Author Topic: Predictions of the EC Wars  (Read 70685 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Predictions of the EC Wars
« Reply #60: April 07, 2011, 08:51:21 AM »
Obviously this is coming from me having a character in Westmoor, and may potentially give away strategic information. Westmoor may be pathetic except it is not in the sense of the players going around being idiots, but that there are hardly any nobles that can respond to orders in time. There are less then 30 nobles in the realm, about 20 in the army, and about 10 or less that can show up to places on time. So there aren't many options to do stuff when you army is limited by a small random amount of players that can play on time and going up against an army about 3x the size. This was caused by a long time of infighting that slowly dwindled it's active players. So yes it is correct to say Westmoor is pathetic, but I hope you don't say in the sense of insulting the players that are trying their best with limit resources.