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Removing a royal duke

Started by Velax, July 24, 2012, 03:14:27 PM

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unfortunately.. exile just got a kick regarding bonds..

all your taxes come in gold if you are anywhere in your realm. (recent change)


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: fodder on July 25, 2012, 09:17:34 PM
all your taxes come in gold if you are anywhere in your realm. (recent change)

Yeah, i noticed that we were receiving gold now, but wasn't sure how area-dependent it was.


* Have him assassinated. Repeatedly. I bet that will gt their attention. If you're lucky, they may lose the office due to long absence.
* Get all his vassals to swap to other duchies. This is especially powerful if he's not a region lord. He could end up as duke of an empty duchy.
* If he's a city lord, stop selling him food. If he's a rural lord, stop buying his food.
* Exile him. Especially powerful now that you get all your taxes in bonds.
* Get religion involved, and have him auto da fe'd. Works great for region lords. If you get him out of the region, then get all his lords to leave him.
* Have diplomats and ambassadors badmouth him in his own region, and maybe drive the region rogue. Get priests involved in it, too.
* Switch regional appointments to voting instead of appointing, and work around him.
* If he has a steward, work with the steward to buy/sell food.

These are all counter-moves to somebody who is actively working against you. They each have pretty serious repurcussions for someone who isn't guilty of anything but who just isn't playing the game at all. You're essentially asking some combination of the ruler or the other lords or the realm itself to undergo pretty significant strife as a workaround.

Quote* Have him assassinated. Repeatedly. I bet that will gt their attention. If you're lucky, they may lose the office due to long absence.

And appear to be the bad guy for sending a murderer after a Duke who, just as you said, hasn't done something blatantly wrong and people don't like acting against folks who haven't done anything blatantly wrong. The 'offense' in this case warrants removal from some high office - not a knife in the back.

QuoteGet all his vassals to swap to other duchies. This is especially powerful if he's not a region lord. He could end up as duke of an empty duchy.

A huge amount of political jockeying that is dependent upon the geography supporting the solution. "Everybody switch to Duchy B! Now a month later when we have a new Duke, switch back to Duchy A!" If that's not gamey, I don't know what is.

Quote* If he's a city lord, stop selling him food. If he's a rural lord, stop buying his food.

And give up a huge piece of your realm's wealth as well as the time and energy of its players to restore the region afterwards. "Stop buying his food" won't even hurt him: it'll hurt everybody who isn't him.

Quote* Have diplomats and ambassadors badmouth him in his own region, and maybe drive the region rogue. Get priests involved in it, too.

The only option I ever had as a diplomat/ambassador was to badmouth a realm, not a person. This would impact all future Dukes as well and you're tied up undoing all of the work you laboriously did to remove the guy who doesn't play the game.

Quote* Switch regional appointments to voting instead of appointing, and work around him.

Sure - destabilize the whole realm and change your entire government to accommodate Duke won't read his mail?

These are all perfectly valid plays against a Duke who is actively messing with the realm, and in that instance, the prices you pay are just the price of playing politics. The logic here doesn't work because you're asking for an IC solution to an OOC problem. When it's just a regular noble you can pass it off as 'oh the mail was late' or 'I was out drinking with my men' or any suggestion on the inactivity page. When it's a council member or a Duke you are just meta-gaming to achieve a solution that, "properly" in-character, would be achievable far more easily. It ought to be tough to un-Duke a Duke whose only offense is working against the administration in some quiet way - but pretending that one is who isn't just so you can stir up thousands of peasants against them doesn't and won't ever "feel" IC to everybody involved, even if the game provides buttons you can push to achieve the outcome you want.

This whole thread exists because the mechanisms that are there don't deal with this situation. Maybe the balance we have is as good as it gets -- royal Dukes who are inactive are pretty rare, after all, and as you pointed out if they're not royal then you just give them the boot (as we did with the Toupellonian Duke).


Quote from: Indirik on July 25, 2012, 09:13:20 PM
That's simply not true at all. There are several options you have. Some of them may or may not be possible in any particular case. Some depend on him being a lord, others on not being a lord. Some ideas off the top of my head:
* Have him assassinated. Repeatedly. I bet that will gt their attention. If you're lucky, they may lose the office due to long absence.
That's a choice for an evil, ruthless character. Okay.

* Get all his vassals to swap to other duchies. This is especially powerful if he's not a region lord. He could end up as duke of an empty duchy.
* If he's a city lord, stop selling him food. If he's a rural lord, stop buying his food.
* Exile him. Especially powerful now that you get all your taxes in bonds.
* Get religion involved, and have him auto da fe'd. Works great for region lords. If you get him out of the region, then get all
his lords to leave him.
* Have diplomats and ambassadors badmouth him in his own region, and maybe drive the region rogue. Get priests involved in it, too.
These don't help at all with the region full of food without lord.

* Switch regional appointments to voting instead of appointing, and work around him.

This seems to be the only real solution, but requires some pretty major political changes.

* If he has a steward, work with the steward to buy/sell food.

I'm pretty sure that if the region had a steward, they would be using him instead of talking here.


Quote from: Scarlett on July 25, 2012, 09:32:00 PM
These are all counter-moves to somebody who is actively working against you. They each have pretty serious repurcussions for someone who isn't guilty of anything but who just isn't playing the game at all.
Of course he's guilty! He's guilty of negligence, dereliction of duty, possibly even outright sabotage of the war effort. Why, the scoundrel should be hung immediately, if not sooner!

QuoteYou're essentially asking some combination of the ruler or the other lords or the realm itself to undergo pretty significant strife as a workaround.
You're addressing a pretty significant change. Removing a *duke* from their office? This isn't something that you want to be able to do on a whim. Of course it involves pretty significant strife. If it was simple, easy, and could be done without much of a mess, then the position of duke would be nothing more than a fancy title you wear at the sufferance of the ruler.

QuoteAnd appear to be the bad guy for sending a murderer after a Duke who, just as you said, hasn't done something blatantly wrong and people don't like acting against folks who haven't done anything blatantly wrong. The 'offense' in this case warrants removal from some high office - not a knife in the back.
See above. What he's doing, from an IC perspective *is* blatantly wrong. He's sabotaging the war effort, and endangering the very existence of the realm.

It's only from an OOC perspective that he hasn't done anything blatantly wrong. And that's where the hang-up is. OOC the player just doesn't have time to play very much, or to deal with the responsibilities of office. And we, as players, have sympathy for that.

QuoteA huge amount of political jockeying that is dependent upon the geography supporting the solution. "Everybody switch to Duchy B! Now a month later when we have a new Duke, switch back to Duchy A!" If that's not gamey, I don't know what is.
Who says they have to switch back? Convincing a lord to leave one duchy for another is a perfectly legitimate IC power play. IMO, this is perhaps your best bet in most situations. Work to turn the lords against the duke and get them to move out. Combine this with elected region lords, and you can, given time, empty the duchy relatively painlessly. Except for the Duke's region, if they are indeed a lord themselves.

QuoteAnd give up a huge piece of your realm's wealth as well as the time and energy of its players to restore the region afterwards. "Stop buying his food" won't even hurt him: it'll hurt everybody who isn't him.
Yep. I agree, it will be messy. Too bad. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

QuoteThe only option I ever had as a diplomat/ambassador was to badmouth a realm, not a person. This would impact all future Dukes as well and you're tied up undoing all of the work you laboriously did to remove the guy who doesn't play the game.
Yes, badmouth the realm is the game mechanic involved. And yes, it is damaging. Nevertheless, it is possible, and can be done.

QuoteSure - destabilize the whole realm and change your entire government to accommodate Duke won't read his mail?
Didn't I say some of these options were a bit messy? You are, after all, trying to unseat a very powerful character from their office. It shouldn't be painless.

QuoteThis whole thread exists because the mechanisms that are there don't deal with this situation. Maybe the balance we have is as good as it gets -- royal Dukes who are inactive are pretty rare, after all, and as you pointed out if they're not royal then you just give them the boot (as we did with the Toupellonian Duke).
The entire purpose of royal rank is to provide someone in the realm who is intentionally difficult to deal with, and who provides a very powerful potential for anti-establishment. When that character becomes detrimental to the game, for whatever reason, then it will be messy to get rid of them. I have been lucky in that none of my realms have yet had the need to get rid of one. The few times where this has become an issue, the character has eventually lost the office due to inactivity. (And I nearly choked when the ruler re-appointed them the next day... Luckily the autopaused not long after.)

Alternatively, provide some other solution that you think would be acceptable, and that can't be used whenever the ruler think it would be convenient to get rid of a troublesome duke.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: egamma on July 25, 2012, 09:42:22 PM
That's a choice for an evil, ruthless character. Okay.
Or for a character desperate to save the realm. If it's really as bad as it is being made out to be, then perhaps it's time for desperation to win out over morality. Perhaps it's time for the duke to take a dive for the greater good, eh? You don't have to be ruthless or evil to think that the world would be a better place with one less person in it, given the correct circumstances.

QuoteI'm pretty sure that if the region had a steward, they would be using him instead of talking here.
I was providing a laundry list of options to deal with the situation in general. As I said, not all options are useful in all cases.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


QuoteHe's sabotaging the war effort, and endangering the very existence of the realm.

I don't have a better option except possibly re-working the Royal mechanic, or perhaps the exile mechanic, now that taxes come in gold. Minor tweaks though. I agree that a royal Duke ought to be a PITA.

Where I don't agree is that anybody can get away with the recommended IC solutions in the specific case of a semi-active Duke. Every time I have tried to even badmouth a Duke who hadn't actually done anything wrong but whose inactivity only contributed to some bad thing, I end up looking like the bad guy for playing politics. The only time I've seen sentiment turn against a character whose player hadn't played them to do a bad thing but who hadn't done their job all the same was for a marshal or a general, and that's because there are very obvious consequences.


I don't care to quote your message since its so huge but the duke being hard to removed is easy if it was not a royal, just ban him the rest the options aren't nessacary. The issue is that the removing the royal duke is a royal b*tch, if thats intended it definently causes some frustration and in the opinion of me and a few others who have posted, less fun, but its working.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."
― G.K. Chesterton


if a duke can't be bothered to appoint a lord, then there's no reason why a lord who gets the region later anyway despite that would want to pay that duke a cut of their taxes.

it's quite simple. there are a load of lands and titles, but no one can get at them. any and all ambitious nobles wanting an estate (that is.. if there are no vacant estates) or a title would wish to do something that'll land themselves a title.

no lord still equal low tax rate, doesn't it?


It's already been suggested, but creating a new duchy out of the city and leaving the duke/duchess high and dry, politically speaking, is your best option. It's also pretty logical, IC. If you're the ruler, and one of your dukes goes rogue but you lack an army or other coercive method to bring them to task, you do the only thing a ruler can do: refuse to recognize them and strip them of their current titles. It will create a little chaos. It should. The guy is a duke and royal. On the plus side, he's pretty much tarnished his standing for as long as your realm has a collective memory.


To make a new duchy in that particular city, the lord would need to not be a duke already, and I THINK you would need another region capable of creating a duchy, eg. a townsland, a stronghold, or a second city.

Though, if the lord of the city and the duke weren't the same you wouldn't have this problem.


Quote from: Solari on July 25, 2012, 11:09:54 PM
It's already been suggested, but creating a new duchy out of the city and leaving the duke/duchess high and dry, politically speaking, is your best option.

That still does not solve the problem of the lordless rural, attached to the duchy.


Elect one. Or wait til the duke autopauses or wakes up.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on July 26, 2012, 04:26:09 AM
Elect one. Or wait til the duke autopauses or wakes up.

We've waited more than a month so far. Haven't even gotten the inactivity warning yet. So I doubt an autopause. An election, maybe.