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More detailed warnings?

Started by Poliorketes, June 07, 2012, 12:42:06 PM

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Well... a bit of story:

I had a little 'verbal quarrel' with a noble of other realm. The typical 'you have the honour of a dog' kind of discussion. The obvious end was a honour duel... but I get a private warning for "use of modern terminology and abreviations" instead!

There is two matters:

1-I think the player used a complain against me to 'win' a in-game discussion, when the logical and inevitable answer was a duel. (And if I used some modern English expression, an OOC message pointing it, would had be welcomed!)... In fact, I was to send him a duel challenge, but after this, I though better, I don't want any other warning send to me! From now on, I'll try to 'evade' this character a much as possible!

2-My first language is not English, and I think I didn't use any abbreviation, so it's a modern terminology... I only can think on 'all bark but not bite' or 'closed frontiers'... but as the notification of the warning don't say anything about it, I'm not really sure for 'what' is the warning!

I think the point 1 is IMHO bad behaviour and I don't like it, but I think nothing can be made about it.

The point 2: I'm not annoyed for the warning (as more probably, is right), I'm annoyed because I don't know where I made the error! I think if someone is warned it could be good to send him a message or something pointing where was made the fault.

Or we had some place where we can see the 'details' of the warnings?


Since I don't see any Magistrates cases about language, I will assume that this was a Titans case. And since it was for modern terms and abbreviations, it must have been Dwilight.

The Titans should have mentioned in their notification exactly what caused the warning to be issued. I.e. "you used the phrase 'scored a touchdown' " or something. If they didn't, then they made a mistake.

Private warnings are really just friendly reminders. If it was a serious problem, then a public warning would probably have been sent.

And finally, the Titans are not exactly quick in dealing with things. There's a good chance the incident was several weeks old.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


If you can't see it in your message log, you could maybe post it here, or send it to me in a PM, and I'll take a look. I have a character in D'Hara; don't send it to me if that's a problem.


Very Thanks for all the help!

You are right in both ones, it was a Titan warning, and in Dwilight.

After your response, I had search on all my messages archive, and I had found it!

Yes, two weeks ago I send a rushed message, with the word ASAP... In the warning said "...for example: the world ASAP.." When I didn't find it on the last messages, I assumed it was, in fact, only an example.

Well, all is solved! it was only a chance the warning come just at the end of a discussion!

Thanks for the help and sorry for the inconvenients.


Yeah, using ASAP on Dwilight could be a reason for a reminder if someone reported. I'm glad you found it, and figured out the issue.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Poliorketes on June 07, 2012, 04:19:40 PM
Very Thanks for all the help!

You are right in both ones, it was a Titan warning, and in Dwilight.

After your response, I had search on all my messages archive, and I had found it!

Yes, two weeks ago I send a rushed message, with the word ASAP... In the warning said "...for example: the world ASAP.." When I didn't find it on the last messages, I assumed it was, in fact, only an example.

Well, all is solved! it was only a chance the warning come just at the end of a discussion!

Thanks for the help and sorry for the inconvenients.

Titan warning on Dwilight?

.... we still do that?
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


The Titan and Magistrate systems both still operate in parallel on all islands. At least until Tom makes the final decision on exactly who will handle the different types of complaints.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.