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A feature to help nobles find lieges

Started by Zakilevo, March 23, 2011, 10:57:34 PM

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Why do we not add a feature which will show which regions are in need of knights?

For new players, especially shy ones, will have trouble finding a liege. Sometimes they leave the game b/c they just couldn't find one for a week or so.

So, to resolve this problem, instead of asking everyone in the realm if they need a knight or not,
make some kind of a board where lords can post their offers and knights who are in need of a liege to serve can take that offer.

Once knights take an offer, they can deal with detailed part of becoming a knight with their new liege.


I believe there is already one such thread talking about engaging new players with already established "offers" for them.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Not to mention the fact that you can go to the information page and check the realm hierarchy page to see the knight situation everywhere in the realm.


The hierarchy doesn't state which regions are short on knights though, and to a new player who has no idea on how estates work, it'll mean even less.


Perhaps, but when I joined the game and someone said look for a lord who needs a knight I went to that page and messaged the lord with the least knight and got an estate.


Quote from: squishymaster on March 24, 2011, 12:47:54 PM
Not to mention the fact that you can go to the information page and check the realm hierarchy page to see the knight situation everywhere in the realm.
Your right, but your saying new players should just do more work to get acquainted with the game, which is already very hard to get started with(Seriously...).

It's a good concept in the sense that players get a more clear, direct image of where to get what and what it will mean for him or her.
Perhaps, we should even implement a sort of, forced tutorial phase when one starts his first noble.
To guide the player threw the game by asking the player a few questions about how he wishes to play his character and then suggests him how to achieve this, step by step.
This way we can filter the information supplied to the player based on his demands.
For example, if his character has ambitions of becoming a trader, feed him the information he needs about trading and give him the steps to become one, we can find this out by asking one simple multiple choice question.

A Mentor could play the role of explaining the new player the culture, governmental & law system of that particular realm and perhaps something about the leaders of the realm.
To make this role more attractive, Mentors should be better rewarded, perhaps in honour/prestige, perhaps even a share of the students tax income(so the new noble and the mentor both share intrest in gaining a better oath for the newbie(more gold for both)).
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Sadly, some people just won't read what mentors wrote to them. My lessons aren't long but they aren't short either.

I agree with forced tutorial. People shouldn't complain and leave when there is a tutorial showing you how to do most of stuff.

There is a tutorial up though, although I don't remember what exactly it tells you (I read it when I joined in 2007). If it is lacking in some regards, maybe that could be added to? Maybe...a quick demo, like, provide a family name and character name, and then give the menu of made-up realms on a made-up or refitted continent. Have the guy start there, give the "send a message!" automated message (That sounds not easy to pull off though). If he sends a message introducing himself/asking for a liege/anything that's not stupid then send an automatic message thing with an oath offer. Have the player click it, then tell him to set the estate to something. Next automated recruitment, explain unit settings, have them set the settings, and then go click travel and select some region. After that is done, tell player that normally it would require waiting until turn change (explain what it means) before the travel completes, but that for the purposes of the demo, the travel will be instant. Then the guy arrives in the destination to fight some enemy unit like a small group of monsters. Congratulations, you completed the tutorial!

Yeah, something like that? From the looks of it, it sounds rather involved just to help potential new players get a better idea of what to do and expect on the first few turns.


If a developer could post the opening pages, so that none of us violate the one family rule, that would be much appreciated.


Quote from: egamma on March 27, 2011, 06:45:51 AM
If a developer could post the opening pages, so that none of us violate the one family rule, that would be much appreciated.

This can be arranged, and I'll see to it.  Not sure precisely how long it'll take to do but I'll put them up on the wiki and link to them on this thread when I do.  (If you don't see a post in a few days, post something to the handy-dandy new Community Manager Attention List and that'll ping me and remind me to get that done).
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


I did a little bit of work on this for a project last year, so I have some of the pages.  I'll put up the rest when I get them to the same page, so, take a look here.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on March 27, 2011, 08:17:10 AM
I did a little bit of work on this for a project last year, so I have some of the pages.  I'll put up the rest when I get them to the same page, so, take a look here.

Thanks. Can you post the links on the "post application" screen?


All of the screens from creation to logging in to the character for the first time should be up.  I can do the adventurer stuff as well if you like.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


1. Is the "community site" link going to be replaced with a link to the forums?
2. On the family page, can we post something similar to the following text for the first 2 days, as a "gold text" announcement:
QuoteNote that many players log on twice a day, or even less, so don't expect an immediate response to your questions. There are realms with 12 players and realms with 120 players. If your first experiences are less than great, try another realm and/or island. It's worth it.


Quote from: egamma on March 30, 2011, 05:27:04 AM
1. Is the "community site" link going to be replaced with a link to the forums?
2. On the family page, can we post something similar to the following text for the first 2 days, as a "gold text" announcement:

1. It actually links to the wiki.  A link to the forums would be a good idea too.
2. Yes, I'm sure we could.  But rather than sending stuff piecemeal, perhaps work up a full list of modifications so I can bring it to Tom all at once?  Tom's fully in support of player retention ideas and updating stuff, but I'd rather bring up a full plan than lots of little things.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"