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Any League players?

Started by DoctorHarte, June 27, 2012, 08:53:37 PM

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Blue Star

LOL players here still exist haha, I made a newer account so ill be getting back into the game.

I tend to play only classic Dominion and the new one well their interesting.
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Fleugs on July 11, 2013, 07:57:08 AM
this leads me to conclude that if in fact you can play with tanks in LoL, this game is just filled with noobs! In other news, don't focus the tank.

Nah, you need to play the game to understand the roles of everyone.

I do play a few tanks (Cho or Rammus) every now and then when I want to relax (my mains are all assassins, and that requires more concentration).

The basic principle is always the same: You are the tank, you go in first. Of course the enemy doesn't focus you ("don't focus the tank!") that, exactly is what allows you to go and wreck havoc. While they are busy ignoring you, you go and kill their ADC. That works great with my Cho build, which is an off-tank build. When I reach the ADC, I trigger my ultimate and ooops, was that half your health bar? :-)

Playing off-tanks is great fun in LoL. Either they focus you, then you're the only one who can actually take it (when I'm on a roll, I can tank the entire enemy team for a frustratingly long time) or they ignore you and you can get free kills. Either way, you win.


I usually play for a few months, ragequit for a few months, then start playing again after I forget why I ragequit . I played Jax/Xin/Olaf in 3s before the revamp.

A major turnoff the game has for me is that, in my experience, the winning team is just the team with fewer feeders/leavers. Which means that I almost never have close games. For me, it's always just one team completely pummeling the other team for 20 minutes, or even less. Not so bad being the pummeler, less fun being the pummelee.

I think Cho is my 2nd favorite tank, behind Leona.


Yeah, that's what pisses me off as well. Especially in ranked solo, I have almost never won or lost because the team was better/worse. Most of the time, it's a dice-roll about who has the troll this game.

Cho is tons of fun. I have a troll build for him that ends with more than 10k health. Too bad the meta right now makes almost everyone buy BORKs. Before that, the build was actually viable.


I love Zac. Bring on the blobs!

Though I haven't been playing that long and I like watching the pro scene matches more than actually playing myself.


It's been weeks since I played, and I'm actually reluctant to start again.


Hi there, gold 2 player in promotion here. I main adc, but love to play any role. If anyone needs help with becoming the pummeler every single game, add me in-game. Name: Watly. I'll give some tips to advance and become better.


So I love ARAM, great mode. However, last night I was in an ARAM match as fiddlesticks. Respawned, and then my team got wiped. Enemy team (all five) starts whaling on our outer turret. I sneak into the bushes and then ult out onto them, and quickly pick up a quadra kill. As I'm about to finish their fifth, GP spawns, and drops his ult on their last champ, and last hits him, denying me my penta..... So pissed. Screwed with him the rest of the match. Stole the health pickups while at full health from him and stuff, felt mildly vindicated. Even the enemy team gave him hell for it.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.

Blue Star

poppy, wukong, gangplank and Kennen

Sometimes I jump on some caster, but rarely Brand and Viegar
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)


Quote from: Stabbity on August 14, 2013, 09:45:51 PM
... GP spawns, and drops his ult on their last champ, and last hits him, denying me my penta..... So pissed.

Gotta love GP ;D Usually go with Morgana these days though.
What is Freedom? - ye can tell; That which slavery is, too well; For its very name has grown; To an echo of your own

T'is to work and have such pay; As just keeps life from day to day; In your limbs, as in a cell; For the tyrants' use to dwell

Blue Star

Well who actually plays maybe we can get a team together and power through
I think like a sinner. Curse like a sailor. Smile like a saint. :)