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A new continent?

Started by House Talratheon, June 27, 2012, 05:14:44 AM

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Quote from: Zakilevo on July 11, 2012, 05:53:52 PM
Uh... BM is not Utopia or other resource gathering games. This is more of a RPG game.

No ones saying it should be anything like whatever this Utopia game is. (never played it, no idea)

All we're mentioning is the idea of a little more activity for us hyperactive Medieval lovers :-P Most medieval games are either PAINFULLY slow for hardcore RPers like myself (See, the most epic fantasy HARDCORE-RP community ever, man I had fun there!) or streamlined fast for the idiot kiddies who don't RP and just want fast-paced clicking.

I think a middle-ground between activity and content would be great.

Also, Tom, I'd be quite interested in hearing more about this project. I know a few game programmers through my old RP website and perhaps your ideas might coincide with theirs. Most of them have random zero-income side-projects related to the genre and I figure if folks can work together than something might actually get done. <_<
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.



Quote from: Ehndras on July 11, 2012, 06:24:47 PM
I think a middle-ground between activity and content would be great.

Working on it. Well... not really working, but you get my drift.

Also, Tom, I'd be quite interested in hearing more about this project. I know a few game programmers through my old RP website and perhaps your ideas might coincide with theirs. Most of them have random zero-income side-projects related to the genre and I figure if folks can work together than something might actually get done. <_<

Not likely. The problem is that I have a vision. A very solid, fleshed-out vision. I don't want to bring others on board because they would bring their own vision. One of the reasons BM is so great and so messy at the same time is that so many people with different visions have worked on it over the years.
War Islands shows what a clean game you can actually do and FINISH when you have ONE vision.


I respect that and was hoping that'd be your answer :-)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


I am actually thinking about starting a Kickstarter project and checking if there's enough interest.


the map ip thing won't cause problems?


Quote from: fodder on July 12, 2012, 08:13:37 AM
the map ip thing won't cause problems?

For the side-project, for which I already have a map generator written, posted here.


Quote from: Tom on July 12, 2012, 10:15:36 AM
For the side-project, for which I already have a map generator written, posted here.

Simply beautiful :)


You never told us what the side-project was about. I'd be very interested to know.
d'Arricarrère Family: Torpius (All around Dwilight), Felicie (Riombara), Frederic (Riombara) and Luc (Eponllyn).


If you get a Kickstarter going, I'd definitely be up for it. In the LEAST, by referencing BM as a past, current, and fully-functional game community you've worked on will bring curious glances in our direction, possibly gaining us a few new players. :-)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


I'm thinking about a kickstarter, but to be realistic, I'd need at least 20k because working on this would mean working a lot less on my company.


Quote from: Tom on July 13, 2012, 12:36:41 AM
I'm thinking about a kickstarter, but to be realistic, I'd need at least 20k because working on this would mean working a lot less on my company.

I've seen Kickstarters raise quite the sum. I think if you consider contributions from BM players, your friends/family, co-workers, and/or other people who know your work, 20k may be possible.

Especially if you are taking advantage of some of the "perks" that often come along with Kickstarter donations such as early beta testing membership in the game, some kind of in-game bonus once its out, your name on the game list of contributors, etc. etc. Things like that, get creative and you can think of rewards for donations that don't actually cost you anything.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


If it doesn't work out and you don't hit the goal, you at least garnered interest in the project and brought in more players. You can try again later once your project is more fleshed out. If it succeeds then hell, you've got 20 grand to work with. :-)
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Still thinking about it and doing some back-of-a-napkin calculations on what kinds of money I'd need.