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Too much fantasy in my character RP?

Started by Aurilla, June 17, 2012, 10:21:07 PM

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Draco Tanos

Agreed with Perth.  The II and the like I don't mind, if they're children/general descendants but resurrections/replacements due to age get annoying.

Aurilla, want to age fast?  Get to the point where you can be a priest and go preaching in areas where there are hostile faiths.  You'll get beat up and aged in no time. :P


Yeah, I more or less agree with you. While I thought it would be fun RP I was immediately worried that people would feel forced to go along with something when they might not even consider it legal. At this point, I've sent out a realm wide OOC message basically retconning this whole line of RP. I also asked if they would be okay with me "recreating" my character with the same name.

I think I understand your frustration with people "recreating" old characters.. It can be annoying when players rejoin the game (this one was a royal) and more or less expected people to treat him with the same respect he had back then. I can assure you this isn't the case. This is a small realm, and many of the characters are new. Only one or two of them would have known mine.

Again, without going into too much detail, the reason I want to be able to play as this character is because (due to recent IG events) he has a huge score to settle with people he once considered friends/patriots/etc. Think William Wallace after he is betrayed by the Scottish nobility (if you've seen Braveheart)   ;)

Bottom line, while I do fully intend to develop a new character, playing this guy is pretty much the reason I decided to rejoin the game. After reading about IG events I immediately knew I wanted to get right back into this character. Its a shame this "Cold Storage" thing wasn't around when I paused. It would have made things a lot more simple.


Quote from: Aurilla on June 18, 2012, 08:03:40 AM
Again, without going into too much detail, the reason I want to be able to play as this character is because (due to recent IG events) he has a huge score to settle with people he once considered friends/patriots/etc. Think William Wallace after he is betrayed by the Scottish nobility (if you've seen Braveheart)   ;).

You don't need to recreate the same character to get revenge. I had a character that I played years ago on FEI that was betrayed by another character. I stopped playing for a few years, and when I came back I created a new family and RPed them as the grandchildren of the original character who had grown up hearing stories about the betrayal of their grandfather. They got his vengeance for him.


Lol, I'll keep that in mind Draco.

Please know that this wouldn't be replacing a character due to age, as he wasn't old. Its unfortunate that he would be 25 instead of 35. But neither age has age penalties. The only down side is that a "recreated" version of the character would take 10 more in game years (about 6.5 months real time, if the wiki is correct) to reach age penalties than the original version would. So at worst, my character will remain "youthful" for a little while longer.

Its a shame cold storage wasn't around when I paused.


Pretty sure there aren't any rules against it, just a few people have specific pet peeves against what you're trying to do here. I don't care, not gonna ruin my fun to accommodate something a little different (not that I'm in your realm), so if everyone you care to play with is cool with it too then I say go wild. I mean there's even an opt-out for it in the form of IC disbelief, so whatevah.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: Velax on June 18, 2012, 08:09:49 AM
You don't need to recreate the same character to get revenge. I had a character that I played years ago on FEI that was betrayed by another character. I stopped playing for a few years, and when I came back I created a new family and RPed them as the grandchildren of the original character who had grown up hearing stories about the betrayal of their grandfather. They got his vengeance for him.

I could do that, yes. But my problem with that is I don't like the concept of taking revenge just because of old family stories or the cliche "fathers journal." While everyone in the realm (including this hypothetical new character) has a reason to get revenge, it is much more personal for my original character. Overall, that makes for better, more entertaining RP.

Realistically, people are typically more driven to get revenge when the wrong happens to them personally. Can revenge be taken on behalf of another? Yes, of course. But again, it just doesn't get more personal than taking revenge for yourself.


Quote from: Marlboro on June 18, 2012, 08:37:36 AM
Pretty sure there aren't any rules against it, just a few people have specific pet peeves against what you're trying to do here. I don't care, not gonna ruin my fun to accommodate something a little different (not that I'm in your realm), so if everyone you care to play with is cool with it too then I say go wild. I mean there's even an opt-out for it in the form of IC disbelief, so whatevah.

Yeah, I only plan on going through with it if the players in my realm don't mind.