Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Succession Fort—Angnomal, "Redstaff"  (Read 61648 times)


  • Exalted Emperor
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7th Sandstone, 1052

Something happened to our female yak. She is nowhere to be found. I think the badgermen got her. They're vicious enough to have killed it. Without it, we can't breed more yaks. I've ordered the two yak bulls slaughtered as well. Maybe we can buy more of something from the traders that wander through.

14 Sandstone, 1052

I have begun constructing the glass roof over the sunken farming plots. I know, glass can hardly be expected to withstand the ravages of a forgotten beast, right? Well, never fear! This is strong Dwarven Glass. Guaranteed impregnable to anything! Our farm plots will be safe, roofed in the strong green Dwarven Glass!

1 Timber, 1052

More vagrants. One decent mechanic, and 11 stone haulers. That's fine. I need the stone hauling.

Now look, I'm a dwarf. I like rock as much as the next dwarf does. But to be real, mining tends to leave a lot of debris laying around. And I hate tripping over all the stones. Besides, it looks messy. To fix this, I've ordered all the stone down in the top bedroom level hauled out. We're dumping it outside the mason's shop. We get to kill two elves with one stone: The bedrooms are cleared of all those trip hazards, and the masons don't have to walk very far to get stone. That way they can build stuff faster to furnish the bedrooms.

I've had the animal pens expanded, too. They were much too small, and the lone remaining donkey foal was practically starving because she couldn’t' find anything left to eat in her current pen. That would not be good. Some of these dwarves like donkey tripe stewed in valley herbs. Not me, though. The stench of valley herbs reminds me of elves. That's enough to kill any dwarf's appetite.

I've told Stakud, the manager, to have a few more of those big serrated copper discs made. Anaris was right, they do seem to make good trade goods. And the stonecrafters don't have to spend all their time carving up another 10,000 diorite scepters for trade goods.

Seriously, who buys all that crap? Does the world really need another 2,593 granite totems? At least those serrated discs are good for carving up gobbos. That makes them damned fine in my book!

14 Timber, 1052

The liaison from the Mountainhome has arrived, along with a caravan. I hope they bring some gutter cruor. I'm thirsty. Anaris, our broker is sleeping. Now he gets to be the one woken up by a few hard kicks to the ribs. It's time for him to earn his supper.

24 Timber, 1052

Catten Thimshuravuz decided that all the attention Litast got for making his scepter was a good deal. She's charged off to the magma forge, kicked out the weaponsmiths, and claimed the forge for herself. She took a bar of silver and some yak leather with her, and seems to be trying to figure out how to make something with them. I don't know what she thinks she's going to make out of that, but whatever it is, smart money is that no matter what it is, it'll be ugly. Catten may be a decent metalsmith, but she's not very artistic.

The caravan from the Mountainhome was an abysmal disappointment. Not only did they not bring any gutter cruor, the slackers didn't bring even a single barrel of booze at all! Those alcoholics must have drunk it all themselves on the way here. You can be sure the liaison is going hear about this! We did get some platinum bars and platinum nuggets, and several bins of cheap leather. That's about it. Litast managed to trade one single serrated copper disc for everything they had. No doubt he capitalized on his recent crafting exploits to impress the traders.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.