Author Topic: Invasion Feedback / Journal  (Read 7722 times)


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Re: Invasion Feedback / Journal
« Topic Start: July 27, 2012, 06:40:23 PM »
My impression about the massive CS in the scoutings was that most realised that scoutings were wrong quite quickly but still was demoralised by the real strength of the Daimons. I believe that the Riombaran general got captured or wounded around there and he had been coordinating the campaign. No one took up his mantle when that happened and everyone ran around like headless chickens.

Early on it was quite easy to capture the Daimon commanders by whitting down their forces until they got so weak that they auto surrendered. That didn't seem  to work at all after the horrors. Was this intentional?

The most frustrating part of about anything was our inability to kill Midnight of the East in the end. Three times we whitted down his forces and he kept standing...

Melhed was the only realm without a border on the blight. We quite quickly made the realisation that we couldn't keep enough forces at home to defend against the daimons and move out and fight them as well so we made the decision to let our lands bleed if necessary while we went on long campaigns over half the continent to fight daimons, only leaving troops enough to deal with monsters and undead at home.

I think most people expected to have killing Overlord to have more impact on the blight than what killing his commander would so I don't think that was a strange strategical decision even if it was made on erroneous assumptions.
EC: Ilias, Taelmoth (Sirion)
Beluaterra: Ivagil (Melhed), Thoron (Adventurer, Fronen)
Atamara: Haniel (Adventurer, Coria)