Author Topic: Punishing Players for Not Moving within Half A Turn  (Read 45568 times)


  • Guest
Yeah, right... you wish to say that in following talk Person A is violating the rule?

Person A - I order you to move to region X
Person B - I will not move
*Person A - I order you to be there by tomorrow or there will be consequences

I would reather say that Person B is in this case "Gaming the system" if reports person's A letter * as violation of  inalienable rights, and if you closely read game rules, you will find a part that mentions that there are mostly no exceptions connected with breaking of inalienable rights, but game operaters will prevent attempts of "Gaming the system".

Especially in case that one who reported player of Allomere is not player of Fal'Cie, those who are making decidion about is player of Allomere guilty for violation of inalienable rights should have on mind that intention of one who reported player of Allomere must not be so honorable to help pure unprotected wictim, but could also be simply to sabotage player of Allomere.