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A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.

Started by Allomere, June 29, 2012, 06:19:43 PM

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Glaumring the Fox

Mendicant roleplays ostentatious decadence with arrogance. Glaumring is uncouth barbarian arrogance. People dont like that but they make for good characters and even better enemies.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


I have to admit Dwilight wouldn't be the same without glaumring. whether you think that would be good or bad it's true.


Uncouth barbarian arrogance is pretty great in a game set in the days of eat-everything-with-your-unwashed-hands, what-the-hell's-a-fork nobility. It looks rough to us now but back then that's what got you respect.

*Glaumring runs by, screaming at old men.*
Peasant: Who's that then?
Other Peasant: I dunno, must be a king.
Peasant: Why?
Other Peasant: He hasn't got !@#$ all over him.

Long story short I like him a lot even though IC my dude wants to kill him and take all his stuff.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.

T Strike

Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt

Glaumring the Fox

From what I know about medieval times every table had a hairy dog to lick your fingers clean and a coat to wipe your fingers dry on.
We live lives in beautiful lies...

T Strike

Westmoor: Cross... Coria: Yenom... Caelum: Gawain... Astrum: Ekirt

Glaumring the Fox

A dog that was also a napkin. Which upon further research might not be true... But who cares. Barbarian= fun!
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Marlboro on July 23, 2012, 07:34:36 AM
Long story short I like him a lot even though IC my dude wants to kill him and take all his stuff his fancy table-dog.

When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Let's try to keep things civil. Take a deep breathe before you press the post button ;)

No reason not to start a war in my opinion. We are playing Battlemaster not Peacekeeper. Hammer your neighbours if they look small and vulnerable. You can make up a reason as you hammer them hard. Many countries have done so. When your neighbour is suffering from internal problems, you hit them hard to grab what you can.


Quote from: Glaumring on July 23, 2012, 05:46:05 AM
Having talked to Mendicant numerous times I find him to be perfectly fine. I didn't find him pompous nor arrogant. He is proud of his achievements and his civilization. I enjoy talking with him and hearing about Aurvandiilians eating stuffed whales, stuffed with animals stuffed within each other and mercury fountains, decadence and opulence. I am glad he is in the game.

I talked to him sometimes, and I find him totally pompous conceived and arrogant ... I HATE AURVANDIL!... I HATE EVEN MORE MENDICANT! ... Arf, arf!... I fell much better, now!  ;D

And after been said this, I don't really see the problem with Aurvandil, They are a bully realm? yes, The are hateful? yes They are a bunch of hypocrites? yes... and?... They are medieval nobles!... while the don't break the 'rules' I don't see what is the matter! Of course, nobody wants his realm destroyed by Aurvandil (I KNOW this!  :P), but this is a game, and if Aurvandil plays it as a kind of Mongol Horde... well, Good for Aurvandill! If they enjoy the game this way, I'm ok with it!...

I will try to destroy them in-game, of course, but out-game, I must admit they 'shake' things, they make the game 'more alive'! A boring game is a dead game, and they don't make things boring exactly!!!  8)


Poliorketes, well spoken. Lets defeat Aurvandil in-game, and be the pompous ones for a change.
"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar


Mongol Horde? Oh no no, Allomere much more thinks of himself as a French-Imperial Napoleon-esque sort of character.
Aurvandil - Knight Hausos At Arms Allomere de' Striguile
Vive le Souverain!!!
Ave Auziwandilaz!!!


Quote from: Galvez on July 23, 2012, 02:02:41 PM
Poliorketes, well spoken. Lets defeat Aurvandil in-game, and be the pompous ones for a change.

Which is why I pushed for war even though Barca was wussing out on the loss of their regions.


Quote from: Perth on July 23, 2012, 05:04:25 AM
Honestly, yeah.

However, I think it is because it is extremely hard not to feel royally screwed when you're fighting an enemy that seems so extremely efficient and powerful compared to anything you've ever met anywhere else in the game, and has a past of being blamed/convicted/etc. of clanning and game exploits, that even though they're supposed to be in the "clear" now, it is hard to ever feel like something fishy isn't going on or like you just aren't getting a fair chance.

Not to mention that Mendicant and his gang is extremely easy to hate. You know this. You all purposely play your characters as really arrogant and pompous and above everyone else. Which is fine, of course. I mean you're certainly good at it. But playing that way, combined with the all the stuff I mentioned above, just rubs people really weird.

I'm not saying it's justified to feel/be that way, myself included, but I think that's the source of it.

I'm quite sure we were never convicted of game exploits, at best a minority of characters were in a "Clan" of dubious definitions.

As to your point on not getting a fair chance, I understand that, and I don't like it either. Which is why when I was speaking to Barca I happily tried to arrange for a set battle where we both only use a maximum of a thousand men, or to let them pick when/where the war will be fought and in what manner, and it's why Mendicant let the 'Moot challenge him into attacking Maeotis, and then promptly the Knight Hausos again tries to arrange for terms in which the war will be fought against D'Hara. And it is also why Aurvandil refrained from looting Rettleville rogue and then heading to Twainville to do the same,  and it's why Aurvandil tried so hard to get an amicable peace with Barca rather than forcing terms on them. Things are much more interesting when you empower your enemies, and give them a chance, and even more interesting when you leave them alive for future wars, ventures, expeditions etc. But at the same time you have to balance that OOC prerogative with what is I.C./R.P. for your character and realm.

As for Mendicant being arrogant, well I'd say it's more pride than outward obnoxiousness and pomposity, he is the High Sovereign, people wouldn't accept him if he was unduly humble, but he's never especially rude or belittling to other rulers or nobles for the sake of it.


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 23, 2012, 04:57:51 PM...but he's never especially rude or belittling to other rulers or nobles for the sake of it.

Mendicant does have a habit of asking why Allomere hasn't died yet.
Aurvandil - Knight Hausos At Arms Allomere de' Striguile
Vive le Souverain!!!
Ave Auziwandilaz!!!