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The Next Invasion(s)

Started by Tom, July 23, 2012, 05:28:03 PM

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Quote from: Indirik on July 30, 2012, 04:51:32 PM
Now... which realm has the most skilled spellcaster? Will there be a run on scrolls in order for realms to train up skilled spellcasters? Will any realms outlaw magic and the use of scrolls? Which realm will be the first to regulate scrolls and their use in order to turn it into a realm-based resource, used only at the discretion of the realm leadership? Who will be the first to use it against their own realm?

Some of that is already happening. :-)


Quote from: Indirik on July 30, 2012, 04:51:32 PM
Which realm will be the first to regulate scrolls and their use in order to turn it into a realm-based resource, used only at the discretion of the realm leadership?

Thalmarkin already had an existing structure to deal with anything arcane.


Quote from: Tom on July 30, 2012, 05:35:46 PM
Some of that is already happening. :-)

Now here's a fun question:  When you use one, is it obvious who did it? I.e., is there a game announcement that "Sir Death Wish has just summoned 100 monsters in Keplerville," or do you just get the standard "Someone has cast magic in the vicinity." I can see some people moving into a region with a bunch of other nobles around, using one, and then blaming it on someone else. To me, this sounds like great fun. I rather hope that's how it works, or I fear that people will be too chicken!@#$ to use them most of the time.


Would be even funnier if it spawns happens like a week after....


All of those are things you'll need to test out, and the first realm who does it will have an information advantage. You might need more than one test to find the truth.


hmm... tempted to get a scroll and use it now.


I am really looking forth to this.
Tom another great idea!

However one question pops up, will a realm also be able to not burn witches or perhaps get rid of these scrolss, in other words, destroy them?
I could imagine that some faiths are strongly against the use of 'evil' scrolls.
A realm can now only illigalize magic casting in general, there is not a real way to stop or prevent just the 'evil' ones, which ever that religion or philosophy might think as such.
Formerly playing the Nosferatus and Bhrantan Family.
Currently playing the Polytus Family in: Gotland, Madina, Astrum, Outer Tilog


Right now, there is no way to destroy scrolls without using them. I am, however, thinking about something.


Quote from: Lorgan on July 30, 2012, 06:55:52 PM
Thalmarkin already had an existing structure to deal with anything arcane.



If scrolls can't be taken by judges in prison, then nobody can FORCE the exchange of a scroll, right?  If so, what's the point of spending any time coding it when you can instead perform the holy duty of safeguarding these "instruments of evil?"