Author Topic: Power Ranking Discussion  (Read 32197 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Power Ranking Discussion
« Reply #45: June 26, 2012, 08:16:07 AM »
I can't rank the Lurias (+Fissoa) or D'hara because I know absolutely nothing about those realms (If I had to guess, I'd insert D'hara at 3.5 just from the gold generated by 4 cities and a stronghold; Solaria I'd rank first of the Lurias at 6.2, then Luria Nova at 6.5 and Luria Vesperi at 6.8; Fissoa would fall in at 11th), but here's the rest:

1. Astrum
-- With a broad power base and immense political sway (three colonies and the Regent of Sanguis Astroism), Astrum couldn't help but place in the top 2.  Strong leadership and a centralized government help them place their armies where they're supposed to be, and a broad set of alliances ensures that there's always a friendly army around when the going gets tough.  Their centralized location allows them to project force anywhere in north and central Dwilight.

2. Aurvandil
-- When they get into a war, they activate their timehacks excellent coordination and goldhacks economy management to field perhaps the most effective fighting force on Dwilight, now that they have a real set of regions to back them.  I'm not aware of any alliances they may have, so I've placed them in second; if they procured a reliable ally in an offensive war then they'd jump up to 1st; as it is, they'll have to settle for 2nd.

3. Morek Empire
-- Their decentralized model (I know, right?) hurts their overall ability to field an effective fighting force (Dukes retain right of War), but when the entire realm is mobilized it's a terrible thing to behold.  Membership in the SA political bloc means their alliances are strong, but their eastern position makes it hard for them to project their might to the farther reaches of Dwilight, but it also means they can't be effectively assailed, either, putting them solidly at 3rd.

4. Kabrinskia
-- Repelling time and again the advances of Terran, Kabrinskia's ability to wage offensive war against her neighbors is fairly limited, but falling under the umbrella of Astrumese protection and led by the extremely savvy Allison Kabrinski (at least until she abdicates), a defensive war would be very difficult for them to lose.  Add in their relationship with the Zuma, and Kabrinskia cruises in to a 4th place finish.

5. Terran
-- Able to field a larger army than Kabrinskia if they could only get it to move together, their position in the Veinsormoot commands many allies to their defense; unfortunately, coordination has been their downfall.  That, and a shaky-at-best relationship with the Zuma severely hamper any war efforts.  Still, they managed to war against a Theocracy without incurring the wrath of SA, so that's something.  I'll give them 5th.

6. Asylon
-- With a stronger military than either Kabrinskia or Terran, Asylon should have clocked in at 4th place easily; unfortunately, they've enflamed quite a set of enemies (Astrum, Kabrinskia, Iashalur & Corsanctum) and are bereft of allies.  The negative diplomacy demotes them all the way down to 6th, but I don't expect them to hold that spot through the end of their current war.

7. Libero Empire
-- Fresh off a Morek-aided victory over Summerdale, Libero has added Storm's Keep to their posessions; close relations with Morek and nominal membership in the SA political bloc help their status, but what helps most is that their only neighbors who are credible threats are both friends.  With no route to expand once what's left of Summderdale is gobbled up and no real way to project effective military force to 2/3 of Dwilight, Libero will have to accept 7th.

8. Corsanctum
-- Corsanctum is dull, but they have decent land and can field a fair-sized army when they finally put their minds to it.  That, and being the seat of the Holy Prophet of Sanguis Astroism doesn't hurt, and helps them sail into 8th place.

9. Iashalur
-- About the same strength as Barca, Iashalur has one severely underdeveloped city (along with several underdeveloped woods and an underdeveloped townsland) and another townsland left to claim; their growth potential and close relationship with Astrum are just enough to eke out a 9th place finish.  Expect them to climb at least two spots within two in-game years.

10. Barca
-- Membership in the Veinsormoot ensures defense against foreign war and they have a decent route for future expansion (as long as the Zuma play nice), but with two small cities and only one townsland left to claim, their growth potential falls short of Iashalur; proximity to Aurvandil a liability, I have little choice but to leave them 10th.
MacGeil Family: Cathan (Corsanctum)
Formerly the O'Faolain, then Nisbet families