Author Topic: Implementing flanking in 1-D combat  (Read 22053 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Implementing flanking in 1-D combat
« Reply #30: July 04, 2012, 08:31:54 PM »
Given Tom's idea of the largest force being your center, that's not possible. The smallest your center could be is 34%, and then only if both sides are 33% each.

Which is why I pointed out his 90% would end up being designated the new center, and the rest of the battle went from there.

Of course, any kind of tricky maneuver is a crap shoot, since you won't be able to tell how your enemy is going to line up. It is entirely possible that your enemy will also try something tricky, like putting 50% middle, 10% left, and 40% right, or something. The both of your left flanks get wiped, and both rights get a flanking bonus when they smash the middle. Or each front meets equivalent troops, etc.

Sure.  My point was that purely dumping everything (or almost everything) into the center would not remain the be all and end all of military strategy, and in five minutes I could design something that would beat it nine times out of ten with something even close to force parity.

You're depending on a couple things:
1) That you will be able to control things down to the level of which noble lines up where, or that you will have extremely fine levels of control. I view this as ending up something like Marshal formations, where you would pick from a list of predefined formations like "Strong left", Cavalry Sweep Right" or something. At most, defining percentages of troop styles that take a particular flank.

I'm not depending on anything.  I was pointing out that if this were implemented, "put everything in the center" was not going to work as a long term, only-do-this strategy.  I'm fully aware that our level of control will be far less than this.

2) Risky trick formation. You can't count on that.

It's not a "trick" formation.  That's like saying Archers Opening is a trick formation.   Both are formations that only work if you actually plan around them, but so long as you can do that, then they are both viable formations.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"