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Could the FEI realms unite against invasion?, a (sadly) hypothetical question.

Started by Longmane, March 27, 2011, 03:42:18 PM

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I'm wondering just what the thoughts are concerning the scenario of the FEI being invaded, (and also how it would deal with taking part in a crusade come to that) and hope people look at it not just from the point of view of available manpower etc, but also taking into consideration all the myriad relationships existing on the continent, ie could this realm/family ever work with that realm/family because of long term issues etc.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.  "Albert Einstein"

Who knows. What we probably know is that we will never actually face that situation.

Although, it should be mentioned that the 4th Inv might have been a bit more "fair" with the limited resources thing.


Quote from: Longmane on March 27, 2011, 03:42:18 PM
I'm wondering just what the thoughts are concerning the scenario of the FEI being invaded, (and also how it would deal with taking part in a crusade come to that) and hope people look at it not just from the point of view of available manpower etc, but also taking into consideration all the myriad relationships existing on the continent, ie could this realm/family ever work with that realm/family because of long term issues etc.

I'd say it's fairly likely.  That's the less contentious part of the Order of the Hawk's mandate, after all, and of the two realms who did not sign on to the Order one is a bloody wreck and the other would likely join the rest immediately if faced with a real Invasion.  There would likely be some friction, and several people would have to play nice, but I'm pretty sure they would, surprisingly enough.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


My own thoughts run along the lines of while making complete sense for everyone to put aside old grudges, animosity's and mistrusts etc, and likewise resist any thoughts of attempting gain by it themselves, there's always the chance someone couldn't stop themselves from thinking otherwise, and so risking ending up with a domino effect. 
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.  "Albert Einstein"


"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

From a surface perspective, it seemed like in the actual case, the temptation to one-up rivals/enemies was too great. Meridian Republic comes to mind, but I have a feeling people who were there like Lefanis will oppose that.

While characters are unique, sometimes motives can get complex. I fully recognize that characters are unique, but this is all just hypothetical talk, so I wonder who would have tendencies to subvert? For example, several members of the Lefanis family have been known to undertake selfish actions such as rebellions and secessions. The Vanimedle' family has in recent memory done in Thulsoma and probably Arcachon in the near future, and OOCly professed to finding that fun or something. The Himoura characters that I have met or heard about with the exception of Thain, have all been seemingly obsessed with daimons, or at least the (possibly misled) perception that being associated with daimons is equivalent to being able to indulge in meaningless violence and other vices of uncontrolled passion.

Again, I must emphasize that the three examples I picked were only those that struck out in recent memory, and in no way should be taken as indicative of the player, nor generalized to the family. I am only speaking about the characters I have heard about or observed, as well as things recorded for each individual character. This means that there is no reason every Lefanis would rebel or secede, or for every Vanimedle' to make a realm die, or for every Himoura to seek bloodshed and damnation, or for every Artemesia to be insignificant (ok, I don't know about the last one).

Now it just so happens that Lefanis and Vanimedle' are in Arcachon, and may have a fairly large presence there. Regardless of any histories, they might seriously consider letting some inhumans run amok through Arcaea and Ohnar West to soften them up for revenge. Thain Himoura happens to be the King of C'thonia, although past RPs seem to indicate that he is anti-daimon, so there's some hope there.

Meanwhile PoZ will likely sit back and watch the battles, and will finally jump off the fence when the victor is clear and any involvement by them would make no difference.


From the perspective of wanting to see how it would all pan out, ie  would the realms be able /want unite fairly quickly themselves? or would it need someone/some realm take the lead, would the island almost fall, be beset by doubts, mistrust and betrayal etc, the idea of an Invasion is mouth watering, yet from the perspective of needing fight a bitter and very hard fought war, with realms perhaps succumbing and things changed forever, it's....Exhilarating  ;D
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.  "Albert Einstein"


Quote from: Longmane on March 27, 2011, 08:51:01 PM
From the perspective of wanting to see how it would all pan out, ie  would the realms be able /want unite fairly quickly themselves? or would it need someone/some realm take the lead, would the island almost fall, be beset by doubts, mistrust and betrayal etc, the idea of an Invasion is mouth watering, yet from the perspective of needing fight a bitter and very hard fought war, with realms perhaps succumbing and things changed forever, it's....Exhilarating  ;D

(grins) And that's why the Order of the Hawk has very specific rules on how it works.  Whichever realm got Invaded first gets the lead.  And yes, when push comes to shove people might not actually agree, but even Jenred and Xarnelf were willing to work together to deal with the issues around the Book of Promises in Nahad.  Arcachon might well not come help Arcaea, but unless the Invasion started in the next month or two what Arcachon would or wouldn't do is (probably) moot.

Let's put it this way: Arcaea, Cathay, Zonasa, and Kindara I'd say with a fair degree of certainty would fall in with no trouble.  C'thonia I'm pretty sure would, Thain's the right kind of zealot.  I /believe/ Aenilia would.  Ohnar West is hard to say but if all else fails I think the individual Dukes could be convinced.

On a completely unrelated note, Longmane, weren't you the guy who wanted to ask Jenred/me some questions for a newspaper, or am I getting my people mixed up?
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Quote from: Bedwyr on March 27, 2011, 09:49:39 PM
On a completely unrelated note, Longmane, weren't you the guy who wanted to ask Jenred/me some questions for a newspaper, or am I getting my people mixed up?

Indeed yes, as while circumstances have presently conspired to prevent Elk from doing so, ( OOC work pressures that likewise have also prevented me finishing work on my feature request, one that's now suddenly become two lol) I nevertheless when able still intend writing a concise account of the last war.       
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.  "Albert Einstein"


I dont know the ins and outs of the Order since it wasnt going to be negotiated until the Fall of Soliferum anyway, but I do remember it being started for a reasons similar to this so I'd hope it'd work as intended.

That said, I would love for a daimon/undead/monster invasion of FEI if only because I keep missing my chance to participate in the actual ones. And besides, turning FEI head over heels and shaking the foundations of the long established realms would be great fun.


Hey, the Meridian Republic did have people who started it with the intention that those lands ravaged by the monsters could be saved through human cunning and diplomacy rather than brute force -- of course the RoF remnants who joined it clearly wanted to restore themselves to their former position.

I got out of it because, from an RP perspective, my character felt incredibly betrayed by the course of events from there... and once again for anyone saying that MR was particularly opportunistic, I must only point your gaze over to the actions of Enweil, Avalon and Bara'Khur, who expended most of their resources trying to attack the newly forged Republic along with the daimons, and frustrate the losing battle that Hetland had against the invaders.

As for the FEI itself, I think everyone would fall in perfectly. There's too many noble leaders in each realm who would love to gallantly slay daimons and smile about petty grievances to do otherwise. Seriously, not enough long standing hatreds to get in the way of it. If Soliferum had survived then the mistrust there could have easily fractured things, but they didn't survive. As for Arcachon eyeing Arcaea's territories... Arcaea's mandate against savage looting might get in the way of eliminating them, but several successful invasions of the Dark Isle have not ended yet. Perhaps if the invasion occured right now...
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


Quote from: Haerthorne on March 28, 2011, 01:21:02 PM
of course the RoF remnants who joined it clearly wanted to restore themselves to their former position.

And that was pretty much the reason it was destroyed quickly after, led by the Noble who seceded in the first place ;)


I think it would depend on what realm got invaded first. If the invaders started in Arcaea, I'd venture to say there are a lot of people who would be very slow to respond, hoping that Arcaea would take a mortal wound before anyone could show up to help. And don't rule out the importance of personal grudges in how people would act.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on March 28, 2011, 02:41:49 PM
I think it would depend on what realm got invaded first. If the invaders started in Arcaea, I'd venture to say there are a lot of people who would be very slow to respond, hoping that Arcaea would take a mortal wound before anyone could show up to help. And don't rule out the importance of personal grudges in how people would act.

Heh.  Possible, though I'd hope that people would think twice about letting Invaders get a foothold.  Arcaea's the one exception though, I think any other realm getting Invaded first would get (relatively) quick support.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"

Arcachon? Haha, yeah, ok. Monsters/undead/don't think daimons would appear anywhere but on BT and Dwi but whatever, can have that little island for themselves. It won't bother anyone except maybe Arcaea.

PoZ? Heh, I'd like to see them actually fight.