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More usefulness for Marshals

Started by Poliorketes, August 02, 2012, 06:32:49 PM

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More usefulness for Marshals (Vice-Marshals, Marshals and Generals -High Marshals-).


More usefulness for Marshals, giving a bonus to armies commanded by Marshals.



The Leadership of Marshals will be used as a 'direct' bonus on the CS of the units of his army:

Marshal Leadership / 5 = Number of units the Marshal can command efficiently. If exceed, the Marshal will be overwhelmed, so no bonus.
Marshal Leadership / 3 = CS Bonus the units get.

A Marshal with 5% Leadership will be almost useless, the only way to 'give' a bonus would be to command only ONE unit (himself): 5/5=1% CS bonus for one unit.

A Marshal with 50% Leadership will be a good one: 50/3=16% bonus, if his army is 10 units or smaller.

Groups of units without army, or armies without Marshal, etc... will 'work' as usual.


If only is present the Vice-Marshal, He will 'work' the same way as a Marshal would.

If both are presents, the Vice-Marshal will give a bonus to his Marshal's Leadership.

Vice-Marshal Leadership / 3 = Leadership Bonus the Marshal gets.

-Generals (High Marshals)-

They work the same way than Marshals, but they give their bonus to the Marshals Leadership.

General Leadership / 20 = Number of Marshals the General can command efficiently. If exceed, the General is overwhelmed, so no bonus.
General Leadership / 2 = Leadership Bonus the Marshals get.

So, If a General has a 50% Leadership, and has 2 Marshals with their armies, He would give a 25% Leadership bonus (50/2=25) to his 2 Marshals (50/20=2)... This way, 'his' Marshals will give a bigger bonus to their units.

As always, units alone, or armies without Marshals, would receive no bonus.

In 'Multi-Realm' army groups:
1-The Generals will give NO bonus. (or in some random way).
2-Depending on their General Leadership, the armies would have more or less possibilities of become 'lost' and don't reach the battlefield in time for the battle.


Right now, the usefulness of a Marshal is very limited. Armies can fight as good with Marshals, as without them! An army works in battle as good without ANY command as if commanded by all the realm's military staff.

I would too give a use to the 'Leadership' skill, as well as to chose a formation.

Possible Exploits:

With malus the 'exploits' would be very easy, but if we use only bonus... none, I can think of...


Note: The English is not my native language, so sorry for the grammatical/orthographic errors.

Note 2: It seems there is another Feature Requests, Proposed but not Approved, "General Bonus for Multiple Armies in Battles" but IMHO It's not very 'fleshed' and uses a bonus/malus system that is somewhat exploitable.


I would also like to see some kind of bonus (probably only to moral) given to units when the realm ruler is present in the army, increasing as he/she gets to the front lines.


Quote from: Charles on August 02, 2012, 07:21:01 PM
I would also like to see some kind of bonus (probably only to moral) given to units when the realm ruler is present in the army, increasing as he/she gets to the front lines.

Yeah. It was a big deal back then. Royals showing up to raise the morale and stuff.



Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


Quote from: egamma on August 02, 2012, 08:25:05 PM
There's no such thing as a multi-realm army.

My fault.  :P When I said 'multi-realm army', I did mean when more than one realm have armies on the same side, on a battle.  -- changed! More understandable now?--

About the rulers, it could be good to give some kind of moral bonus, but with the usual moral of 100% I don't know if it do any good.



Dexter - Principality of Zonasa, Telgar - Principality of Zonasa, Wil - Morek Empire, Crom- Adventurer - Kabrinskia-paused


I think this would risk having people place figureheads with high leadership % as "marshals", while other people give out orders in their place.

I have always favored giving marshals with high leadership % greater options for custom formations.
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Quote from: Chénier on October 20, 2012, 08:00:04 PM
I think this would risk having people place figureheads with high leadership % as "marshals", while other people give out orders in their place.

I have always favored giving marshals with high leadership % greater options for custom formations.

A General with high Leadership while other give out orders in his place? Like Blucher and Gneisenau?...  ;D

Honestly, giving bonus or giving custom formations, the problem is the same... and there is no way to avoid this... as is no way to avoid to have a ruler, judge, etc, while other noble is the one to give orders in his place.

Maybe you could say something like this could be a SMA violation... or not.... depending of how they worked it.

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Poliorketes on October 22, 2012, 03:38:01 AM
A General with high Leadership while other give out orders in his place? Like Blucher and Gneisenau?...  ;D

Honestly, giving bonus or giving custom formations, the problem is the same... and there is no way to avoid this... as is no way to avoid to have a ruler, judge, etc, while other noble is the one to give orders in his place.

Maybe you could say something like this could be a SMA violation... or not.... depending of how they worked it.

This. Sorraine only has one campaign army, one marshal for that army, and one general (me). It's simply too much chance to send the order to the marshal and hope he gets on to order the army before turn change, so I send out orders instead.


Even if the King or General gives movement, attack and unit setting orders, it is still the Marshal that is running things day to day behind the scenes. It is also the Marshal's efforts on the front line that will give a bonus - or not. I do not really see the conflict. Could someone  educate me?

Gustav Kuriga

Quote from: Unwin on October 22, 2012, 07:27:17 AM
Even if the King or General gives movement, attack and unit setting orders, it is still the Marshal that is running things day to day behind the scenes. It is also the Marshal's efforts on the front line that will give a bonus - or not. I do not really see the conflict. Could someone  educate me?

Nothing to educate you on.


Quote from: Unwin on October 22, 2012, 07:27:17 AM
Even if the King or General gives movement, attack and unit setting orders, it is still the Marshal that is running things day to day behind the scenes. It is also the Marshal's efforts on the front line that will give a bonus - or not. I do not really see the conflict. Could someone  educate me?

Yes, there is no conflict!  Even if some noble gives all the move/formation orders he wants to the army, the day of the Battle, it will be the General, Marshal and Vice-Marshall, the ones to give orders during the battle, and react to the enemy manoeuvres, etc...


Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on October 22, 2012, 07:05:43 AM
This. Sorraine only has one campaign army, one marshal for that army, and one general (me). It's simply too much chance to send the order to the marshal and hope he gets on to order the army before turn change, so I send out orders instead.
Why don't you just give the overall objective to the Marshal, and let the Marshal handle everything? Granted, it is always nice to have backup. And to have someone who can give orders on the turns you can't be there. (One gives sunrise, the other sunset, for example.) But still, there's no reason the Marshal can't handle the details if he knows what the end objective is. (Unless you don't trust the Marshal's competence.)
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