Author Topic: IMPLEMENTED: Implicit provisions for troop units  (Read 8835 times)


  • Peasant
  • Posts: 1
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Title: Implicit provisions for troop units

Summary: Now that there are no caravans, troops need a way to spend short amounts of time in a starving region without starving themselves.

Details: Units don't travel without some food, but nobles don't need to micromanage it, they have people for that. Any unit can reside in a starving region for a full day before starvation has any effect. If a unit has carts, make it 2 days, since they would have brought extra provisions. Staying a turn in a non-starving region replenishes your supplies, but only if you are stationary at the turn change.

Benefits: Units will no longer start starving on their first turn in a starving region – a very unrealistic thing. But it doesn't delay starvation so long as to make it a non-issue. This shouldn't take much code to implement, either (pseudocode):

Code: [Select]
at turn change:
    if unit is stationary and region is not starving:
        if unit has at least one cart:
            unit.provisions = 4
            unit.provisions = 2
    if region is starving:
        unit.provisions -= 1
        if unit.provisions <= 0

Possible Exploits: Can't think of any.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2012, 03:01:43 AM by egamma »