Author Topic: Predictions of the EC Wars  (Read 70481 times)


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Re: Predictions of the EC Wars
« Reply #105: May 16, 2011, 10:41:24 PM »
The course of a war can easily change, you gotta love BM for that!

Yep. The southern wars have gone back and forth for *years* now. I remember when I joined during The Great War, everyone thought that Ibladesh would die for sure, they were so horrible at fighting. (Even their allies laughed at them.) Then they turned it around and were on the winning side against Perdan. But then later on Perdan turned it around and crushed Ibladesh to retake all their land. Then Ibladesh got into a war with Itorunt, and everyone *knew* that Itorunt would kill Ibladesh. Then Ibladesh turned it around, and Itorunt took a nose dive, resulting in Itorunt dying. Then Ibladesh/Caligus got into a war with Perdan, and nearly destroyed Perdan. Then when the Perdan/Caligus v Ibladesh/Diocese war started, everyone knew that Ibladesh would crush Perdan/Caligus. But that hasn't happened, and Perdan/Caligus are actually winning, and starting to take the fight back to Ibladesh.

That's a lot of back and forth. And that's why you fight it out to the end. It's way too early to call a victory in this war. What we're seeing now is only the latest direction of the ebb and flow of the battle lines.
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