Author Topic: Faery Tale Online  (Read 212501 times)


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #45: July 20, 2012, 09:21:13 PM »
Enjoy the experience and roleplay what a newborn/toddler/child would actually do at your character's age, like crying because of hunger, babbling, slowly learning to crawl and walk and speak, getting to know the world around them while being taught things they need to know by their family, like how to make your own food and everything you should know about the race's unique culture. Some races might even have unique vocabulary for some things.
This is one of the things I am really not looking forward to. It sounds like it's a pretty ridiculous thing to be required to do. RP your character as a newborn baby? I have kids. I know what newborn babies do: Sleep. When they're not sleeping they're eating. Or crying. Or pooping. (If you're lucky they're pooping. If not... Well, that's a whole 'nother problem!)

How fast do characters age? Because personally, I'd just love to fast-forward to the part where I can at least walk, talk, and do stuff.
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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #46: July 20, 2012, 09:54:12 PM »

This is a serious Fantasy roleplayer's wet dream! this is nothing, I've RP'd in some extremely serious communities where this is completely normal, though generally optional. Its always a blast, and its a good experience for not-so-serious/experienced RPers who only do BM-esque RP, which is relatively tame and simplistic.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #47: July 20, 2012, 10:20:05 PM »
FAQ Part 1:

Pop-Ups: First, please make sure to allow pop-ups for the Faery Tale Online site to avoid problems. Don't worry, there will be no advertisements popping up, but several game functions use pop-ups.

How do I see my race?
Hover your mouse cursor over the symbol of a small blue person next to your character's age.

How do I post my own roleplay?
First make sure that you have read the roleplays other players might have written already after your birth. The newest ones are at the top, the oldest at the bottom. Then you can fill your own roleplay into the small "Say" field and click on the "Send" button afterwards. However, as long as your character is younger than 1 ingame year, everything they say will get automatically converted to baby babbling like "gaa goo waaaah" to prevent players from talking like an adult.

Emotes: You can still write emotes to describe your character's actions, though. To do so, surround your text with asterisks, like *text*. Doing this will prevent the conversion to babbling. However, you have to make sure there is nothing, not even a blank space, outside the asterisks or the automatic conversion to baby babbling will still happen. Of course you can also use this function to send OOC messages to your colony. It might be good to let them know you are a new player, so that they will hopefully show some understanding and patience if you make some mistakes in your first days of playing. Emotes don't describe speech, so *Mama, I'm hungry!* would be a bad emote (not even to mention the fact that a newborn should not be able to speak yet ;)). *The baby is hungry* would not be a great emote either - instead, try to describe what effects the hunger would have on your character, like *She releases a high-pitched wail as her stomach starts to growl.* Inner monologues and thoughts are usually not described in Faery Tale Online, only things that other characters would see or hear, so that they can react to them. There is still a place called "The Faery Tale" for story-telling including inner monologues that I will mention a bit later.

I have no clue who is talking in the roleplays that the other players have written. It just keeps saying things like "man/woman in adulthood". How to change that?
Naming: Naming of other characters, of locations and of some special NPC animals is dynamic in FTO, meaning there are no pre-set names that every player would see. Instead, you will learn the names together with your character and can fill them in as soon as you know how a person or place is called. For example, it might be a good idea to mark your character's parents somehow if you have already seen them roleplay and so know who they are. If there was a woman roleplaying giving birth to one or more babies right after your character was born, it is usually safe to assume this woman is your character's mother. To mark them for yourself, just click on their blue "Woman/Man in Adulthood" link above their roleplay and fill in something like "mother" if you haven't been able to deduce their actual names yet from the roleplay that has happened so far. No other players will see what you fill in there, so you could name a character "crazy old guy" if you want. These names you give to characters can be changed at any time and as often as you want.

As soon as you have named someone this way, their name will also show up for you in the list of inhabitants to the right. You will likely be at the bottom of this list because the list is sorted by age, with the oldest characters at the top and the youngest at the bottom. If your character was born together with a twin or even more new siblings, the character born first will be listed before the others. You could also send an OOC message surrounded by asterisks * and ask the players in your colony nicely to give you all names of the inhabitants OOCly to facilitate the roleplaying, though of course things like that can always be done in the race's specific IRC channel as well. Alternatively, you could try to find out who the players of your parents are by asking in the Faery Tale Online facebook group and then having them explain things to you in private facebook messages.

How do I enter the IRC channel for my race?

Even if you're not sure what exactly IRC is and if you don't have any client for it installed, this is a fool-proof way to enter the IRC chat room for Faery Tale Online. There are usually several players online there and you can simply ask them if there is anybody of your race online at the moment and what the name of your race-specific IRC channel is.

Where do I see what my parents look like?
Once you have found out who your parents are and have given them some kind of name, you can find them in the list of inhabitants to the right. Hover your mouse cursor over the symbol left of their name which is either a blue person if they are online right now or a blue dash if they are offline. You will see two paragraphs there. The first is written by the respective player and describes the individual character. The second paragraph is automatically produced by the game and describes the race that this character belongs to. Some characters also have an image which you can see by clicking on the magnifying glass right of their name in the inhabitants list.

Before interacting with a character you should always make sure to check their race first. It's possible that there are huge size differences that would influence the roleplay, like that between a 5-inch-race and a 3-foot-race or that other racial features would influence the roleplay, for example a mermaid child that can't leave the water to play with some human children on the land. If there is a sentence added that "It appears that this particular being shares some of their racial qualities with some other race", it means that the character is a cross-breed, even though the game won't automatically tell you what the second race is that flows in the character's blood. If you can't figure it out by the individual character description, it will be very hard to tell, unless you have your character ask childishly when they are old enough for it "Mommy, why does person X look different from us?" ;)

Where can I fill in the description for my own character and upload an image?
There is a field for your own character description in the top left corner and you will make the players of your character's parents very happy by writing at least a short text here. It is also seen as a sign of activity and will likely help to have your character be fed by others in opposite to the babies who are seen as inactive and given up after some days (which is unfortunately way more than those who are and stay active). Please take into regard the descriptions of your character's mother and father and your character's general racial description before you write anything here. You could also look at the descriptions of other family members for inspiration.

Only visual features of your character should be filled in here, like hair and eye color, stature, height, form of the nose or also more temporary things (if you keep them up to date) like wounds or dark rings around the eyes or reddened eyes from crying a lot, but not invisible character traits like "She is a very kind person who likes to help others" or "He doesn't like raspberries" or emotions like "He is sad about the death of his mother". If your character is a cross-breed and you know the races of both the father and the mother, you can of course mix the racial features in a way that you like. If you are unsure which features would be acceptable in your race, you can always ask people in IRC or in the facebook group. If you want, you can upload an image for your character by clicking on the scroll symbol next to your character's name in the inhabitants list. To do so, you have to allow pop-ups for the Faery Tale Online site.

My character is starving! What to do?
First of all, don't panic. Every character gets born in the "starving" state and it's not as urgent as it sounds. It would still take several RL days for a character to die of hunger from there and there is actually a state that is still worse than starving, namely "near death". Just give the players of your character's parents some time to log into the game and give some food to you. Or maybe you already have some food in your inventory? If so, just click on the "eat" symbol next to it. Starving characters also eat food automatically at every tick if they have food in their inventory and if you have not disabled the auto-eat function on the portal screen.

My character's parents roleplayed that they gave food to me, but I can't find any. Where is it?
If the food is not in your inventory and if your character is not starving any longer, your character has automatically eaten the food already because of the auto-eat function. Auto-eat triggers only for starving or near death characters at the next tick if they have food in their inventory. If your character is still hungry, feel free to make that known to your parents by crying, fussing around or otherwise bothering them.

When the parents give clothes to my character, is (s)he wearing them automatically?
No, you still have to click on an icon in your inventory to equip them. The icon looks like a blue sword.

How many ticks are there? When are they?
There is one tick every RL hour.

But it tells me I have only 1 hour of play time for the whole day! How does that work?
While you are on the portal screen, no time will be subtracted. Time is only subtracted when you have entered the world and click on something there. Write your roleplays offline in a text file and only enter the world to paste them in, which will only use a few seconds of your daily hour. To read new roleplays, you can enter the game world without worrying. As long as the only thing you click on after entering the game world is the "Portal" or "Logout" link at the bottom of the page, no time should be subtracted. Time will only be subtracted if you click on other links or objects in the game world, start a project, click on the "send" button or whatever else. Clicking the "Refresh Page" button will subtract all the time you have spent in the game world since entering it. If you have idled in the game world for a bit to read the new posts, make sure to go back to the portal screen first before sending your own roleplays to avoid losing too much of your daily hour. Regarding your own playing time, you can stay on the portal screen as long as you want, but as soon as the influx of new players will lead to error messages appearing that players can't log in because too many others are currently logged in, it would be nice of you to log out completely when you don't actually play, so that another player can log in and check on their characters.

How long is an ingame year?
6 RL days.

How long is an ingame day?
12 RL hours.

Why does my character not have a name yet?
Your character will be mechanically named by the player of the mother. The player might not have logged in yet and might also be living in a different time zone than you, so give them some time. Some parents also like to discuss the naming after the birth and it might take a bit until they have played the scene and decided on a name for your character. Also, there is a bug that sometimes the player of a mother naming a child loses all of their remaining playing time for the day during the naming process on the portal screen. So many players of mothers hold off on naming until the end of a day when they won't need their remaining time any longer.

What if I don't like the name they choose for me?
Well, like in real life, you don't have much choice there. You can mechanically enter a nick name for your character into the "Nick name" field, but that would only have the effect that this name is shown for your character in your own interface, not in that of other players. When your character is old enough to talk and make conscious decisions, they could suggest a nick name for themselves to others, but maybe you will get to like your original name after all, given some time. Some names might sound strange for RL circumstances, but they might have cultural background for your race. There are races that name their children after gems or after trees or natural phenomena, for example. If you suggest in such a race to be called Megan or Sam instead, that would not make much sense from the perspective of your character. You could always go with short forms of your name, though, unless that is frowned upon within your specific race.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 07:04:24 PM by Andira »


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #48: July 20, 2012, 10:20:59 PM »
FAQ Part 2:

How do I make food or other things?
Characters below the age of 1 can't work on any other projects than foraging yet. Foraging means you simply gather some resources of the available biomes, but of course this only works if you are not inside a building or city. To forage when your character is outside, click on the "Look around" link in the "Nature" section and then on the icon that looks like a blue shopping cart next to one of the available biomes. Every biome has a different range of resources that it can produce and not all of them have anything that food can be made of. You can see what you and others in your location have foraged by going to your portal screen and then clicking on the "Show Event Messages" link.

Resources can never be eaten, even if they are food like berries that can normally be eaten without much preparation IRL. They still have to be prepared first, which will turn them from a resource into an object. Characters who are old enough to start projects can use edible resources that have been foraged to start a project to prepare berries, for example. Alternatively, raw meat can be gained from hunting and then it can be roasted in an oven or over a fire. But of course all of that is nothing that a newborn like your character can or would do.

How old does my character have to be to help someone with their project?

How old does my character have to be to start their own projects?

How old does my character have to be to hunt or to attack another character?
5. That does not mean you should go and try it out right away, though, or your character could die. Several animals are really tough and can kill children easily, especially if you go attack them without a weapon and without armor. Also, some colonies value animal life and would hate to see you attack one of the animals without thought. Animal races also might go extinct in certain places if the last ones are killed, so doing so might piss some people off. And many players frown upon it if young children even try to hunt on their own without being motivated for it by others. It's not like the first thing an average 5-year-old would like to do is go to engage a bear in combat (which would likely lead to your character's death in FTO - I have seen more than one character die after attacking a bear). Instead, please wait until adults show your character how to hunt. That might also be an important step in your character's culture and might be done as a ritual at a certain age, so it's important to follow the guidance of other players there. If you don't want to wait or if you're not sure if it's allowed to hunt in your character's culture or not, you could have your character ask about it in an innocent, childish way, so that an adult will explain things to your character.

If you ever mechanically attack another character, do so at your own risk. Even while still being a child, it might result in your character getting killed by an adult. If you just want to roleplay a harmless fight between children, do so without using the mechanical attack function and especially without using any kind of weapon. Simply describe in an emote how your character boxes the other child onto their arm or whatever.

How old does my character have to be to travel?
5. However, if there is not a really good reason for your character to run away from home, they shouldn't do so at such a young age where they are still dependent on their parents.

How old does my character have to be to produce offspring?
10. However, you should as always pay attention to the culture of your character's race and learn what an appropriate age for having babies would be there.

Can animals attack and kill my character without provocation?
Yes and no. Animals in outside locations won't ever attack without being attacked first. However, mines and cities are an exception to this. Whenever your character enters a new street or tunnel inside a city or mine, there is a chance that one of the creatures present there will attack your character. I have seen players get really sad over losing their character this way, so it's best to stay away from mines and cities unless adult characters tell your character it's safe to go in there (which is only the case if adults have killed all the creatures inside - new creatures might spawn, though). Especially young children still have very low hitpoints, even though hitpoints are a hidden value, so be careful where you go with your character.

There are "Unknown Creatures" in the creature list of my location. What are they?
They are simply animals that are either extremely strong or special in some other way and they are part of the dynamic naming system. If there is a certain name for them in your character's culture, you can fill that name in there, so that they won't be shown as "Unknown Creature" any longer. You can of course always have your character ask childishly what they are called to find out if there is any special name for them. Do not attack them unless told to do so by an adult. Some of them could kill an unarmed child with one blow.

Are multiple births possible?
Yes, one of my characters once had 7 babies at once and I have heard of births up to 12 babies at once. However, there are also a lot of births with just a single baby.

How long does a pregnancy last?
24 RL hours, regardless of the race.

Can I have more than one character per account?
Yes, you can have up to three living characters on your account (or even more through account merging, but you can't join the birth queue any longer once you have 3 characters on an account). Once your first character is born, you can click on the "Enter Birth Queue" button on your portal screen to join the birth queue with a second character. But please, do so only after you have played for some time and are sure that you still want to keep playing and that you have the time and dedication for more than one character. Otherwise, you would unnecessarily lengthen the already long birth queue for other players still waiting to get into the game and you would also make parents sad who would get an inactive baby. If you decide you don't want to play Faery Tale Online any longer, please consider giving your account away to someone still waiting to play over the facebook group or here in the BattleMaster forums.

Is more than one account per player allowed?
There was a time when no more than one account per player was allowed, though it seems this rule has been lifted now.

Instead of going down further in the birth queue, I just went up a spot! What's going on?
When a player in the birth queue doesn't log into their account for a week, the account gets marked as inactive, so that the character will not be born until the player logs in again. The inactive account will still continue to advance through the queue invisibly, so that it will definitely end up at spot 0 given enough time, but the birth will be blocked from happening for the account. As soon as the player reactivates the account by logging in, the birth gets "unlocked" and players behind them in the queue will get pushed back a spot.

Is there more than one continent?
Yes, there are several continents completely separate from each other. I have not played for some time and I'm not sure if boats have been implemented yet, but if they haven't, the only characters able to travel between different continents are those that have special racial qualities that enable them to either swim or fly very long distances. That means that certain races will never meet each other, unless boats get implemented.

Is clanning allowed?
Yes and no. It's completely fine if you join the birth queue together with some friends, hoping that you will all get born to the same mother, so that your characters would be able to grow up together and become friends ingame. However, if you plan to form a huge interracial BM clan before even being born, it might not be the best of ideas. First, like I mentioned, it's mechanically impossible for some races to meet because they are on different continents and don't have boats. Second, and more importantly, please have your character do things out of in-character motivations only, not because you OOCly would like an interracial clan with all BM players. Develop your character with the experiences he or she makes while growing up instead of planning their life now while you're still in the birth queue. It's best to play this game without any advance plans and to just see what happens to your character.

What causes of death exist in Faery Tale Online?
Your character could get killed by another character or by an NPC animal, they could starve, they could die of heat or cold damage when wearing the wrong clothes for their surroundings (though this takes a long time and can easily be changed at any given time - this is mostly a death only inactive characters die). Eating something that is not meant to be eaten, like feces or already rotting food, will also result in some damage, though I think the damage from one piece of bad food is relatively small and would only be enough to kill a character who is already damaged from something else. And finally, characters can die of old age. When exactly that happens depends on the race your character belongs to. There was also a one-time event that characters older than 50 died of a strange disease that the game creator used to kill them off, but this did not happen ever again, so there's no reason to worry about your character turning 50 now.

Can old characters still produce offspring?
No. There is a certain age limit after which characters won't be able to produce offspring. I'm not entirely sure where this limit lies exactly and in how far it varies for different races, but it definitely exists.

Is it okay if my character kills another character?
Well, there isn't a rule against killing other characters or the game mechanics for that wouldn't exist. However, please bear in mind the long waiting time in the queue and what an annoyance it would be for a player to have to go through that again. Some disputes could easily be settled without outright killing of another character, by just emoting how they fight and how one of them loses and gets knocked out without actually dying of their wounds. You don't -have- to use the attack button in such cases. At least give it a second and even a third thought before actually attempting to murder another character.

What if somebody attacks my character while I'm offline?
Your character will automatically defend themselves, even when you're offline. However, if your character has no armor or weapon and the attacker is heavily armed, that wouldn't change much. But there is a guard function for your rescue. Characters can guard other characters by clicking on "Show Guard Options" on the portal screen and then checkmarking any character that your own character would defend with their life. It is very likely that your character's parents would guard him or her this way, at least if you have proven to be an active roleplayer and not one of the many inactive babies. This protection only works while your character is exactly in the same location as the person protecting them, though. As soon as your character enters a building, mine or city that their protectors are not in, you lose the protection until they follow you there or you go back to where they are.

How do I open containers?
You have to allow popups for the Faery Tale Online site for containers to work because their contents will pop up in a new, small window.

How can I switch the gender for my character?
While you are still in the birth queue, you can switch the gender of your character by clicking on the "Account" link in the upper right corner of your portal screen. As soon as you are born, you can no longer switch the gender (that would be a pretty disturbing sight for all the other characters ;)).

Does magic exist in Faery Tale Online?
Yes. Some characters randomly get born with a magic talent. The offensive magic talents would only manifest when the character reaches the age of a teenager while other types of magic can be used right from the moment of your character's birth. Magic characters are very rare, though there is a certain race whose females always have a certain magic talent. I don't want to give away too much here because this is one of the really exciting things to discover in Faery Tale Online. Don't get your hopes up too high to be born with a magic talent, though, since most characters aren't. If a parent has a magic talent, there's a higher chance for their offspring being magic as well, though that doesn't necessarily have to mean they'd get the same kind of magic talent, just -any- type of magic that exists in the game.

Enchanting: -If- your character is born with a magic talent, I should give you a warning here, though, before you do something out of ignorance that you'll regret later. Once, and only once in their lifetime, a magic character can enchant an item with their magic ability that will enable a second person to use that ability if they hold the item in their inventory or have it equipped (just carrying it in the inventory, but not inside a container, is enough to use it, it doesn't have to be equipped). Your character will not lose his own ability when doing this, he will simply create a duplicate of it, so to say. For that, a new "enchant" icon will appear next to -every- item a magic character carries in their inventory. Do by no means use this button light-heartedly because it is, like I mentioned, a once-in-a-lifetime thing. If you enchant a piece of roasted meat or whatever, the magic will be gone as soon as the meat rots away - and food rots fast. There will not even be a confirmation message asking you if you really want to enchant this item, so it's easy to accidentally click the button when not meaning to. A good item to enchant would be something that doesn't rot away fast when being left on the ground, like something made of silver, gold or steel or maybe a piece of parchment. Don't enchant a tool that is meant to be used, though, because tools take damage every time they're used until they vanish eventually.

Is there a way to repair damaged items?

Do items rot in my character's inventory or inside containers or only on the ground?
Items don't rot when they're inside containers or inside your character's inventory, only when they are laying on the ground - no matter if it's inside a building or not, though a building might slow down the rate of decay a bit. However, items that are being used, like tools your character has equipped while working on a project that needs exactly this tool, will take damage while they are being used until they eventually break.

What is the Faery Tale?
The Faery Tale is a compilation of stories written by players of Faery Tale Online for certain events in their characters' lives. Some might just be short snippets of thoughts, others might be relatively long. You can access these stories only while you are -not- logged in. Simply go to the homepage and click on the link "Story" next to the fields for the login. The oldest stories are on page 1 while the newest stories will be on the last page. The oldest stories stem from the ingame year 25, meaning they have been submitted in 2008 or so (the game was offline for several months in between during which the ingame time stopped running), back in the first beta period of Faery Tale Online when only a single race existed - humans calling themselves the Kindred. It's always a good entertainment to read stories in the Faery Tale while still waiting in the birth queue.

How can I submit my own stories to the Faery Tale?
To do that, you have to be logged into the game and then click on the "Story" link at the bottom of the page. While you are still waiting in the birth queue, there will not be much to do there, but once your character has been born, select the character in the upper right corner where "View:" is standing and then click on "Go". Then you will see a list of mechanical events of their life, the first always being the birth. You can click on the blue plus sign for any of these events and write your story into the white text field that opens. If you want to write about something that is not a mechanical event, you can simply choose the mechanical event that has the date closest to whenever the thing that you want to write about happened.

However, the submitted stories don't appear right away after sending them. They used to be looked at individually by the game developer before he permitted them manually, probably to make sure no scam or nonsense will end up in the Faery Tale. I'm not sure if it's still done that way, and if so, if the game creator still wants to invest the time to do it. So... it's possible that no new stories can be submitted any longer, but I can't tell for sure.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 02:46:18 AM by Andira »


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #49: July 20, 2012, 10:34:55 PM »
Sorry for all the long posts. I could think of too many questions to add into the FAQ, so they kept growing while I was writing them. Here's another very useful resource, but this time not written by me, but taken from the FTO facebook group to help you playing as a child. The list is written for the development of a human child, so there might of course be some adjustments necessary for other races in FTO.

1-6 Months
average - smiling, laughing, cooing, gurgling, recognizing parent's voice, grasping items, knowing your own name, looking at new sounds, eating solid foods, imitation of sounds.
advanced - bating at toys, able to sit up for short amount of time, seperation anxiety, chewing on objects, lunging forward, dragging objects

7-12 Months
average - crawling, followed by standing while holding onto things, pointing, eating with fingers, banging objects together, understands "no" (thats your queue to be as obnoxious as you can until you can speak), know 1 word besides mama and dada
advanced - waving bye, stand on own, incidicate wants with gestures, peek-a-boo, saying mama and dada to the right parent, stand without help a few seconds, followed by walking alone, know two other words besides mama and papa

1.5 years
average - holding out arms and legs to help get dressed, intiating playing games, running, climbing, speaking more clearly, stringing words together in short phrases, responding to simple commands
advanced - rolling objects back and forth, "helping" people, shushing others, undressing self, becoming picky about foods, dancing, sorting objects

2 Years
average - 200 words, walking up stairs, opening doors, singing simple songs, playing with other kids, talking to self
advanced - touching their privates in public, dress self, starts asking "why?", learning to jump

3 Years
average - pronouns, washing and drying hands, balance on one foot, recognizing gender differences, children start to understand jokes (but often can't), potty trained (but no toliets in this world)
advanced - can speak clearly 50% of the time, knows a single color, names one friend, starting to learn abc's

4 years
Cooperative playing, imaginary friends, can start cleaning up after themselves, nearly clear speech, counting to 10, draw a simple person, talking about things they did today, sadness, fear, anger, anxiety,showing interest in other children's bodies.
Side note: Children typically don't remember anything before this age

5 years
Can care for self, some independant work, begins sharing with others, understands cause and effect, happy to get away from parents for short period of time, understands authority, self control, using comparison words (bigger, smaller), skipping, standing on tippy toes, knows own age, can tell short stories, make believe, prentends to be a mom or dad

6 years
Parents emmotions effect children, count up to 100, right from left, forming bonds with other important adults besides the parents.

8 years
Tell time, read for pleasure, sense of humor, bothered by good and bad / fair and unfair, helping others with simple task
Side note: Girls can start to hit puberty at this age

10 years
Very social, bothered by things that make him/her different from others (being short, overweight, etc), can help other effectively
Side note: boys can start to hit puberty at this age

12 years
Boys and girls should have hit puberty by now and should be an emmotional wreck, switch between repsonsible and irresponsible, and start to declare independance from their parents.

14 years
Think they are indestructable, are idealistic, wants everything now, impulsive, moody, messy, mouthy, self centered, worried about their bodies and how they look, can feel isolated, social life is more important

16 years
PMS, very sensitive, continues to test authority, dating, opinionated, privacy

18 years
Self confidence again, friends of both sexes, recognizes rules and authority, considerate, self-identity


    1-6 Months
    7-12 Months
    1.5 Years Old
    2 Years Old
    2.5 Years Old
    3 Years Old
    Birth to 18 Years Old
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 01:00:12 AM by Andira »


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #50: July 20, 2012, 10:51:24 PM »
I have only been briefly keeping up with this thread and skimming info about the game here. But when I got to the latest parts about RPing as a tiny infant.... I got sufficiently weirded out.
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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #51: July 20, 2012, 11:01:52 PM »
Are multiple births possible?
Yes, one of my characters once had 7 babies at once and I have heard of births up to 12 babies at once. However, there are also a lot of births with just a single baby.


I'm falling more and more in love with this game as I read more of the FAQ. Its definitely not for your casual RP. This is a serious atmosphere, full-breadth hardcore RP game which won't pique the interest of most BMers but it sure as hell piqued mine.
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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #52: July 20, 2012, 11:07:14 PM »
Heh. I'm not that much in such heavy RP, but it does sound interesting. I must admit this whole birthing mechanism is a pretty interesting feature. Thanks for all the info you posted, it will help when I totally mess up everything :)


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #53: July 20, 2012, 11:43:00 PM »
You're welcome. :) Feel free to keep asking questions if something hasn't been answered sufficiently yet. It would really suck if any new player would be mistaken for a troll or anything, simply for not knowing better, so I'll do what I can to prevent this before those of you still wanting to play get born.

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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #54: July 21, 2012, 12:32:28 AM »
Yeah, definitely not into rp'ing an infant. Oh yay! so hardcore, pooping and crying!

Reminds me of the people who are into rp'ing themselves as a baby furry while yiffing. *blech*

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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #55: July 21, 2012, 01:28:00 AM »
So....this game I feel would be absolutely great if you started out at say 13 years old. You could have parents sure, from the game, and they could just roleplay having some random "kid" for 13 years of they want, but any roleplay before then is essentially meaningless. People don't really define themselves till at least in their teenage years. And waiting 2 months to just reach the age of 13 (once I do get in the game) is kind of absurd.

Also, not sure how keen I am to join a game whose creator doesn't even do anything for it.
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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #56: July 21, 2012, 02:26:09 AM »
Well, as always, to each his own. Nobody is forced to try the game, but those who still want to will hopefully have a great experience. I actually know people who say playing the childhood is the part that is most fun for them. *shrugs* I personally enjoy all age phases because all of them offer a very different experience, though admittedly, the very first 3 days are a bit boring. It's more fun when the character can at least crawl around and wreak havoc on the overstrained parents. ;)


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #57: July 21, 2012, 02:53:52 AM »
There are people who join BM, only to lose interest when they don't progress as quickly as they might like. Happens daily. Those of us who hang around know they're missing the best parts. Think of the baby stage as a weeding out process.


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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #58: July 21, 2012, 02:56:10 AM »
People don't really define themselves till at least in their teenage years.
Actually its thought that people's personalities have already developed when a person is 7 years old though I understand not wanting to RP anything much younger than that.
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Re: Faery Tale Online
« Reply #59: July 21, 2012, 03:02:53 AM »
I really don't see much point in RPing anything much younger than that. I will give it a shot, though, and see what happens.
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