Author Topic: IG Battle Tactics Discussion  (Read 6935 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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IG Battle Tactics Discussion
« Topic Start: July 15, 2012, 01:43:44 AM »
As a new arrival to the glory of Battlemaster, I am still learning the combat process and the intricate details of how battle strategy and tactics function in this ever-interesting game.

I've noticed that every nation and indeed each commander has their own preferred fighting style - obviously requiring adaptability depending on the location, time-span, enemy faced, and enemy troop content.

Some employ vast archer legions to cut down their enemies mid-stride while others organize massive infantry charges not unlike great blackened clouds which shroud the lands and echo a thousand battle-cries in unison. Some have tightly-knit cavalry formations with infantry walls while others forsake tactic and troop specialization to simply bash at their enemy with everything they can muster.

Having fought in Belluaterra against daimonkind, in Dwilight against Kabrinskia, and of course the endless stream of monster and undead uprisings, I've noticed two utterly diverging schools of thought, and a dozen or so different "primary" groups between the two.

The two main schools of thought are of course the "Death by a thousand cuts" method, the employing of endless legions to crush your enemy with sheer numbers, and the more specialized usage of highly-trained specialist troops to tactically engage the enemy and gain the upper hand.

I would like to learn more about YOUR preferred method of waging war, against what sort of enemy fighting styles you've used your methods, and how they fared for you. Don't be afraid to mention either crushing victories or embarrassing defeats - each has their merits and teaches all those involved how to better wage war.

As a newbie Marshal I feel its my place to learn the nuances of BM's combat system so that I may better serve the nations I am loyal to. :-)

My two main concerns are fighting cavalry charges and fighting infantry-walls, not the tactics per-se but armies that use a healthy dose of cavalry and armies that employ a cluster!@#$ of infantry.

Thank you in advance for your information and assistance, and I hope this leads to many an interesting discussion!
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.