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Started by T0mislav, June 23, 2012, 02:09:36 PM

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Quotesimplest thing. stfu about time.

Just great way of thinking!
Well... if:
- "Equipment damage" is ejected from the game machine (duo to it is daily based to all players and that way players who are more active suffer trough the decrese of CS of their unites sitting in the regions waiting for those less active to dignify to come and couldn't do anything to come duo to IR  - IR is protecting only those less active do not caring at all about those more active... who will protect their rights? who will pay their field expenses?) and
- region incomes and that way incomes of each player are incresed to sufficien level to be able to recruit large enaugh unit and to maintain it on the field for at least several weeks longer then now,
then your statement might be some kind of compromise (even in that case there would be a lot to argue about)... but this way it is violance against all those who enjoe team game because it is completely ruining team segment of the game.


Umm... message I replayed on disappeared while I was tiping answer... heh


no. if as a lord you think your knight just piss their gold away, feel free to boot them from their estate.
no estate, no gold for knights.

just don't mention anything about timings.

quite simple, isn't it?


Quoteno. if as a lord you think your knight just piss their gold away, feel free to boot them from their estate.
no estate, no gold for knights.

Such way of thinking and acting is even greater problem then pure (unrealized) threatening people including time aspect.
It is sad that Lords are often forced to resort to exact that solution in attempt to maintain sattisfied level of organization and to avoid any risk of beeing accused for violating IR.

But I dislike that solution because such acting is ruining many other parts of the game:
- knights could simply want to be demilitarized and to hang for some time in one region e.g. to study in academy
- they need gold for it

If Lords are cutting the coin purse to Knights simply because they estimate knights are wasting their gold and if they give the gold only under condition that it will be spent on the benefit of the realm (recruiting, paying men, moving), such acting would completely ruin some parts of the game.
That way knights are stoping to be free nobles but are starting to be puppies of Lords under a threat that they will lose their income.
Unfortunately, IR interpretation like is presented here is forcing Lords to do exactly what you said - and that is why I pointed that such interpretation of IR is ruining many interesting aspects of the game.


Up spoken is oppening one additional much deeper problem not connected to anything we spoke about but I will still mention it.

When have you seen knight in quarrel with the other knight from friendly/allied realm to wait for him to pass trough the some rogue region and to engage him in battle (there is option to set your unit to murdereus) - but such actino would most likely resulted with immidiate ban.

Banker has option to forge the books, but when was the last time you've seen banker doing it - even if he is not caught, ooc knowing of what happened duo to game generic message would most likely result with his removal from the position and most likely he would never get it again.

There are many more aspects game is offering that are completely ruined because leaders of realms are forced to search for other solutions to achieve sattisfied level of organization and realm efficiency... and duo to problem is mostly connected to lack of gold, they are mostly patching the budget holes trough complete ruining of all aspects of the game that can cause additional loss of gold.


Quote from: T0mislav on June 23, 2012, 06:16:23 PMWhen have you seen knight in quarrel with the other knight from his realm to wait for him to pass trough the some rogue region and to engage him in battle (there is option to set your unit to murdereus) - but such actino would most likely resulted with immidiate ban.
You never see this, because it doesn't work that way. You can  *never* engage units of your own realm in battle except during a rebellion. And then it's rebels vs. loyalists.

QuoteBanker has option to forge the books, but when was the last time you've seen banker doing it - even if he is not caught, ooc knowing of what happened duo to game generic message would most likely result with his removal from the position and most likely he would never get it again.
There is no generic message that gets sent when this is done. It happens quietly, and without any messages at all. And it does occasionally happen. Probably more than you would think. But it is *not* something that should be common. It is, after all, dishonorable and illegal.

QuoteThere are many more aspects game is offering that are completely ruined because leaders of realms are forced to search for other solutions to achieve sattisfied level of organization and realm efficiency... and duo to problem is mostly connected to lack of gold, they are mostly patching the budget holes trough complete ruining of all aspects of the game that can cause additional loss of gold.
I have no idea what you're talking about. But it should happen in a different thread. It is completely OT here.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Ok... if you wish me to be precised - to attack someone form allied realm... my point was that there are parts of game that are deliberately ruined (there are many game options are never in use).

And about forging books - there is message that states something like: "Something happened with books... in mess xxx gold missed." - I have personaly seen it.

Only on first sight away of theme... but if you watch deep enaugh it is connected to the way IR are inerpreted which is forcing players who play charracters on positions to search for holes in rules to maintain organization at sufficient levels and some potentionaly interesting segments of game suffer in process.


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Quote from: T0mislav on June 23, 2012, 06:16:23 PM
Banker has option to forge the books, but when was the last time you've seen banker doing it - even if he is not caught, ooc knowing of what happened duo to game generic message would most likely result with his removal from the position and most likely he would never get it again.

I've been Judge in two realms where notice of tampering has been brought to my attention. Although I know OOC that this means the banker character has been doing things he shouldn't, that is not what the in game message says and I treat it that way. Further investigations were done within the realm and in both the cases I was involved with the bankers kept their positions and it was deemed that administrators in the tax offices must have been to blame...
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


Your quoting and arguing about the examples showes that you completely missed the point.

It's like I say: "It was blue like e.g. sky." and your reaction be:
QuoteIt was blue like e.g. sky.
In situations I was, sky was not blue."

Never mind... I am getting tired of this.
Anyone in charge of forum - feel free to delete this thread.


Quote from: T0mislav on June 24, 2012, 01:55:35 PM
Your quoting and arguing about the examples showes that you completely missed the point.

I think part of the problem may be that the way you are putting things across means your points often make no sense. Unfortunately there will always be some problems in understanding when there are people with many different languages trying to communicate.
WARNING: Outer Tilog is different...


QuoteUnfortunately there will always be some problems in understanding when there are people with many different languages trying to communicate.
