Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Succession Fort—Angnomal, "Redstaff"  (Read 61663 times)


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1st Granite, 1052

It wasn't just being uncomfortable that woke me up, though that didn't help any. I don't even think it was the cat stepping on my face, either. No, I think it was mostly the kick in the ribs that did it. That would pretty much wake up anyone. (Although when I checked later, the number of bruises seems to indicate that it took *several* kicks. Apparently gutter cruor kicks harder than Anaris does. Too bad it was my last bottle. I could use a drink to dull the aches. Those bruises hurt.)

As I climbed out from behind the barrels where I'd passed out, Anaris threw my pick at me. "Get to work. That new storeroom needs dug out." I was bending to pick up my pick and get to work when something else smacked down on the floor next to it.  "You'll need that, too." I instantly recognized it as the official Redstaff log book. It didn't click at first. Why was he giving me that? It was the fortress overseer's book.

"Huh?" I said. Obviously I hadn't really woken up yet. I'm not usually so... slow.

"It's your turn", he said, more than a bit resentfully.

"My turn?" I swear, it was the hangover talking, not me. Honest.

"Yes", he said, "your turn. Today is the First of Granite, 1052, so my year is over. It's your turn now. Don't screw it up." And with that, he walked away.

As I staggered my way toward the new dig site it started coming back to me. We seven colonists hadn't been able to decide on "The Plan", or whatever you want to call it, when we'd started the expedition. For some reason I can't recall, we hadnt settled it like respectable dwaves either. (i.e. Drinking until only one dwarf was left standing, who is therefore the de facto expedition leader.) Instead, we'd decided that we'd "take turns" doing it. Too bad, too. I know I could easily drink Anaris under the table. Although Foundation might be able to drink even more than me. Not that it would be a bad thing. He'd make a good leader. And he's cute, too. What a beard! I wish I could grow a beard like that...

As I arrived at the new dig site, I cracked the book open to see what else was on the schedule for today. Well, surprise, surprise. Look at that. The only one without a job today was, you guessed it: Anaris. Bah! That would be just like him. Giving everyone else work while he sits around at that private table in the dining room he calls his "office". Like he even needs an office.

Well, I'd think about my new plans while I worked. Yes, I *can* think while I work, unlike some other people I know...

But now it was time, as they they say, to "Strike the earth!"
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.