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Started by Velax, June 02, 2012, 09:18:13 PM

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I've never had a Priest character, but as I understand it, they have a least one action that allows them to raise the stats of a region. What exactly does it do, and is there more than one skills for Priests that can raise region stats?

Draco Tanos

Influence Followers?  Mind you, it only works on your followers, so the more you have the more effective it could be.

By spreading tales of doom and destruction, you will cause morale in the region to fall.
Scare people for  x Hours

The opposite of scaring people, you can calm them by telling them about the mercy and strength of their gods. This will slightly improve morale and very slightly reduce independence.
Calm people for  x Hours

cause unrest
Gathering enough of the believers, you can try to stir them up into a frenzy and cause civil unrest in the region. This will raise independence and lower production. There is a small risk that the local militia will arrest you.
Stir them up for  x Hours

badmouth realm
You can use religion as a political tool. Speaking about the sins of a realm, or that the gods despise it and its government will cause the locals to reduce loyalty or sympathy towards that realm.
Note that clashes with politics cause casualties on both sides. This option will cause you to lose more followers than the simple ones.
Talk bad about  for  x Hours

laud realm
You can use religion as a political tool. Speaking about the virtues of a realm, or how the gods approve of them will cause the locals to improve their opinion of them, raising loyalty or sympathy.
Note that clashes with politics cause casualties on both sides. This option will cause you to lose more followers than the simple ones.
Laud the realm  for  x Hours


Thanks for that. :)


Someone put this man's work on the wiki.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


...that's a c/p of the in-game actions page. It should NOT go on the wiki. We do not c/p IG pages onto the wiki. If someone wants to put this information on the wiki, they should add additional information, amplification, and interpretation to make it supplement and enhance what is available in-game.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Oh, I thought those were his own summaries.  My misunderstanding. :)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.

Draco Tanos

lol.  Whoever wrote the in game descriptions should be honored then?

Gabanus family

Plus do we really want to put this on wiki? I personally had a lot more fun finding out all different things from different classes. Must say some have changed dramatically since the last time I played and that's fun to find out. Putting everything on wiki will probably spoil the fun anyway :)
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Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela