Author Topic: A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.  (Read 76939 times)


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I took the liberty of assuming the Senate had marble steps which considering Barca’s Carthaginian-esque culture seems very likely. I can only prostrate myself for forgiveness if they are actually granite.
This really made me laugh out loud (in a good way).

“Amusingly, the people are also described as displaying "some trappings of civilization but also a tinge of savage passion for the environment as one would expect from those who not only live within nature but are at one with the spirits of the woods."”
Was this quote from the region description by Arden Fury? It sounds so familiar. I can't check. If so, that would be mine. First time ever my description was quoted if so. It was during Ordenstaat's time and that was how I pictured Ordenstaat living in the forest - loosely based on elves' affinity for the forest. That beautiful picture of Rettleville was done by the player of Milmice.