_>
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Hmm, just finished reading Aetheris Pyrism and Omni Veritas. I like Aetheris' general feeling, but Omni's ironfisted system is absolutely epic. ;) Very Warhammer, I like that.

As soon as I find out who will harbor a spiritual madman such as myself, I'll send my noble over and get to work.  8)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


I take it you mean Omni Amor Veritas. Did it ever see the light? I know it currently doesn't exist. The player who made it helped a lot with of Aetheris Pyrism, making most of its art, being its first non-founder elder and priest, and building which is still the largest temple of the religion.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


I don't think it exists. <_< Yeah, the Amor just sounds tacky though. All Love (In) Truth? I think Omni Veritas (All-Truth, roughly) sounds more badass and fitting of the Lore written for it. ;)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Quote from: Ehndras on June 15, 2012, 01:05:05 AM
Indeed! :) I just made a new noble in Arcaea, but they're at peace after a long war campaign. I might just emigrate this new character to Bellua and start my life as a polypantheistic priest. ;)

Don't abandon Arcaea just yet. It's true, we finally have the time to colonise our conquests after some 18 RL months of near-constant war, but battle is rarely far away for Arcaea. I see at least two wars already on the horizon.


Put up a thread for my Polytheistic Fantasy religion discussion, advice and suggestions appreciated. :),2639.msg60288.html#msg60288
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.