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A Matter Of Honour // This-Is-How-You-Declare-War.

Started by Allomere, June 29, 2012, 06:19:43 PM

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Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 23, 2012, 01:05:06 AM
you seem to forget that you should be treating this like a boardgame between friends, but your only goal is to !@#$ on everyone and shut them down. do you not understand why we're mad? we're not in this to get 100% efficiency and infinite goldz so we can become da kings of dwilight!!!!11 we're here to have fun and roleplay and play a game. when you waltz in and say "shiiiiet look at me, i'm the best, your city is !@#$ and your peasants are savages. !@#$, we march in dope-ass formations with infinite precision lookatmelookatmelookatmelookatme !@#$ all of you" we're gonna get pissed at you. quit being a jackass. if it wasn't my own ooc intentions, i'd have my character work his !@#$ing hardest to stomp your !@#$; but wait, my character isn't a perfect noble warrior intent on destroying the savages with infinite gold and 100% efficiency, he's a working human being with his own history. he has his own goals grappling with his long history of war and current inability to fight, trying to find meaning in his shattered world, adapting to a rapidly changing life where elders are no longer revered for their wisdom, and somehow trying to find an evolution of himself while he is facing his rapidly approaching mortality.

but !@#$, let's conquer the whole of dwilight with !@#$ing monarchies because we are the !@#$.

No, that isn't what we're doing at all.

Do we want to stomp all over Barca? No, why do you think we offered them the chance to fight us on their terms, and most recently, we even offered them the chance to pick the limit of how many men fight in a battle. We fight Barca because we are obligated to IC, you don't go up to a Monarch and insult him in his own throne room and then snub him do you?

"hen you waltz in and say "shiiiiet look at me, i'm the best, your city is !@#$ and your peasants are savages. !@#$, we march in dope-ass formations with infinite precision lookatmelookatmelookatmelookatme !@#$ all of you""

Your words, not ours, we've never said that, in fact, I've made a point of strenuously denying it, interestingly enough it's only people such as yourself who go around saying we say that. I seem to repeatedly point out instances in which Aurvandil fails to move in formation, or takes forever, in fact we had to repeatedly delay this campaign because our army couldn't move on time.

"but !@#$, let's conquer the whole of dwilight with !@#$ing monarchies because we are the !@#$."

Mendicant also made it clear he intends to shrink his dominion, not expand it, and that he likes the Republics of D'Hara and Barca, viewing the former as benevolent. But of course, continue putting words in my mouth and then telling me you're pissed of because we're saying something you decide we're sayhing.


Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 23, 2012, 01:05:06 AM
you seem to forget that you should be treating this like a boardgame between friends, but your only goal is to !@#$ on everyone and shut them down. do you not understand why we're mad? we're not in this to get 100% efficiency and infinite goldz so we can become da kings of dwilight!!!!11 we're here to have fun and roleplay and play a game. when you waltz in and say "shiiiiet look at me, i'm the best, your city is !@#$ and your peasants are savages. !@#$, we march in dope-ass formations with infinite precision lookatmelookatmelookatmelookatme !@#$ all of you" we're gonna get pissed at you. quit being a jackass. if it wasn't my own ooc intentions, i'd have my character work his !@#$ing hardest to stomp your !@#$; but wait, my character isn't a perfect noble warrior intent on destroying the savages with infinite gold and 100% efficiency, he's a working human being with his own history. he has his own goals grappling with his long history of war and current inability to fight, trying to find meaning in his shattered world, adapting to a rapidly changing life where elders are no longer revered for their wisdom, and somehow trying to find an evolution of himself while he is facing his rapidly approaching mortality.

but !@#$, let's conquer the whole of dwilight with !@#$ing monarchies because we are the !@#$.

Your not very smart are you? You mention that your here to roleplay, but you denounce Allomere's roleplaying something when his character probably wasn't very happy. If you actually read all of medicant's post in this thread he has been atleast civil towards Barca and IC he did act honorably. Their is NO reason to go off on someone like this. It's rediculous.


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 23, 2012, 01:15:48 AM
I've made a point of strenuously denying it, interestingly enough it's only people such as yourself who go around saying we say that. I seem to repeatedly point out instances in which Aurvandil fails to move in formation, or takes forever, in fact we had to repeatedly delay this campaign because our army couldn't move on time.

Uh.. what?

Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 22, 2012, 07:17:44 PM
It's a lot larger than 31kcs, we brought 35kcs just to deal with the 'Moot, and left a fair amount behind.

Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 22, 2012, 07:21:17 PM
But, Terran will realise soon enough what it means to have the bulk of Aurvandil's army destroying it's capital except we won't give you the courtesies we gave Barca, since Barca we could actually respect as a realm.

Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 22, 2012, 03:16:48 PM
That relies heavily upon the assumption that Aurvandil will let you rally a joint army again, which is rather contraindicated by our usual quick and decisive military strategy of going for the jugular right of the bat, and since Barca rallied to fight us whilst in peace talks, we aren't inclined to be merciful this time around.

Yeah... Mr. Humble right there. Always going out of his way to not say "Hey, we're the !@#$. You all suck."

"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Bla bla bla... if you can't deal with the possibility of your neighbor stomping the !@#$ out of you just because they can, you joined the wrong game.


Quote from: Perth on July 23, 2012, 02:30:41 AM
Uh.. what?

Yeah... Mr. Humble right there. Always going out of his way to not say "Hey, we're the !@#$. You all suck."

Well, I have countless times disproved the myth of Aurvandil's speed and efficiency in combat, don't believe me? Back track in some threads on Aurvandil, you'll find them.

And no, I don't go out of my way to say we're the !@#$, I'm perfectly candid about Aurvandil's failures and successes, more so in fact to disprove the myth of our invulnerability than anything, but nobody ever listens to that and of course no one bothers to talk about the set backs in Aurvandil's military when they can complain we're basically being bullies, for winning a battle.


Slightly off topic question: why do virtually all of the Aurvandil folk have the same username convention on the forums? It seems like it's almost always ThisThat. Do you sit around and coordinate this? If so, where?


Quote from: Solari on July 23, 2012, 02:46:33 AM
Slightly off topic question: why do virtually all of the Aurvandil folk have the same username convention on the forums? It seems like it's almost always ThisThat. Do you sit around and coordinate this? If so, where?

The only Aurvandil folk I know who are on the forum are Me - NoblesseChevaleresque, Lanyon, called Lanyon, and Foundation? So yeah, not quite getting your point here.

Oh, and Allomere, under the username Allomere, and Harte, under the username DoctorHarte.


Moderator note: I deleted this post due to profanity, and insults directed at other players. Keep it polite, or quit posting. ~~Indirik


Moderator note: I deleted this post because 95% of it was a quote of a deleted post. ~~Indirik


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 23, 2012, 02:59:17 AM

Now you just aren't making any coherent sense, keep your ad hominem rubbish to yourself will you.

I am rather charming, thanks.

I'm making a lot of sense. My issue doesn't lie in you roflstomping the 'moot, it lies in your characters have no reason to do it besides thinly veiled ooc ones.

want to prove me wrong? what character development have your characters seen? go ahead, don't be shy. tell me anything.


No reason? A good deal of wars have been started because of insults. Or do you think getting angry incharacter is non-SMA because that is about as much sense as you are making. Even if it was a land grab under the pretense of an insult that is 100% a good reason as many wars have been started that way also.


Quote from: BarticaBoat on July 23, 2012, 03:06:00 AM
I am rather charming, thanks.

I'm making a lot of sense. My issue doesn't lie in you roflstomping the 'moot, it lies in your characters have no reason to do it besides thinly veiled ooc ones.

want to prove me wrong? what character development have your characters seen? go ahead, don't be shy. tell me anything.

OOC reasons? There aren't none, save for my obligation to the game and the realm to make the game fun to play in, to give people things to do. Also, why are we "stomping" the Moot? Because they declared war on Aurvandil, I think you ought to direct your bogus OOC accusations at them really, unless your actually picking fault with Aurvandil defending itself.

Also, roflstomping wasn't my term, I didn't say it, so don't act like I did.

As for our IC reasons? Well they mocked, insulted and verbally attacked the High Sovereign, they turned their back on him, snubbed him, tried to put him down and call him a liar and a fool. Kingdoms have been destroyed for lesser reasons than that. Further reasons? Oh yeah, Barca dicked us about in negotiations for weeks and came back to us with nothing.

Lets face it, your pissed of, you're letting your emotions cloud your judgement, the result? You're bitching inanely on the forum, by all means enjoy your angst, but don't throw it in other peoples face for what is clearly a thinly veiled grudge based on nothing.


Quote from: NoblesseChevaleresque on July 23, 2012, 03:10:55 AM
Lets face it, your pissed of,

Honestly, yeah.

However, I think it is because it is extremely hard not to feel royally screwed when you're fighting an enemy that seems so extremely efficient and powerful compared to anything you've ever met anywhere else in the game, and has a past of being blamed/convicted/etc. of clanning and game exploits, that even though they're supposed to be in the "clear" now, it is hard to ever feel like something fishy isn't going on or like you just aren't getting a fair chance.

Not to mention that Mendicant and his gang is extremely easy to hate. You know this. You all purposely play your characters as really arrogant and pompous and above everyone else. Which is fine, of course. I mean you're certainly good at it. But playing that way, combined with the all the stuff I mentioned above, just rubs people really weird.

I'm not saying it's justified to feel/be that way, myself included, but I think that's the source of it.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)

Glaumring the Fox

Having talked to Mendicant numerous times I find him to be perfectly fine. I didn't find him pompous nor arrogant. He is proud of his achievements and his civilization. I enjoy talking with him and hearing about Aurvandiilians eating stuffed whales, stuffed with animals stuffed within each other and mercury fountains, decadence and opulence. I am glad he is in the game.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


Quote from: Glaumring on July 23, 2012, 05:46:05 AM
Having talked to Mendicant numerous times I find him to be perfectly fine. I didn't find him pompous nor arrogant. He is proud of his achievements and his civilization. I enjoy talking with him and hearing about Aurvandiilians eating stuffed whales, stuffed with animals stuffed within each other and mercury fountains, decadence and opulence. I am glad he is in the game.

I am glad King Glaumring is in the game because he is funny and fun to lead an army against, even when he beats me up. :D
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.