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Fronen: The unluckiest realm ever.

Started by Geronus, August 08, 2012, 06:46:00 PM

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Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2012, 04:45:59 AM
And now Fronen drops to below 20 nobles as Squall leads defectors to Old Grehk.

I was surprised he had that many followers, to be honest. The good news is that Fronen is coming back to life these days, with a lot more people participating actively in the realm's affairs.

Draco Tanos

"Back to life" (which I question) doesn't really do much when you're the smallest realm on the continent. :|


Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2012, 06:05:35 AM
"Back to life" (which I question) doesn't really do much when you're the smallest realm on the continent. :|

Au contraire, Negative Nancy. It means we're more likely to retain people. If we get people. Did I mention we're recruiting?  :)

Also, I finally wrote a constitution for Fronen. I'm going to put it up to a vote in the realm soon, but comments on it are welcome:

Draco Tanos

Nothing like documents that'll be disregarded within a leader or two. ;D

Tan dSerrai

Regarding documents: actually the riombaran system of laws has been both pretty stable /and/ used for several ages by now. I (as player) actually think it is one of the main reasons for Riombaras survival.


Quote from: Draco Tanos on August 23, 2012, 06:05:35 AM
"Back to life" (which I question) doesn't really do much when you're the smallest realm on the continent. :|

Everything depends on who your friends are, and what you make them. Thalmarkin wasnt big after the 4th invasion, and see now. I have no doubt Fronen can (and will) bounce back soon enough.
Everything in my own immediate experience supports my deep belief that I am the absolute center of the universe, the realest, most vivid and important person in existence.


Quote from: Tan_Serrai on August 23, 2012, 09:14:24 AM
Regarding documents: actually the riombaran system of laws has been both pretty stable /and/ used for several ages by now. I (as player) actually think it is one of the main reasons for Riombaras survival.

But it also had its difficult times and especially under Hvrek slipped away a great deal. The only reason it's still there is because there are several 'oldie' characters that strongly believe in those ideals and principles, and also have the power to ensure they are enforced. The Riombaran System has become a great part of her identity, but it needs upkeep. Granted, the set-up Riombara has with its Dukes and Advisory Council try to ensure this can happen.

Fronen's task will be to ensure some characters truly believe and stand behind that Constitution, preferably Dukes / Nobles in the Government and a Lord or two, so that they can enforce it, make it truly a part of Fronen, and convince newer Noble the righteousness of those rules. Once that happens, a Ruler change wont so quickly cause the Constitution to be disregarded, and if a Ruler does ignore it, it will most likely still be kept alive by the Nobles around him. Far from an easy task, but at least there are less Nobles to worry about for now :P

Tan dSerrai

Completely agree with Telrunya. In fact I think this is one of the most fascinating characteristics of BM that it mirrors the real world pretty closely in some facets: laws are only usable if a majority actually believes in them, if a majority is willing to follow them, if they are simple enough to be usable AND resistant against wildly different interpretation (and thus resistant against gamin the system). Take away one single one of these conditions and the whole system ceases to work. Next to a variety of other 'stuff', BM is a surprisingly exact RL politics simulator.


Speaking of unlucky Fronen, can someone confirm that this year-old bug is resolved? Please update the bug, I don't normally visit the Belu boards.



Quote from: Temeraire on September 20, 2012, 12:58:05 AM
Marshal's a bit of a tinpot.

heh. Our General, Marshal & Vice-Marshal are all new players (been playing under a year).


What happened in the invasion? Did everyone bail?

Draco Tanos


From Fronen? Yes.

Squall had a bit of a temper tantrum after we declined to return Wudenkin to him on a silver platter, so he left and took about 6 people with him. Then Carnes was annoyed that we didn't hand Wudenkin back to him (I gather), so he started cooking the books and stealing gold from every region in the realm until we protested him out of office, and now he's off looting rogue regions for gold. I'd ban him, but he's a Royal and he's not yet worth exiling.

In other words, the trials and tribulations continue, but we're slowly getting our feet under us. We just need more nobles. There will be lots of opportunity for lordships and what not in the future, so... Tell your friends.


I did a big recruiting push a few years ago when we were getting Alluran off the ground. I think they've all quit.