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Battlemaster Wiki Team Proposal

Started by House Talratheon, August 04, 2012, 01:52:39 PM

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House Talratheon

I had an idea, now hear me out here I can do the wiki easily but as you may know that's a big battlefield and it will always help to have more people on board for a diverse and helpful wiki. What I propose is the formation of an official wiki team this team works with developers on a low level advisory role to learn and understand updates to the fullest extent so that they as a team can publish the best manuals and information available.

However what is ultimately in demand is the time of this team, people want to only press as much time as they can afford to a volunteer effort. So in the basis of establishing this team what if we offered a incentive to be a part of this team say... a stipend of gold deposited into their family wealth and longer term members of the team depending on their activity may even get bonuses such as family fame, a unique item for the character of their choice etc, from Tom and the staff.

This helps the wiki maintain a current status and gets a team on board to "actively" keep it up to date. The Wiki team would have no powers other than the simple fact of maintaining the wiki to adhere to the information of the current time, and observing the board to ensure it's kept clean and in accordance with the Social Contract and IR.

This team would be headed by a Department head who would report weekly directly to Tom/Dev Team on the activity, what has been updated, modified, problems to ensure activity on the end of the team as well as list names of those on the team who were active and deserve compensation. An example of the report outline would look like this.

Forum Name:Talratheon
Position: Wiki Team
Date: 2012-03-08


Team Members:
Joe Blo
Mary Jane
Jenna Jameson

Assignment: Updating the manual before moving on to other aspects of the wiki, including region descriptions in accordance with in-game descriptions.

Activity: Daily Activity on both IRC and Game and Forums.

  • Joe Blo is currently very active making changes to the security page and behavior page ensuring contributions immensely *link*
  • I currently finished up on the trade wiki page to match the current and also began following up on -pages revolving on the game mechanic of caravans to ensure fluid information.
  • Barbie and Mary Jane are currently inactive, and have made no contributions or maintained contact, will consider removal from wiki team within 3 days if no progress is made.
  • Jenna Jameson made full headway on the new priest class page, having experimented with the class head on and really getting deep into the aspects of priest game play.
So a report would more or less look like that to keep you and whom ever you wished it Cc to involved and knowledgeable of the changes being made.

I think the development of a wiki team will ultimately help the server grown and population base grow as while we are an ever evolving game the information at hand will also be ever growing, and it is paramount that new player can read the manual and quickly learn the play style of the game before getting too frustrated by the lack of help or ignorance of the game.

The wiki team would also monitor obscenities working together to keep all information factual, educational and to the point.

The team would also be responsible for the forum moderation of the wiki forum as well as making weekly announcements on the changes and updates make on the Battlemaster wiki and also answer wiki related questions to the forum member base.

What does everyone think of this idea/proposal?



A team dedicated to keeping the wiki up to date is a good idea. But I don't like the idea of any kind of IG bonus or perk.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Also, weekly reports of member activity? Seems a bit much.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.

House Talratheon

Address the first issue,

the idea of IG compensation would be justified because they are actively contributing to the current and new player base by updating information on a constant basis. You've seen the wiki is that something you really want to tackle for free and if it is how motivated are you to really go out and do it all? The fact it's still unfinished even after I have worked on it for a little bit say alot about the current system. Like the saying goes if it isn't broken don't fix it, and well currently it ain't working so it must be broken.

As for weekly reports I wouldn't say so I'm sure both Tom and the Development will want to know which pages have been updated so they can quickly go to read and verify or tell us to amend it than it sit there possibly flawed and derping people. It also shows the activity of the wiki team when it comes to keeping them on the team. The weekly report is only for the Wiki Team Head to give to Tom/Dev Team. Other than that the wiki team can collaborate among one another on Irc. to work on keeping the wiki up to date and ensure it's fluidity.

And even look at the wiki forum it's empty where as members of the wiki team can make consistent posts updating the player as a whole on a active basis on the updates made.

Furthermore selection of members of the wiki team can be hashed out once this proposal is approved or in the end game denied and we all go back to doing what we do.


The only compensation any contributors to this game get are donation goodies.

No one gets given family gold or any other kind of in-character reward for their service. Not the Titans, not the Magistrates, not the Community Manager, and not the developers.

I see absolutely no reason why we should start giving out such in-character rewards for this, when we don't do so for any other contribution.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Goodies are fine, and we might add some recognition value to the userpage, something like badges ("dev team member", "wiki team", "forum moderator", "magistrate", etc.)

I do think recognition is important and we've not given it enough stress this far.


Quote from: House Talratheon on August 04, 2012, 06:53:58 PMYou've seen the wiki is that something you really want to tackle for free and if it is how motivated are you to really go out and do it all?
Actually, I have. For 6.5 years. I'm fairly certain I have more wiki edits than any other user.

QuoteAs for weekly reports I wouldn't say so I'm sure both Tom and the Development will want to know which pages have been updated so they can quickly go to read and verify or tell us to amend it than it sit there possibly flawed and derping people.
Just be careful you don't turn it into a job. Things like that, that get turned into a job, quickly grow old as it turns into another daily/weekly grind to hit your benchmark for the week.

QuoteAnd even look at the wiki forum it's empty where as members of the wiki team can make consistent posts updating the player as a whole on a active basis on the updates made.
Go for it. Start updating the wiki. Start posting your updates on the wiki board. There's nothing stopping you from doing that. Put out your call for volunteers on the wiki board, gather yourself a team of people, and get going.

Quote from: Tom on August 04, 2012, 07:49:02 PM
Goodies are fine, and we might add some recognition value to the userpage, something like badges ("dev team member", "wiki team", "forum moderator", "magistrate", etc.)

I do think recognition is important and we've not given it enough stress this far.
I'm all for recognition of player contributions to the game. Just not IC/IG goodies/benefits.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I sometimes update stuff to date as I go. Sometimes get rid of stuff some region descriptions which are not doing its proper job. - can't write those in your realm's perspective~

The problem I've been facing recently is that after new wiki update, some pages are rather broken - or scattered I should say? and sadly I don't have the skill to fix them really.

Also, knowing which page needs to be updated would help a lot.


I just updated the "Battlemaster Basics" page, I think it's up to date.

Start with the Manual. I think that's the first place people go for information, so it's likely the best place to start.


Quote from: egamma on August 05, 2012, 06:28:04 AM
I just updated the "Battlemaster Basics" page, I think it's up to date.

Start with the Manual. I think that's the first place people go for information, so it's likely the best place to start.

I am working on it as well. Updated a couple pages.


You have to keep me posted of the changes, so i can Update the Spanish version as well.



Quote from: Sonya on October 30, 2012, 05:29:52 PM
You have to keep me posted of the changes, so i can Update the Spanish version as well.


I updated the ruler description:

Updated trader skill description:

Created this new page (under construction, hope to get additional information added):



Oh, and other thing, we should update the "New Random Features" be in the top part of the Manual.


Agreed. maybe replace it with a link to announcements or development forum?