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Aurvandil and some weird figures.

Started by Gustav Kuriga, July 02, 2012, 09:33:45 PM

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Draco Tanos

The situation SHOULD be kept an eye on either way, to ensure the "Saxons" do not keep violating the edict.


if you have any evidence, file a Magistrates or Titans case.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Their CS/noble ratio isn't even that unusual; it's lower than Astrum or Kabrinskia's. I haven't dug through and looked up family gold, so I dunno if there could be funneling going on to answer questions about gold; but that's allowed anyways.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner


Quote from: Vellos on July 03, 2012, 12:04:16 AM
Their CS/noble ratio isn't even that unusual; it's lower than Astrum or Kabrinskia's. I haven't dug through and looked up family gold, so I dunno if there could be funneling going on to answer questions about gold; but that's allowed anyways.

Doesn't Kabrinskia have a significant amount of militia though?

Gustav Kuriga

We do, a ton in Golden Farrow, and some in just about every region of our realm.


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on July 03, 2012, 01:58:56 AM
We do, a ton in Golden Farrow, and some in just about every region of our realm.

That would account for the difference. Of course, that could be the case in Aurvandil. I have no idea. Or they could be drawing off family gold and family investments to get the gold they need to field an army the size they do. Once again, I have no idea.


The case has been investigated and a verdict was passed. What you can do is look through the character list and check if any of the deported characters have returned (they were told to stay away for a year) or retired with new characters made in Aurvandil (which would come to the same result). That would be a clear violation. For anything else, there would have to be a case brought with more evidence than just "this smells funny".


What if they remade their accounts? can't stop that really.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on July 02, 2012, 10:27:42 PM
I would like to point out a list of the associated families who were in Averoth and Thulsoma, who are now in Aurvandil.,1421.1260.html

That's the point... Perdan and CE have more regions, and more nobles. Yet have the same amount of CS.

The list of families that are from Thulsoma or Averoth are in that thread. Not sure how many are in the clan thing, but all are in Aurvandil.


Will Tom do anything about them this time?
Dexter - Principality of Zonasa, Telgar - Principality of Zonasa, Wil - Morek Empire, Crom- Adventurer - Kabrinskia-paused


If something wasn't done the last time, it means there was nothing to be done. I realize they're a controversial bunch, but there's no need to scrutinize them at every turn, is there? I mean, that only propagates the idea that they're being singled out.


Quote from: Sacha on July 03, 2012, 10:40:12 AM
If something wasn't done the last time, it means there was nothing to be done. I realize they're a controversial bunch, but there's no need to scrutinize them at every turn, is there? I mean, that only propagates the idea that they're being singled out.

I guess we can simply treat them as raging vikings or something and band together to annihilate them... that is if the SA can get along with the other realms that do not follow the SA.  lol

though it would be a great opportunity to convert even more of the islands to
Dexter - Principality of Zonasa, Telgar - Principality of Zonasa, Wil - Morek Empire, Crom- Adventurer - Kabrinskia-paused


Considering that those characters had a realm destroyed by SA, then vowed return/revenge, I don't find it suspicious or unusual in the least that they'd group up in one realm and fight against SA realms.   If a group of players who didn't know each other OOC did the same, there would be no complaint.

Gustav Kuriga

They're fighting Barca... not exactly famous for their SA fervour...

Also, Brant, that group your talking about is a confirmed clan that used a family gold exploit.


Aurvandil has a gold income of over 8,000 Gold, Aurvandil has the most nobles on any realm on Dwilight, Aurvandil has some of the best Special Forces, and the best Infantry. Did I also mention Aurvandil is arguably one of the best realms for efficiently distributing gold? With a heavily ingrained culture of collecting gold, requesting gold, and handing out gold. These aren't weird figures. This isn't anything not to be expected.  What do you get when a very wealth realm, with a lot of nobles, and a lot of awesome recruitment centres go to war? A massive military build up, both in mobile and militia forces. And only weeks before the war, what happened? The paused character clean up, which gave every ruler a massive jump of gold, in Aurvandil it was 5,000 Gold. So not only did we have a large weekly income, but a massive boost from the paused character bonds, add this to a high level of efficiency, and you get a very strong military.

I don't see why this issue needs to be brought up again when it's been previously investigated, some of the potential wrong doers were removed and it was concluded that everything Aurvandil was doing, was reasonably within the game limits, no exploitations, and no abuse.