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Dwarf Fortress Succession Fort—Angnomal, "Redstaff"

Started by Anaris, March 24, 2011, 05:05:21 PM

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1 Granite, 1052
Final Report

Well, this is the end of my tenure as overseer.  In the last month, we worked on the orders I had set up the previous month, and I put on a few last finishing touches.  There is a bridge now in front of the trade depot, as well as the one between it and the fortress proper.  There is a cobaltite lever in the dining room, ready to be linked to the floodgates blocking off the brook. There are rough plans drawn up for a more extensive set of defenses beyond the red bridge.

The new bridge, and the old one

The sunken farm area, with its wall-in-the-making around it

The dining room; note the cobaltite lever just south of where Indirik is standing

A broad overview of the ground level, at the end of my term

A broad overview of the storage level, at the end of my term

A broad overview of the workshop level, at the end of my term

A broad overview of the new entrance level, at the end of my term

I will also include copies of all the profiles of the dwarves in Redstaff, in a separate file.

I am proud to have been the founding overseer for Redstaff, and I am sure this fortress will prosper.

I now turn over all my authority, and all my additional materials, to Zaneg "Indirik" Tangathkilrud, and wish her well.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


...And that's my tenure done, and I took much, much too long about it. as I say, not as I do, mmkay?  :-[

I'm going to try and get the profiles OCRed if I can, so I don't have to post images for all of them, so give me a little while to try to get that working.  ^ban^, wasn't there some sort of "large image handling" plugin you were talking with Tom about adding? I don't see any options that look related to it...

I will be uploading 2 archives to the DFFD shortly: the first will be one that includes only the save and the materials related to it (like the Mountainhome requests screenshot, the list of minerals from dfprospector, etc).  The second will include all that, as well as the entire program folder, to make it trivial to get up and running (not that Indirik really needs a lot of help, but it will make it easy :) ).
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Nah, Tim, the time is well spent.  It's looking awesome! :D  Thanks for taking the time to add in so much preparation for the future, it will make continuing great. 8)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


1st Granite, 1052

It wasn't just being uncomfortable that woke me up, though that didn't help any. I don't even think it was the cat stepping on my face, either. No, I think it was mostly the kick in the ribs that did it. That would pretty much wake up anyone. (Although when I checked later, the number of bruises seems to indicate that it took *several* kicks. Apparently gutter cruor kicks harder than Anaris does. Too bad it was my last bottle. I could use a drink to dull the aches. Those bruises hurt.)

As I climbed out from behind the barrels where I'd passed out, Anaris threw my pick at me. "Get to work. That new storeroom needs dug out." I was bending to pick up my pick and get to work when something else smacked down on the floor next to it.  "You'll need that, too." I instantly recognized it as the official Redstaff log book. It didn't click at first. Why was he giving me that? It was the fortress overseer's book.

"Huh?" I said. Obviously I hadn't really woken up yet. I'm not usually so... slow.

"It's your turn", he said, more than a bit resentfully.

"My turn?" I swear, it was the hangover talking, not me. Honest.

"Yes", he said, "your turn. Today is the First of Granite, 1052, so my year is over. It's your turn now. Don't screw it up." And with that, he walked away.

As I staggered my way toward the new dig site it started coming back to me. We seven colonists hadn't been able to decide on "The Plan", or whatever you want to call it, when we'd started the expedition. For some reason I can't recall, we hadnt settled it like respectable dwaves either. (i.e. Drinking until only one dwarf was left standing, who is therefore the de facto expedition leader.) Instead, we'd decided that we'd "take turns" doing it. Too bad, too. I know I could easily drink Anaris under the table. Although Foundation might be able to drink even more than me. Not that it would be a bad thing. He'd make a good leader. And he's cute, too. What a beard! I wish I could grow a beard like that...

As I arrived at the new dig site, I cracked the book open to see what else was on the schedule for today. Well, surprise, surprise. Look at that. The only one without a job today was, you guessed it: Anaris. Bah! That would be just like him. Giving everyone else work while he sits around at that private table in the dining room he calls his "office". Like he even needs an office.

Well, I'd think about my new plans while I worked. Yes, I *can* think while I work, unlike some other people I know...

But now it was time, as they they say, to "Strike the earth!"
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


12th Granite, 1052

This new storage cavern is *huge*. I've been working on it for two weeks now, and I'm still not half done. And my back hurts. Too much sleeping on the ground. By the Glorious Beard of Shazat, there's no way I'm sleeping in a bed after Telrunya uses it. All that camel cheese she eats... Phew! After she's been sleeping it takes hours before I can go in the room.

I've ordered a halt on the diggin in the new storage cavern. We'll square up the walls, then leave it. We can expand it later, when we actually have something to put in it. For now, I'm tired of sleeping on the ground, or in a mining tunnel somewhere. I need a real bed. Burrowing into the cloth stockpiles trying to get comfortable is getting old. In fact, we all need rooms. So far, that has been sorely neglected. There are only 9 beds in a room dug into a clay loam room. Not even proper stone! I can't get the dust off of me. In fact, I think that's my project for this year. Private bedrooms for everyone! Hmm... I bet that would work as a campaign slogan for mayor...

19th Granite, 1052

Some more vagrants arrived today. Or is that "migrants"? Bah, what's the difference. Anyway, there were 19 of them, altogether. One or two of them looks like he could be of real use to us. Onul claims to be a half-decent weaponsmith. He's a lot better than Dumed, anyway. And here's a weird one: Shem "Glenrag". Says on the list that he's a carpenter, yet he claims to be able to do just about anything with metal. We've already got a carpenter, so I'll send him off the the forges. There are two masons in here, too. That should help. Anaris' plans including building a LOT of stone walls, and he'd been trying to do it with numbskulls who barely even knew what a rock was, let alone how to build a wall.

Shazat Knees! This means that there are now *38* of us sharing those same nine beds! Gah! I really need to get those bedrooms dug. I'll hand picks to Urist McUseless #1, #2, and #3. They're all worthless freeloaders. I asked #3 what he could do, and you know what he said? "I know how to calm people down. And that's about it" He's not very good at it. I almost punched him in the nose. Or does that mean he *is* good at it?

3rd Slate, 1052

One of the new vagrants, Stakud, claims to know how to organize our work. I've appointed him Manager. Now I don't have to bother managing all those workshops. I tell him what to do, and he makes sure it gets done. Leaves me more time to plan the new bedrooms.

I gave him Anaris' table.

7 Slate, 1052

That's it, I've had enough! I'm sick of all this chicken and llama crap in the dining room! I've ordered all the animals, including all those insufferably fluffy "pets" the vagrants brought with them, penned outside. And I've had enough with the stupid cats climbing over me while I sleep. I had all them, and the flea-bitten dogs, too, jammed into a cage in the corner of the dining room.

Except for that one mean dog someone trained as an attack dog. No one wants to go near him. I think I'll have him chained near the fortress entrance. It better be someone with armor on. That's one nasty dog.

Oh, I almsot forgot: llama for dinner tonight.

15 Slate, 1052

I've ordered the plowing of the three farm plots in Anaris' "indoor/outdoor" farm. The first plot will be Whip Vines. If you can't have gutter cruor, you might as well drink whip whine, I've always said. Oh, we're planting longland grass and rope reeds, too. No booze from those, but we do need clothes and food, too. I guess.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


1st Felsite, 1052

It has begun.

It took me two whole months to draw out the plans. But yesterday, I finally finished. Today, the digging starts.

Is it extravagant? Of course. But as the old dwarven expression says: "There's nothing worth doing, that's not worth overdoing!"

Anaris thinks I'm being ridiculous. Too bad. He had his turn. This is *my* turn! And I'm tired of sleeping behind to booze stockpile. I want some luxury!

14th Felsite, 1052

Of all the weird things I've seen in my life, this has got to be the weirdest thing ever. This morning Kogsak Lorelik, the Carpenter dropped the stone he was carrying to build the perimiter wall on his foot. He grabbed his foot and started hopping around, swearing in a really crude and foul manner. I learned a few new ones from him today! After a few hops, though, he tripped and fell, hitting his head on the block of rhyolite he'd been carrying. He passed out for a few seconds. When he woke up, he had a wild look in his eyes, and ran for the fort entrance. We found him in his workshop babbling about trees. He then ran off, and came back with a cedar log and a birch log. He's been pounding away in his shop for a couple days now. I have no idea what he's doing, but he ignores everyone, even those trying to bring him food and booze. We'll have to wait and see.

18th Felsite, 1052

An elven carvan showed up today. I want to know who the dirty traitor is that told the treehuggers where to find us.

Kogsak is still working. He keeps muttering "Vukcas Ikud". I think he's gone insane.

21st Felsite, 1052

After 7 straight days, Kogsak finally wandered out of the workshop. He looked confused, and carried a cedar bracelet in his hand. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is decorated with larch, and is adorned with hanging rings of cedar. Kogsak may be a half-decent craftsman, but there's no way he could have made something so fine. He swears the last thing he remembers is smashing his toe with that rock. He claims the bracelet is called "The Crescent of Reigning". Of course he doesn't know *why* it's called that. It just is. We may never know the truth. But it is a fine bracelet.

I'm worried that some time in the future, some possessed crafter might really snap and go berserk. I've started ordering new craftsdwarf shops built with walls around them. If worse comes to worse, we can lock the poor buggers in to protect the rest of us. I've also ordered the construction of a magma kiln and another smelter. We're gonna need all the metal we can get. I hope we can find some fire clay or some kaolinite for the kiln. Glazing pottery is for the elves!

Oh, the elves were still hanging around. Apparently they weren't going to leave until I gave them something. I pawned a couple of the more poorly made serrated copper discs off on the elves in exchange for some seeds, a bit of cloth, and some food. Barely even worth mentioning, but it did get rid of them.

It's almost summer time. The ice will melt soon. I'd better make sure none of the miners are working in the waterwheel tunnel.

(OOC: I normally play with temperature turned off, as it really sucks down the frame rate. I didn't realize the ice should have melted until a few days into summer. Woops. I had to save, turn on temperature, load, wait for it to all melt, save, turn of temperature, and reload. :P )
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Wow, pretty fast there, Rob. :)  Did you draw all that or did another program do the bedroom layout? 8)
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


Quote from: Foundation on May 03, 2011, 08:48:55 PMWow, pretty fast there, Rob. :)

Tim took most of my two weeks. I only have a day or two to catch up. :P

QuoteDid you draw all that or did another program do the bedroom layout? 8)

I recently discovered Quickfort. Simply amazing. You should never play Dwarf Fortress without it. I pound my head in frustration at all the time I have wasted designating all the same crap over, and over, and over again.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Anaris on May 02, 2011, 05:55:08 PM
I'm going to try and get the profiles OCRed if I can, so I don't have to post images for all of them, so give me a little while to try to get that working.  ^ban^, wasn't there some sort of "large image handling" plugin you were talking with Tom about adding? I don't see any options that look related to it...

There was, but he never followed up on it.... or it was for another version of SMF. I can't recall.
Born in Day they knew the Light; Rulers, prophets, servants, and warriors.
Life in Night that they walk; Gods, heretics, thieves, and murderers.
The Stefanovics live.


Well, something odd happened with the weather on my turn. The water froze into ice, but it never snowed. Weird. I'll make some more posts here shortly. My turn is done, and I've written it all up. Just have to add some pics, then post the archive. I think it turned out pretty well. One year really isn't all that much time to get much done, when you only start with 19 dorfs. But that number has increased a LOT now.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


20 Hematite, 1052

More vagrants. A gem cutter/setter, a mason, a blacksmith, and six furniture movers.

At this rate, I'm going to need a second level of dormitories. Good thing I kept the plans handy.

One good thing did come from the vagrants, though. They pointed out a critical flaw in Anaris' wall plans: He forget to dig out the hillsides that make such effective ramps over the walls. These vagrants used the hillside and just strolled past our walls like they weren't even there. I've ordered the hillside dug out into a nice, steep cliff. I may need to dig back some of the mountainside and build a second level of walls on that side to make a wall that actually works.

15 Galena, 1052

OK, I know that I said Kagsok's possession was weird. But today, I saw something that was even more bizarre. I'm not kidding.

Believe it or not, Medtob Adilsherik actually gave birth while smelting some tetrahedrite! Can you believe this?! There she is working at the magma smelter, when *BAM*! Next thing you know, she's got a screaming baby boy in her arms. Talk about freakish devotion to duty. No one even knew she was pregnant! Atir Morulsat must be a proud father. Like the dedicated dwarf he is, though, he didn't even stop planting when we told him the good news. He just smiled, nodded, and plunked another whip vine seed into the ground.

Some aspiring comedian has dubbed this "the sixth migration wave".

16 Galena, 1052

Our cage traps are filling up with, get this, pandamen and badgermen. We've caught seven of these things already. The badgermen in particular are very aggressive. They keep charging after our hunters and woodcutters, who then come complaining to me about their work being interrupted. I've ordered another 10 cages built. Stakud says he'll get right on it. Good man. I'm glad I appointed him. Makes my life easier.

19 Galena, 1052

The bedroom project is moving along rapidly. With the new mason's workshops built, furniture is being built very quickly. The engravers have also been at work, too. Not quite fast enough, but it will have to do. They're not very good at it yet, but they'll get better.

23rd Galena, 1052

Litast Vodducim, the Potash Maker, was carrying a throne down to the new bedroom level today when he got a sudden inspiration. He ran to the very same craftsdwarf shop that Kogsak had used and threw all the materials in the workbench to the ground. He grabbed a big chunk of tetrahedrite that the miners had left lying around, and began hammering and carving at it furiously. We don't know what he's doing, but he's really going at it with gusto. We've set a barrel of booze next to him jsut in case he gets thirsty. But if this is anything like Kogsak, I doubt he'll touch it. The rest of us have taken to ignoring him while he works.

30th Galena, 1052

Litast came out of the workshop today with a remarkably crafted sceptre made of tetrahedrite. He calls it Agvumshar. He says it means "Daubedgloom". What does *that* mean? We have no idea. Anyway, it's a very nice scepter. It menaces with spikes of tetrahedrite. Very fashionable. It's sure to make Litast into a legend of craftsdwarfery. I'm reassigning that dwarf to the stonecrafter squad. Kivish can barely chisel out even the simplest table. He goes back to the carpentry shop, where he can build stuff no one cares about. I mean, does a drunk care what the barrel looks like? I don't think so. Trust me on this one. I speak with the voice of experience.

It will soon be autumn. I'd better make sure we have enough booze to last the winter.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


7th Sandstone, 1052

Something happened to our female yak. She is nowhere to be found. I think the badgermen got her. They're vicious enough to have killed it. Without it, we can't breed more yaks. I've ordered the two yak bulls slaughtered as well. Maybe we can buy more of something from the traders that wander through.

14 Sandstone, 1052

I have begun constructing the glass roof over the sunken farming plots. I know, glass can hardly be expected to withstand the ravages of a forgotten beast, right? Well, never fear! This is strong Dwarven Glass. Guaranteed impregnable to anything! Our farm plots will be safe, roofed in the strong green Dwarven Glass!

1 Timber, 1052

More vagrants. One decent mechanic, and 11 stone haulers. That's fine. I need the stone hauling.

Now look, I'm a dwarf. I like rock as much as the next dwarf does. But to be real, mining tends to leave a lot of debris laying around. And I hate tripping over all the stones. Besides, it looks messy. To fix this, I've ordered all the stone down in the top bedroom level hauled out. We're dumping it outside the mason's shop. We get to kill two elves with one stone: The bedrooms are cleared of all those trip hazards, and the masons don't have to walk very far to get stone. That way they can build stuff faster to furnish the bedrooms.

I've had the animal pens expanded, too. They were much too small, and the lone remaining donkey foal was practically starving because she couldn't' find anything left to eat in her current pen. That would not be good. Some of these dwarves like donkey tripe stewed in valley herbs. Not me, though. The stench of valley herbs reminds me of elves. That's enough to kill any dwarf's appetite.

I've told Stakud, the manager, to have a few more of those big serrated copper discs made. Anaris was right, they do seem to make good trade goods. And the stonecrafters don't have to spend all their time carving up another 10,000 diorite scepters for trade goods.

Seriously, who buys all that crap? Does the world really need another 2,593 granite totems? At least those serrated discs are good for carving up gobbos. That makes them damned fine in my book!

14 Timber, 1052

The liaison from the Mountainhome has arrived, along with a caravan. I hope they bring some gutter cruor. I'm thirsty. Anaris, our broker is sleeping. Now he gets to be the one woken up by a few hard kicks to the ribs. It's time for him to earn his supper.

24 Timber, 1052

Catten Thimshuravuz decided that all the attention Litast got for making his scepter was a good deal. She's charged off to the magma forge, kicked out the weaponsmiths, and claimed the forge for herself. She took a bar of silver and some yak leather with her, and seems to be trying to figure out how to make something with them. I don't know what she thinks she's going to make out of that, but whatever it is, smart money is that no matter what it is, it'll be ugly. Catten may be a decent metalsmith, but she's not very artistic.

The caravan from the Mountainhome was an abysmal disappointment. Not only did they not bring any gutter cruor, the slackers didn't bring even a single barrel of booze at all! Those alcoholics must have drunk it all themselves on the way here. You can be sure the liaison is going hear about this! We did get some platinum bars and platinum nuggets, and several bins of cheap leather. That's about it. Litast managed to trade one single serrated copper disc for everything they had. No doubt he capitalized on his recent crafting exploits to impress the traders.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


1st Moonstone, 1052

Winter is here. To celebrate, Catten came out of her forge and proudly displayed her masterpiece: Sedilesast, a silver bed. She calls it "The Angelic Evaporation". A silver bed? Sounds like it could be interesting. Well-polished silver has particularly lovely sheen. Too bad the name doesn't make any sense at all. These "legendary" crafters are all a few bars short of a full bin, if you know what I mean.

Everyone crowded around to get a look at this new artifact. The murmur of excitement quickly died away once we got a good look at it. Now, what two consenting adult dwarves do in the privacy of their own room is really no one else's business, so long as they keep it there. And here, in her craftsmen's masterwork piece, Catten shoved it all out into the open. I kid you not, this thing has built-in yak leather straps and cuffs. Catten claims it's just "adorned with yak leather". Uh huh. Sure. And on the headboard? She says that elaborate silver inlay is "a pipe section". Yeah right. Anyone dwarf with a brain can tell what it really is. No wonder Catten has no friends. She's a pervert.

See? I warned you that whatever she made was going to be ugly. But it's even worse than I could have imagined. Shazat knows I'm right, too. I'm going to find a deep dark cavern somewhere, and have this thing sealed inside. Hopefully everyone will forget it ever even existed.

5th Moonstone, 1052

Tun Zugonbzuntir must be as tired of these stupid pandamen as I am. She grabbed a crossbow and some of the copper bolts, and went hunting. What she brought home wasn't a pandaman, just a plain old panda. She claims she killed it before it could grow up into a real pandaman. Panda tripe roast for dinner, I guess.

20th Moonstone, 1052

Anaris finally met with the liaison from the Mountainhome today. I told him to request some blue diamonds. When the meetings was over, Anaris told me the liaison said he can't get any blue diamonds, and the best he could do was blue garnet or yellow diamond. I can't be sure which one of them is lying. Maybe both of them.

At least Anaris was able to request some aluminum and platinum bars, nuggets, and blocks for the crafters, gypsum plaster and thread for the hospital we'll need to build, silk cloth, llamas for breeding, barrels for those that like the local brew, and lots of that fancy, imported booze. At least that's one thing the Mountainhome knows how to do: brew a good barrel of rum.

3rd Opal, 1052

The miners are halfway done with the second level of bedrooms. I'll lay out the third soon. Probably won' get around to actually digging it. Witht he way things are going, we probably won't even finish digging the second level. Even so, two is enough to house all the dwarves we have now, and there's still all that stone we have to haul. Moving it all the way up to the crafting level was taking too long. I've told the stone haulers to just dump it in the corner of the main stairwell for now. We can move it somewhere else later. I've suspended all non-essential tasks in the interesting of cleaning up all this stone. Not sure we'll get all the moving done before spring, though.

25th Obsidian, 1052

Onu Orkogan, the weaponsmith, has decided to get his piece of the popularity pie, too. He dropped the stone he was carrying and ran off to the magma forge. He's hammering away on an iron bar, and wont tell anyone what his plans are. This had better not be a repeat of the last incident. Judging from how long it takes these crazy crafters to actually finish their work, that will most likely be for the next overseer to deal with.


Well, that's the end of my shift as fortress overseer. And none too soon, too. It's been a year since I've had a good bender. Here's some wrap up notes for the next lucky dwarf that gets this crazy job.

First, the glass roof on the indoor/outdoor farm needs finished. We got started, but ran out of glass.

Second, those hills outside need to be turned into cliffs, and a proper second level of walls built where it meets the cliffs. We got a good start at it. Most of the ramps have been removed, and one portion of the second level of walls was completed.

Third, we need to get serious with the defenses. Now that some jerk has told the elves where we are, I'm sure goblins will probably be along any day now. Those treehuggers are the gobbo's forward scouts. Trust me on this one. We're going to need a lot of traps, weapons, and armor. And that means a lot of steel.

Fourth, the second level of bedrooms needs dug out. It's half done already. I've left plans for the third level in place, if needed. Jut tell the miners where to put in the stairs, and get our of our way.

Fifth, you probably should finish furnishing the bedroom level. The masons are hard at work on all the cabinets, coffers, doors, tables, chairs, etc., that will be needed for the first level. Stakud will be happy to take care of making what's needed for the second. Just let him know when to get started.

Personally, I don't really care if you ever get around to furnishing the rest of the bedrooms. My room's done, and I'm going to bed.

Right after I find out where the next overseer is sleeping, and give him a good kick in the ribs.

Zaneg Indirik Tangathkilrud
Legendary Miner

Finally, a decent bedroom.

Some sketches of the current Fortress status.

The walls are finished, and most of the hillside turned into cliffs.

The (slighty smaller than originally planned) new warehouse and indoor/outdoor farms.

The new enclosed crafting corner, with partially completed walls.

The final excavation of the top bedroom level. Partially smoothed, partially cleared, and partially furnished. But my room is done. And that's all that really matters.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Link for the new save file:

Link for the complete game. (Note: This is Anaris' archive, with his save file. if you grab this, replace the save file with mine from above.)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.